A society where inequality is extreme cannot be policed effectively. So I've been reading a lot about Socialism and Communism recently, and as I understand it. Leftwingers dismiss Arab socialism with contempt as a half-hearted and inefficient compromise which has the merits neither of socialism nor of capitalism.”. These officials abolished property taxes, reduced regulations, and went to user fees. Functions were to be shifted from the elected representative, to the appointed official; . Socialism is a populist economic and political system based on the public ownership (also known as collective or common ownership) of the means of … Only a handful sees it for what it really is – the strong horse that pulls the whole cart.”. “Socialism for rich people is a terrible way to help the American families that are actually struggling,” McConnell said on the Senate floor Thursday. America has been the greatest beneficiary of a free economy in modern times, and perhaps all history. Call yourself a socialist? The social-economic component, although important, was seen as directly related to the wider issue of nationalism and freedom from colonial masters and their associated domestic elites. Socialism converted naturally rich areas such as China, Russia, Eastern Europe, South America, and much of sub-Sahara Africa into economic basket cases, and is well on its way to doing the same everywhere it operates. Despite what socialists say, people do not flock to the Workers’ Paradises of Cuba, North Korea, or any other controlled economy. As I see it, in today’s society Socialism is for rich people, Capitalism is for poor people. “The Windrush issue came about because the state put the interests of the collective ahead of those individuals who had come here perfectly legally prior to 1973, and … it was more convenient for the Home Office to make them prove who they were and show their papers. In a Socialist or Communist society, everyone's basic needs like food, housing, etc are provided free of charge, but if they want "extra" or more luxury items, then they'll have to work harder or put in overtime at their job. The Plymouth colonists tried it; starvation and death resulted. . Pfizer bails out of India after country demands safety testing for Covid vaccine, Aristotle and Plato must go. Please check out our wiki and consider visiting r/Socialism… There are two ways to obtain goods and services: through force (slavery and plunder) or free exchange (cooperation). In short order, a nomadic people created the highest civilization of its day, made the desert bloom, built magnificent cities in the midst of desolation, and advanced medicine, architecture, mathematics, philosophy, and the sciences to new heights. Socialism destroyed Venezuela because the answer to “who benefits from socialism” is “socialist leaders.” Money from the state-owned enterprises went not towards benefitting the beloved proletariat, but rather towards creating lives of unearned luxury for the socialist ruling class. It is obvious that the rich do not play by the same rules as the average person. Put up or shut up. That’s alright then. It is an impostor which leaves economic ruin and slavery in its wake. Can Someone Get "Rich" in a Communist or Socialist Society? Closer to home, Big Water, Utah offers another example. The free market rewards efficiency and quality. Where there was a need, someone filled it to the benefit of all concerned. I often think of this when I hear the phrase “champagne socialist”. They understood that men are born free to go about their lives unmolested to the extent of not infringing on the right of others to be secure in their persons and property. Other look upon it as a cow that they can milk. It is exactly the same in the UK. Socialists were also smeared by conservative elements as elite saboteurs. The Republican establishment promises to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with something else. Socialism Or Capitalism… You Get To Decide. This is socialism… and this isn't. They saw government’s role as protecting these rights by maintaining law and order, and the general conditions which encourage people to look after their own welfare through personal initiative and responsibility. Imagine a headline: “SNAPPED – the Conservative politicians giving YOUR money to charity”. But it does mean that there must be some way in which the ultimate purpose of feminism or socialism, which is to further the cause of equality, is advanced. The replacement of individual action by a public organization could achieve socialism without public support. a scientific bureaucracy appointed by representative bodies which would have diminishing activity and importance. The civilizations which practiced it to a high degree, experienced the greatest economic and social development. They are correct in that our present economic system fosters these ills. Wells, predicted in his 1908 book New Worlds for Old: Socialism would cease to be an open revolution, and would instead become a subtle plot. But don’t wait for the President or members of Congress who favor such government intervention in the marketplace to refer to their philosophy of government as socialism, for that would alienate their targeted constituency. They promise freedom, but deliver bondage; the only freedom is from individual responsibility. As a result, by the time of the French and Indian War (1754-1763), Americans enjoyed a high standard of living, a very productive economy, a large middle class, and the greatest personal freedom on earth. (Libertarians are the philosophical descendants of the classical liberals who founded this nation.) Wells was so impressed with Roosevelt’s policies that during his 1934 visit to the Soviet Union, he “tried to persuade Stalin that Roosevelt’s New Deal was the beginning in America of a movement toward socialism.” (H.G. Benedict LaRosa [send him mail] is a historian and writer with undergraduate and graduate degrees in history from the U.S. Air Force Academy and Duke University, respectively. Socialism doesn’t work because it is flawed. The Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, throughout his reign, claimed to live in a humble fisherman’s … GM has got more than $600m in federal contracts, … It is, at its core, about making life fairer and accounting for structural scaffolding that rigs the system in favour of the few. Socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor is a classical political-economic argument that states that, in advanced capitalist societies, state policies assure that more resources flow to the rich than to the poor, for example in the form of transfer payments..