The tank should be at least double this size if you plan to keep more than one. Chili Rasboras are also extremely intolerant to the presence of Nitrogen in their water. If you’re having a hard time find the right sizes, I have some favorites listed below. Once parameters start fluctuating, you’ll lose chili rasboras relatively quickly. An ideal micro fish for nano tanks is the bright red Chili Rasbora. Generally, you can treat them with a broad spectrum antibacterial regardless of the particular bacteria at hand. Anything that’s not going to eat it, enjoys softer, acidic water, and doesn’t like a ton of water movement is a good match. pH: 4.0 – 6.5dKH: 0 – 3Temp: 74 – 86 F (24 – 30 C), Size: 2″ (5 cm)Temperament: Peaceful and shySwimming: Mid to bottom. Chili Rasboras. If their temperature swings drastically, you’ll likely experience issues with illnesses or deaths in your shoal. Yes! Chili rasboras won’t bother baby shrimplets and let them alone. pH: 3.0 – 8.0 Hardness: 0 – 25 dKHPlacement: Floating. These guys shouldn’t be kept in anything less than a 5-gallon in numbers less than 6. Chili rasboras are continuous spawners, meaning that there will be numerous opportunities to breed them. In addition, male chili rasboras tend to be more brightly colored and feature splashes of red on their dorsal, anal, and tail fins. Chili Rasbora is a beautiful and tiny schooling fish that are great in a nano tank or as part of a larger community tank. Because chili rasboras can eat the newly-born fry, it is best to set up a separate breeding tank. I need some advice about how many chili rasbora I should put in my 15 Gallon Tank. This time I quickly put it back in, now it seems alright. Chili Rasbora. Disclosure: we’re reader-supported! ), Chocolate Gourami (Sphaerichthys osphromenoides), Samurai Gourami (Sphaerichthys vaillanti), Cherry Barbs: Caring For The Most Underrated Barb. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. If you are looking for a gentle tempered fish, this is the one! As for filtration, these little guys can easily struggle against most levels of current, so you’ll want your sponge filter to be fairly low. You can keep as few as two chili rasboras, but they do prefer to be in groups. Tank Size: 20 gal (76 l) Scissortail rasboras … Some of the best dried options are golden pearls, decap brine shrimp eggs, crushed freeze-dried daphnia, and other small foods in the 100- to 150-micron range will be gladly accepted by small fry, anything under 500 should be easily accepted by small adults, and anything under 800 should be accepted by full-grown adults. Is there anything else I need to be on the lookout for? Test the water for pH and hardness before adding your fish. Set up areas where there is thicker plant cover as well as open water areas for swimming. Some popular options are diptails, Beckford’s, and coral. Chili Rasbora – Types, Tank Mates And Care Guide Chili Rasbora – Overview. Ideally, increase the tank size by one gallon per two Chili Rasboras. There’s not a ton of plants that chilis wouldn’t do well with. Introduction The Chili Rasbora is a beautiful, tiny schooling fish that is ideal for nano tanks or as part of larger community tanks. Keep them in the breeding tank until they have grown large enough to be introduced to the community tank. Chilis do best in shoals of six or more, with a heavy emphasis on “more.” Ideally, you’ll want to get at least a dozen to start your shoal. The biggest challenge with chili rasboras is that they are somewhat sensitive to water conditions. Start with a fine, dark-colored substrate. From there, if the fish are well-conditioned, they should spawn continuously while they’re in there. They do well in small groups and you can easily fit a school of 6 in a 5-gallon tank! before white spots even appear. Christmas Moss Care, Propagation, & Issues, Cottony growths on body, fins, eyes, and/or gills, Prior untreated infection (bacterial, parasitic, etc. Guppy grass is a great floating plant that adds depth, structure, and cover to any tank. They’re colorful, peaceful, and active, which makes them a fantastic addition to tanks that need a pop of color and some movement. However, they will start exploring the tank more once they feel comfortable. Brigittae is named for the discoverer’s wife. Java moss is an almost bulletproof plant that requires almost no care. Chili Rasbora Lifespan & Size. They also enjoy a planted tank, but be mindful that they do like to swim in open space, so be sure to include that in your layout. Aquarium Care. Proper filtration and lighting are also important for the chili rasbora. I included my betta species suggestions in the tankmate section. These are tiny fish. Keep up the water and tank conditions to ensure your fish has a long life. Ember tetras are bright, fun, tiny, shoaling fish that occur in South American black waters. Tank setup Water Parameters. Males will become more vividly colored, especially when competing for females. Scissortail Rasbora. Betta miniopinna is critically endangered, which means it’s one small step away from being extinct in the wild. The Chili Rasbora (Boraras brigittae), also known as the Mosquito Rasbora, is a strikingly beautiful nano fish that is very popular among aquarists due to its schooling behavior, peaceful disposition, and very small size. Java fern is a nearly indestructible low light plant that can put up with tons of abuse. Live food will be your best option if you can culture infusoria and keep enough going to get them through the critical first few weeks. When in their school, they are super fun to watch and have great personalities. These fish have distinct black markings on their body and fins and prefer heavily planted tanks with an acidic pH. After that, feed them infusoria for about 10 days or so. Here’s a good video if you want more information on the setup and process. Break up the water flow with plants or other decorations and clean the filter every few weeks. But provided with the right tank and dither fish, they’ll color up and exhibit fascinating behavior in your home aquarium! The bottoms of these streams and standing water are littered with decaying plant material and feature numerous roots and aquatic plants for hiding spaces. The underrated cousin to the German Blue Ram are often nearly colorless and shy in the store tanks. They will get along fine in community tanks, provided they are kept with other small and peaceful fish. Chili Rasboras are very peaceful fish and can actually be a bit timid at times. Science Mag – Tropical Peat Forests in Trouble, Crystal Red Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis), Parosphromenus harveyi (Licorice gourami sp. The typical things to look for are those that impact any freshwater aquarium fish: parasite and fungal infections. Maintain a water temperature between 68 and 82-degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 28 degrees C), with the ideal being around 74 degrees. Stocking suggestion about 20 Chili Rasbora per 5 gallons. Typically, Chili Rasboras will stick to the upper half of the aquarium. The resulting water, often called blackwater, should be clear yet tinted due to the tannins released from the added plant material. The tough part is that it’s nearly impossible to fully get rid of once it’s in your tank. Since they’re small, they don’t need massive amounts of open space in the tank, but a spot in the front and center would be a good choice. Water wisteria is a fast-growing plant good for keeping ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites under control. Difficulty: EasyGrowth: ModerateTemperature: 63 – 82 F (17 – 28 C), pH: 6.5 – 8.5 Hardness: 3 – 30 dKHPlacement: Planted. It is easy to see the appeal of the chili rasbora as an aquarium fish. If you want some high-maintenance plants you sand just isn’t going to cut it for you, the best plant substrates are listed below as well. Bacterial infection is a broad term, the bacteria family can cause a wide range of symptoms and come from varying causes. As with any fish, more space to swim, and plenty of hiding places make for a happier environment. Yes, they are that small! This tiny fish lives in quiet waters, heavily infused with peat and thus with very low acidity. Boraras is an anagram of the generic name Rasbora. You can try chopping bloodworms into smaller pieces or looking for frozen baby brine. They’re incredibly popular – although more expensive. pH: 5.8 – 7.4dKH: 0 – 4Temp: 62 – 76F (16 – 24C), Size: 1.25″ (3 cm)Temperament: PeacefulSwimming: Surfaces. These plants do well with low light and will help oxygenate the tank. When they first hatch, they’re insanely small and will need to be fed infusoria-sized foods. Origins. Using a water filter does not help as it can add high amounts of sodium to the water. Because of their small size and even smaller food size, it’s best to move them to a smaller container if your breeding container wasn’t small enough so they can easily find enough food. This makes them a perfect addition to a naturalistic tank. The pygmy cory (corydoras pygmaeus) is the smallest of all the corydoras species and – possibly – the smallest catfish in the world. Chili rasboras are very hardy fish and are not prone to any unique diseases. Fortunately, they don’t hunt down their eggs or fry like most fish will, so there’s a decent chance that you will see some fry start to pop out if there’s enough cover and micro-food in the tank. They’re not difficult to take care of, but they’re not a good option for beginners or new tanks because they’re sensitive to changes in water quality. You’ll … As mentioned before, the best tank setup for chili rasboras is as a species-only tank. Stability is the most important thing when it comes to keeping chili rasboras, so the more small water changes you can do, the better. Once the fry hatch, usually within a few days, they will feed off their egg sac for the first 24 hours. Other than that, they are not particularly susceptible to any unique diseases. The Chili Rasbora is a freshwater fish that inhabits soft, acidic water with tropical temperatures. Because this species is used to gentle waters in its natural habitat, the flow of whichever filter you install should be set as low as possible. A heavily-planted tank bottom will better conceal and protect the eggs. The big determining factor between males and females will be the more rounded or bulkier body shape in well-conditioned, mature females combined with the color differences. With these guys, it’s not as much about removing waste as it is about keeping the chemistry in their tank stable. OK for Planted Tanks? Then, they will have grown large enough to eat microworms. In addition to your fish, plan on purchasing water testing kits to monitor water conditions, a heater to maintain the temperature, and some plants to provide cover. pH: 6.0 – 7.5dKH: 1 – 10Temp: 68 – 83 F (20 – 28 C), Size: 3″ (8 cm)Temperament: PeacefulSwimming: Bottom to mid-water. It is very contagious, so treat it as soon as you notice it. Frozen food is a little bit tougher since most of the options are a bit large. Keep the hardness of the water in your tank between 3 and 12 dKH. It’s a small floating plant that’s impossible to kill and can quickly and cheaply cover the top of your tank. Above the dark stripe is another vibrant stripe of red. Vals come in a ton of varieties, but most of them are about the same to grow. You can, of course, opt for some thinner, slower-growing plants, but you’re either going to need to spend more upfront to fill your tank in or your chilis are going to be uncomfortable while they wait for the plants to bulk up. Once mating is complete, the female will scatter the eggs along the bottom of the tank. These fish are often sold online in groups ranging from three to 24. To start, you’ll want a few dominant males and at least 1 – 2 females per male in your tank. This is a nod to the reversed ratio of abdominal and caudal vertebrae in this genus. An endangered and slightly tricky to keep species, the samurai gourami makes a beautiful addition to most well-planned soft water tanks. If you don’t know where to start with sponge filters and air pumps, I’ve listed the best of those below for you as well. Particularly other small cyprinids (rasboras, minnows, tetras, etc.) These fish can live anywhere between four to eight years. Not just because of the natural feel and addition of tannins to the water, but also as a secondary food source of tiny microorganisms for them as well as any fry that may appear. A timer on the light can help ensure an 8 to 12-hour cycle. No other fish. Consider a larger tank if you plan to have live plants and/or other species. Please Note: All fish shipments have a 100% Live Arrival Guarantee when shipping with Overnig Add live aquatic plants and floating plants to provide the... Equipment. The internet tells me these parameters are not ideal but might work for the Chili Rasbora if I drip acclimate. Difficulty: Easy – food can be toughSize: .5″ (1 cm)Lifespan: 6 – 8 yearsTank Size: 5+ gallons (20+ liters)Diet: Omnivore – will take pelletsTemperature:  68 – 83F (20 – 28C), pH: 4.0 – 7.0Hardness:  1 – 10  dKHTemperament: Peaceful shoaling speciesBreeding: Easy, fry are a challengeSwimming: Top to mid-waterAvailability: Rare in store, common online. Change out a portion of the water monthly to prevent the buildup of unwanted ammonia and nitrite. Successfully breeding chili rasboras is easy, raising the fry to maturity is a feat for most. Like shrimp, they’re so small that they really don’t have a bioload (so you can do more per gallon, and I personally would, but two is what I suggest for most people.). Parosphromenus harveyi are difficult to find and tricky to care for, but they make a beautiful addition to a well-planned tank. However, if you are aiming for a large school or a community tank, then you obviously need a larger tank. Plan on monitoring the temperature and composition of the water, as well as regular tank cleaning, to ensure your chili rasboras thrive. Protein Skimmer: Ultimate Buying Guide plus 11 Reviews. Consider the following tank mates for your chili rasboras: As you might expect, this tiny species requires small-sized food sources. They will occasionally explore the bottom hiding spots and grassy areas if you have these in your tank. What is your experience with keeping Chili rasboras? In the wild, they eat all types of microscopic foods, such as plankton and worms. In their school, they give great fun to see great personalities. They’re peaceful, shy fish that need soft, acidic water to survive and generally don’t accept prepared foods well. Omnivore: Tropical flakes, mini pellets, frozen foods, bloodworms, etc. Rasbora is a friendly fish and goes well with other tank mates. Difficulty: EasyGrowth: FastTemperature:  64 – 86F (18 – 30C), pH: 5.0 – 8.0 Hardness:  2 – 25 dKH Placement: Floating.