The plant’s strategy is to capture nutrients from the decomposing material. 90% is a good ballpark. Even if you only grow this species, it can be a diverse collection. It is especially well known in Asia and parts of Europe, but they’re a little more elusive in North America. A post shared by Tabitha (@anthuriumaddict). Though rather new to the market, Pedatoradiatum isn’t hard to find. Anthuriums prefer a coarse, well-draining potting. The foliage is velvety and thick, hanging pendent-like from the petiole. With support, a mature plant can tower above your collection with stems reaching over twelve feet high – individual leaves may be three feet long! There are many hybrids, too. A post shared by Áureo Natal de Paula (@aureonatal). The Jenmanii does well with typical Anthurium treatment. This super-rare variety offers a different interpretation on texture, featuring a tasteful, finely incised vein pattern on its foliage. This large epiphytic species features thin, triangular leaves with extra-wide lobes. They don’t mind brief semi-drying out periods. The white veins aren’t the most intricate or defined, but the Magnificum’s thick, velvety leaves can grow over two feet long! This extra-large birds-nest Anthurium is also called a Pheasant’s Tail Anthurium for their long, plume-like ruffled leaves. This is a tabletop creeping Anthurium with deeply grooved leaves that have a stylish “pebble” surface. Be extra careful not to overwater. This plant prefers high humidity and temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The plant looks more stunning the larger it gets: its leaves grow over two feet long and almost as wide. Keep in mind that Anthuriums are highly variable; even the leaves on the same plant may look different. If you live in a terrarium or climate equivalent, the Ovatifolium can make a fantastic centerpiece. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Anthurium crystallinum . It’s definitely a plant for more experienced collectors. This plant is on the firing line, so proceed knowingly. It’s a plant that turns heads, but you don’t see this variety very often. The Schlechtendalii can tolerate lower humidity and a range of moderate indirect light. A post shared by Lin Che-Wei (@darthvaderiana). It is actually rare to find the original Hookeri – breeders haven’t been able to resist crowding the market with an abundance of cultivars. This prized Anthurium is a Mexican epipetric (rock-growing) species with a show-stopping vein pattern on thick, fuzzy foliage. The elongated, lance-shaped glossy leaves have decorative horizontal ridges that arc from either side of the prominent central vein running down their length. The Rotundistigmatum requires standard Anthurium treatment – you know the drill: high humidity and open soil that stays slightly moist. These species of anthurium have dark green fuzzy leaves with lightly variegated yellow markings, giving the leaves a brushed appearance. It’s one of the largest in the Araceae family. Their spathes are especially long-lasting. As new air roots form above the soil over the following weeks, lightly pack additional potting mix around the exposed roots. It is safe and recommended to use liquid fertilizer throughout the growing period. This handsome Brazilian birds-nest variety features subtly patterned, dark green, paddle-shaped leaves that rise in a circle on medium-sized petioles. This trending variety is so new it hasn’t even been officially defined (its tentative name is Bullatus). The Forgetii is often sold as being easy to keep, but there are serious caveats. Other varieties feature large-leaved, deeply veined foliage. A post shared by ? They become truly breath-taking over time. This Mexican newcomer has been billed as the “Largest Anthurium in the World.” It may technically take second place to the Regale, but Faustino’s Giant still has broad leaves that can reach four feet tall and wide. It’s becoming rare in the wild, too. It needs high humidity and cool temperatures that match its elevated ancestry. ... A. crystallinum has a thin, dull purple flower that smells good, but doesn’t look like much. Guide to Specialist and Nurseries, Online Garden Centres. This species projects aroid power with its huge, emerald heart-leaf shaped leaves. It’s a gateway into collecting. It likes moderate indirect light and to dry out slightly between waterings. There are many Wendlingeri cultivars with foliage: fat to skinny, long- or short-leaved, textured or uniform. $34.99. It’s a native of mountainous Ecuadorian cloud forests and needs sky-high humidity and cool temperatures with daytime highs near 70ºF (21ºC) and 50ºF (10ºC) at night. Anthurium Crystallinum $ 50. The rippling texture increases as the leaf grows. It’s not too hard to find this sought-after species, but the price is daunting enough to encourage experience with other fussy Anthuriums before purchase. This outstanding texture-collector’s species has heavily veined leaves with a deeply bubbled texture that looks like corrugation. It requires moderate humidity and moderate to bright indirect light, but it’s not overly fussy. The narrow leaves splay on thin petioles and reach from three to six feet long in proper conditions. This special plant varies in wildly in price and availability, and it isn’t common anywhere. Despite its recent appearance, this quirky Anthurium is already climbing the charts. This makes it challenging to find a specific variation, but the abundance means you’re sure to find one to love. It is easy to keep and grows steadily in humidity above 60%. This rare, “red-line” endangered Ecuadorian epiphyte is in demand with growers who prize highly textured leaves. They have a center spike, or spadix, which holds tiny flowers; the colorful part we consider the flower is actually a modified leaf called a bract or spathe. Central America, northern South America, Caribbean. It has thick, narrow, almost bluish-green leaves with a raised central vein. Bedanya, tanaman ini memiliki daun lebar berbentuk jantung warnanya hijau tua dengan urat hijau muda keputih-putihan. Its elongated, lance-shaped leaves display stunning, silvery white veins that radiate in a brilliant splay pattern. Though it resembles a Clarinervium, each leaf of the Forgetii is different and has varying degrees of silvery-white veining. Coriaceums are accessible pricewise, but they aren’t everywhere. The plant has broad, rounded, textured green leaves with sepia-toned undersides that grow to about 18 inches long. This broad-leafed rare variety has shield-shaped, velvety leaves that grow up to four feet long. The Warocqueanum does best hanging from a basket or high shelf from where she can gracefully drape her long leaves. Each of the green, highly variable leaves has undulating edges and splays out from a central stem. The rich, velvety foliage is a glowing green and has faint, distinct and attractively patterned veins. Some growers claim the plant will tolerate medium humidity of 55%. Unfortunately, the Queen doesn’t make an easy houseplant. They can vary slightly in form, but each leaf has distinct lobes and a stiff and cardboard-like feel; they perch on thin upright stalks. Anthurium Forgetii. Plant Circle is an online rare plant shop with unique selection of plants for the true plant lovers! The genus Anthurium belonging to the family Araceae, includes over 500 species reported. Young plants have little texturing and don’t stand out, but their ridges increase as they grow. The impressive leaves can grow over six feet long. It’s a continuously changing plant. The plant is not too delicate if its needs are met, but its care requires diligent effort. Use a fertilizer high in phosphorus, and dilute it to half strength to feed the plants every two weeks or so. It does well mounted or in a hanging basket. Join the waitlist to be emailed when this product becomes available. The Corrugatum prefers humidity of 70% or more. Though not particularly fussy, the Vittarifolium is a tree-dweller that needs high humidity. Organic formulas are beneficial. Birds-nest Anthuriums adapt well to average humidity. This touchy Anthurium is best reserved for a more experienced grower. Scientific and Common Plant Names with growing and care notes. Do Hydroponic Plants Grow Faster Than Soil? Adjust the mix to your location: if your climate is dry, consider adding peat; in humid conditions use more perlite and bark. When an anthurium fills up its pot with roots and begins to send up plentiful air roots, it is time to repot. The Wendlingeri is loved for its dramatic pendant leaves and famously long corkscrew spadix that looks like party streamers. They are members of the Araceae family, informally known as aroids, a fascinating group that includes other favorites like Philodendrons, Alocasias, and Monsteras. Care is straightforward, but this is a total epiphyte that needs chunky, loose soil which doesn’t dry out completely. They aren’t common and may require a search, but they are (currently) reasonable. A post shared by tukang keboon (@ma.liqqq). They make excellent indoor specimens and are just as hardy and easy to care for as their larger relatives. Quick View. Anthuriums need time to acclimate to a new location. Some growers divide the species into two forms with either faint or bright veins. It’s been confused with the Splendidum in the past and there’s a lot of variation between individual specimens, so be sure your seller is reliable. No two plants are exactly alike. This Anthurium is one of the few species whose fruit is part of its appeal. This spectacular plant has slender, long, belt-like leaves that drape down from centralized petioles. Many Anthuriums are epiphytes but grow as terrestrial plants for at least part of their life. No matter how large your collection becomes, the Clarinervium will surely be a highlight. ONLY 4 AVAILABLE! The plant thrives in a range of moderate light conditions and doesn’t complain about medium humidity if properly watered. Some species are highly prized for their bright, exotic flowers, while others are grown mostly for their foliage. Prices have somewhat normalized … but seek out a variegated species if you have too much money. Anthurium crystallinum $ 149.00. Now for the bad news. New leaves emerge in a glowing reddish brown that gradually transforms into green. This phenomenally beautiful variety has been dubbed the “Queen” Anthurium. A post shared by U.S. Botanic Garden (@usbotanicgarden). Wild anthuriums generally live in temperatures at or above 60 degrees Fahrenheit and the foliage types prefer temperatures even warmer. With so many cultivars being bred, the retail names are not always strictly applied. Healthy Anthuriums aren’t prone to disease, but struggling specimens can contract bacterial infections. Its foliage looks adorably oversized. The cutting should develop roots within four to six weeks, and new growth shoots will soon follow. An up-and-comer still making a name for itself, this aroid beast isn’t too pricey but is only sporadically available. The plant is a slow grower that stays compact. This prized species features unforgettable, quilt-like corrugation. The Lumina’s leaf shape is wavy, as if it were rippling in the wind. Many anthuriums are climbers and all need high humidity and warmth to thrive. If dry or drafty locations, the foliage on anthuriums may scorch. Information is still a little sparse, but the Doroyaki’s gemlike beauty has put it in the spotlight … and it’s priced accordingly. This baby is grown purely for the show-stopping foliage. The foliage is variable and may have overlapping top lobes. Typically living as an epiphyte in the wild, the Superbum’s leaves form a bowl that invites nesting birds – or, at least, collects dead foliage and other forest matter. A potting mix tailored for orchids, with a few handfuls of sand and a few handfuls of peat moss mixed in, is ideal. Read my guide to Anthurium clarinervium care for more info. All species of anthurium are native tropical plants and mimicking those conditions will give you the best chances for success. Both Anthurium varieties share a beautiful pattern of bright veins – the Crystallinum’s may be shinier. Regular price $110.00 Sale price $110.00 Regular price. This Peruvian newcomer to the market has large, light-green leaves with striking white veins. The foliage splays outward from its central stem; it has a stiff, velvety texture and unusual triangle-shaped petioles. Many Anthuriums have a big personality – here’s one of the biggest. A post shared by Frog Wranglers (@daddysnodes). Anthurium is a genus of around 1,000 species of perennial plants native to Central America, northern South America, and the Caribbean. There’s a spectacular variegated version, too. Each highly variable leaf can reach to just over a foot in length. It’s still entering production and isn’t always available; its price reflects the situation. The trick is to provide sufficient humidity without encouraging rot, so their soil should be extremely fast-draining. It’s sometimes confused with the Gracile, so double-check before buying. The plant doesn’t need to be treated like a diva, though. It originates from tropical Equador, however: you can bet that it likes humidity, moisture, well-aerated soil, and indirect light. It’s not hard to locate a Forgetii; rather, it’s not hard to find a plant being SOLD as one. 8 /17. ", Snake Plant (Mother-in-Law's Tongue) Profile, How to Grow and Care for the Autograph Tree. It combines features from several categories: narrow straplike foliage, a bubbled bullate texture, fingerlike trisected shape, and a pendant growth habit. Common varieties sold as house plants include: Anthuriums are collector's plants, and many of the most magnificent varieties are rarely found outside of greenhouses and botanical gardens. Arranged in a centralized, upright growth pattern, the foliage has a sculptured, prehistoric look. Indoors or out, anthuriums grow best in bright, indirect light. It is commonly called the Red Pearls Anthurium for the bright red berries it produces along its spadix. If your plant fails to support itself, give it a stake or small trellis to climb on. These cultivars won’t breed true but are distributed as exact, cloned copies. Quantity Discounts Available!! Growers in sufficiently humid climates can maintain the plant by summering it outdoors and moving it inside to avoid weather extremes. The Balaoanum is an ephiphyte that needs chunky, soil and good airflow. New leaves emerge with a rich chocolate color and gradually deepen into their adult green. The Doroyaki grows closer to the ground than the Crystallinum. If you’re not prepared for a challenging search, perhaps avoid seeing a mature specimen … you may find the plant difficult to resist once you’ve glimpsed its potential. This Anthurim is an essential for any Aroid plant collector. That’s a lot of vein exposure. Young leaves emerge with pale colors that deepen as they mature. A particularly popular hybrid is one crossed with a larger-leaved variety, Dressleri. Leaf color and width can vary. Normally, this is necessary every two years or so. On the one hand, desirable plants may find preservation in human cultivation … but reckless purchases add fuel to the poaching fire. Pachycentria glauca - potted. And it grows more magnificent over time. The plant is a showoff too: the leaves perch on long thin stalks displaying its vein-quilted texture. By ticking this box you agree to an account being created using the given email address and to receive waitlist communications by email. New leaves emerge with a mirror-like surface that reflects light, but the leaf loses this shininess with maturity. The leaves are also more elongated and lance-like, tapering to a narrow point. The Crystallinum is a gorgeous cousin of the Clarinervium. Jon VanZile is a Master Gardener and the author of "Houseplants for a Healthy Home. This is an oldtime collector’s favorite that was being grown in European hothouses back in the late 1800s. It’s not too fussy about humidity and likes moderate to bright indirect light. Young specimens have generic heart-shaped leaves that are easy to overlook. Enthusiasts usually come to favor certain plant types. The large, upright paddle leaves create a strong sculptural element. Quick View. The plant lives mainly as a rainforest epiphyte and needs loose soil and doesn’t like intense light. Anthurium is a genus of around 1,000 species of perennial plants native to Central America, northern South America, and the Caribbean. Join Waitlist. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Unit price / per . The leaves are rich green with a bluish cast. A post shared by Emily (@plantthepainaway). A post shared by Longevity Garden (@thelongevitygarden). Both the flowers and leaves are narrow and ribbon-shaped and point upward. The plant requires warmth and high humidity and is intolerant with less. These plants can be grown outside only in zones 11 to 12, and will likely perish at temperatures 40 degrees or less. It has larger foliage, more fungal resistance, and better cold tolerance than the Radicans. There’s also a Waterburyanum hybrid that’s more resilient, though its veining is not so stunning. Mail Order Plants and Online Nurseries. Epiphytic Anthuriums do best in a chunky, open mix similar to an orchid’s. This popular strap-leaved epiphyte has dark-green, draping foliage that can grow over six feet long and just three inches wide. A post shared by Bali_Tropical_Plants (@bali_tropical_plants). Whatever their shape, the bright green leaves have character. 6458 Anthurium forgetii x crystallinum. The paper-thin, light-green leaves hang upright on splayed stems and ripple subtly down their length. Anthuriums have been getting a lot of attention, and for good reason. Be aware that many undefined hybrids and undocumented species are sold as Magnificums. She can grow steadily if you give her warmth, high humidity (90% is not too much). The plant does its own thing. Optimal conditions aren’t easy to provide, however: the plant needs high humidity and cool temperatures (especially at night); they are frost tender. Bullate-leaved specimens with bubbly, corrugated textures. The light green leaves grow to two feet long by a foot wide.