Players will now be able to complete the Ember Court unlock questline even while the World Quest "Tea Tales" is active. ", Fixed an issue where Sika could despawn during the Kyrian Covenant Campaign chapter "Phaestus, Genesis of Aeons.". Kindred Spirits (Kyrian Ability) added damage will no longer incorrectly remove Spell Reflection from the target. Corrected an issue where Soul Rot (Night Fae Ability) was unable to be used if the warlock was low on health. Absorb shields and pets are no longer effective against Threat Level 5: Immediate Extermination. Sludgefist’s health reduced by 12% on Normal difficulty. "A Friendly Rivalry" can now be turned in while the “Training Regimen” World Quest is available. No more cheetahs with a deep dinosaur voice running around out there. “Calling the Champions” now gives credit to all party members. Fixed an issue that prevented the Infinitely Divisible Ooze trinket from scaling with some player stats. Added in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Corrected the back seats of the Revendreth Carriages so players are no longer hovering in the wrong direction when riding in back. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. Crystalline Reflection (Legendary Effect) damage will no longer cause players to stand up while they are eating or drinking. displaying as incomplete should be fixed the next time they return to Oribos. Players above level 50 now properly retain their full combat bonus when fighting enemies from the Legion expansion. The screen visual effect of Blinding Flash is now less severe and less sudden. The Empyreal Ordnance trinket from the Spires of Ascension dungeon should now only drop for caster specializations. Included Auras. Periodic heals present prior to Consumptive Infusion’s effect triggering will no longer consume the trinket’s effect. Screen effect for players standing in Stonequake has been changed. Wingsmash is now ready to help fight Harika the Horrid in Revendreth no matter how many players give him weapons at the same time. Fixed an issue where groups doing the Bastion quest "The Work of One's Hands" could get into a state where the heat bar would fail to progress. The point of interest indicator for “Beast Control” should now be easier to see on the map. Changed a setting that should allow players to consistently see and interact with others in their group in the four Shadowlands zones and the introductory Maw. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Spiritwalker's Tidal Totem. Challenging Shout's cooldown will now correctly reset when a raid encounter ends. PvP trinkets should no longer break stuns that weren't breakable with conventional stun breaks (e.g. Theotar apologizes profusely for his inadvertent rudeness in neglecting your previous invitations. Fixed an issue where certain enemies would drop incorrect items during the scenario "The Greater Good.". Mindgames (Venthyr ability) will now display on nameplates to the casting Priest. Warlock’s Corruption will no longer be removed from enemies when using the teleporters. ", Fixed an issue where groups could have difficulties completing the Bastion quest "Step Back From That Ledge, My Friend. Resolved an issue where abilities would change their sequence if Artificer Xy’mox changes phases before casting Dimensional Tear. Fixed an issue where players could unintentionally enter the Necrotic Wake dungeon during the world quest "Air Supremacy.". Windfury Totem procs now have sound and the volume of the Maelstrom Weapon proc sound has been lowered. Night Fae characters in Soulshape form can now pass through the barrier protecting Skuld Vit. Fixed an issue where “Replenishing the Reservoir” could not be progressed while in a raid group. Deadsoul Chorus now appears less frequently within a single floor. Spirit of Redemption no longer counts as two deaths on the battlegrounds scoreboard. Download the client and get started. Illusionary Vulpin is no longer immune to Death Grip and disorient abilities. Fixed an issue where General Kaal would respawn after she was defeated. Go forth and intimidate your enemies with a clearer /roar! Slain gorms should now drop loot as intended. Forsworn Helion no longer use the Crescendo ability. Resolved an issue where Mojo Infusion was being affected by a player's Haste when freeing Bwonsamdi from Primeval Grasp. Hand of Freedom). Service In Stone (General Draven Soulbind) will now correctly trigger when the Death Knight dies due to Purgatory (Talent). Fixed an issue where the Shade of Kael'thas could fail to disappear when defeated. Corrected an issue where the Secrets of the Unblinking Vigil (Legendary Effect) was being consumed at the same time as the Lock and Load (Talent) effect. ", Elite monsters now give more credit during the Maldraxxus Bonus Objective "Decaying Situation.". Reduced Entropic Cascade’s visual effects during the Lightforged Draenei Allied Race quest “The Lightforged.”. Battle for Azeroth creatures that increase their health as the player’s item level increases now stop scaling at a lower, more appropriate item level. Fixed an issue where Giant Fists would sometimes not hit the closest player to Sludgefist’s melee target. Echoes of the great sundering legendary tracker ... // ", Fixed an issue where the world map marker would not display for the quest "Choosing Your Purpose.". Aspirant Eolis should now still be able to be summoned if one player loots the Fragile Humility Scroll without using it. Memory of the Great Sundering Item Level 1 Binds when picked up Unique Fixed an issue where completing the Paragon's Challenge during the Bastion World Quest "Flight School: Flapping Frenzy" could fail to grant credit for both the. Fixed an issue where using a Shadowlands Character Boost on a Hunter may leave it without access to a pet. Fixed an issue where players who were not eligible to close Swelling Tears in Bastion could see them. The preferences of every guest are now always displayed in the Guest List, even before you've discovered them for the first time. Fixed an issue with Tear of Morning ( Runecarving ) that caused Enveloping Mists to not spread Renewing Mists. Fixed an issue where, when Signet of Tormented Kings (Legendary Effect) would trigger a second Ravager, any existing Ravagers would stop dealing damage and generating Rage. Etherdiver no longer use the Maw-Touched Spittle ability. Fixed an issue that caused the shared cinematic for Maldraxxus and Revendreth Campaigns to not play for Venthyr players. It is looted from Mueh'zala. Lady Inerva Darkvein’s health reduced by 10% on Normal and Heroic difficulties. Fixed an issue where players who disconnect during the Kyrian Campaign quest "Stronger Together" would be unable to reach the Zerekriss. Class theorycrafting community, latest simulation results and resources -based on SimulationCraft- for World of Warcraft. Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Condemn (Venthyr Ability) to incorrectly display as Execute when switching into a talent specialization with the Massacre talent chosen. The hotfix notes for the previous patch can be found here. Fixed a bug that was causing PvP trinkets’ spell visuals and sounds to not play. Nearly a carbon copy of the Legion Legendary Echoes of the Great Sundering, this legendary stands at the top for AoE and close to it for single-target. Additionally, the overall healing has been increased by 36% and the overall damage increased by 56%. Echoes of Great Sundering. Rift Blast cast time increased to 3.75 seconds on Normal difficulty (was 3 seconds). They have since come to an agreement that you need no further training and are once again ready to assist. Resolved an issue that could prevent players from being healed by Collective Anguish’s (Legendary Effect) Fel Devastation. Fleshcraft's channel will no longer be canceled at the start of an arena match. The Path of Greed effect gained when opening certain Revendreth Treasures can now be removed by right clicking the effect’s icon. The level 60 water now returns 40,000 mana and the level 55 water was increased to return 20,000 mana. Signet of Tormented Kings (Legendary Effect) no longer has a cooldown on how often its effect can occur. The Frothing Pustule that spawn from the Infinitely Divisible Ooze trinket will now attack Grand Proctor Beryllia in Sanguine Depths. Reduced the health of enemies when 4 or 5 players are present. All council members will now stay within the dance hall and allow for the encounter to be reset. Unceasing Chain Link causes Finishing Moves to increase the damage of your next combo point generator by 150% (was 100%). The damage from Refracted Sinlight should now properly align with the beam’s visual effect. Empowered Coldheart Agents cast Shadow Spear less frequently. Fixed an issue where training dummies in covenant sanctums would keep players in combat for too long. Fixed an issue with Sephuz's Proclamation (Legendary Effect) granting its buff regardless of whether the crowd controlling ability was successful or not. Zandalari Trolls will no longer display a duplicate visual effect when casting Celestial Alignment. Observer Zelgar, Kosarus the Fallen, Binder Baritas, and Warden of Souls have had minor ability adjustments to be more melee friendly. Vendors in Torghast now offer anima powers for your Beast of Prodigum if a Beast is present. This anima power can be selected a maximum of 3 times (was 5). Valiant Strikes (Soulbind) stacks will now be cleared at the start of battleground and arena matches. Resolved an issue where enemies afflicted with the Blinding Smoke Capsule debuff would engage in combat with the player if they got too close but not attack them. Unstable Affliction's damage is now increased by Shadow Embrace and Haunt (Talent). 2 versions. Fixed an issue that caused Smoking Shard of Teleportation (Torghast Anima Power) to not work properly if an active demon isn't summoned. Enemies should be less likely to link together in overly large groups when tower forces and prisoners are engaged in combat. Fixed an issue with the Campaign Chapter progress text requesting players to rescue Laurent from the Ember Ward instead of the correct requirements to complete the chapter. Baroness Vashj is now able to multitask and will accept the turn in for the Maldraxxus quest “Straight to the Heart” while she’s engaged in combat. Using Banish while in the Crushing Embrace of a Slime Tentacle within Plaguefall will now release you. Fixed an issue where the beneficial effect of the Prideful affix would not be applied to Priests in Spirit of Redemption form. Fixed an issue where the quests following the Covenant Campaign quests "A Call to Service" could become unavailable if players logged out before accepting the next quest. Fixed an issue that caused the automatic guest list refresh that occurs after the Ember Court scenario to incorrectly consume a Blank Invitation. Players who pass through Oribos, the Eternal City, and have an extra Broken Kyrian Flute in their bags that they cannot get rid of, should be taken care of thanks to an undisclosed Broker contact in the area. The Engineering gadgets Momentum Redistributor Boots and 50UL-TR4P are no longer usable in rated arenas and battlegrounds. Improved the visual performance on Empyreal Ordnance. Fixed an issue that caused the Stagger passive to not apply to the character when switching specializations while in Soulshape (Night Fae Ability). Neural Pet Enhancer will no longer sometimes incorrectly be retained on your pet while not using Eyes of the Beast. Punish the Guilty (Potency Conduit) damage has been reduced by 70%. Fixed an issue that caused the quest "Sanctum Upgrade: Mirror Network" to display twice for players who had completed Laurent’s rescue mission. Fixed an issue where the Covenant Sanctum report was displaying the incorrect status of the wildseeds growing in the Queen’s Conservatory. Empowered Coldheart creatures no longer cast Fallen Armaments or Dark Fortress. 0 collections. Harmful effects of Necrotic Bolt reduced by 40% when cast by non-boss enemies. Tooltips will be updated to reflect this in a future patch. Weapons sold for Conquest by Zo'sorg in Oribos will not require additional Achievements to purchase. You can now obtain the quest items for “Signs of the Lion” from higher layers of Twisting Corridors. This week, Nurgash Muckformed is available to be defeated in Ardenweald! Fixed an issue that caused the Crystalline Tear required for the quest “Long Forgotten Memories” to sometimes become unresponsive after a player previously on the quest did not complete the quest event correctly. Nasho is now less distracted when rushing into the Forgotten Forge to stop Specialist Entra during the world quest “Forged in Secret.”. After rescuing Essence of Z'rali and before the final fight, General Kaal now removes her Evasive Mantle upon entering combat to alleviate an issue if she is pulled to her next position in the gauntlet early. The companion buff indicators now remain visible when swapping between the Companions and Adventures tabs on the Command Table. Corrected an issue that could cause players to have reduced combat bonuses against level 40 and lower enemies (notably legacy raid and dungeon content) when leveling past 50. Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. ", Fixed an issue to make it easier for multiple players in the area to receive credit properly during the quest "Succumbing to Pride. Increased the healing done by Infuser's Boon to 200% per stack on Normal and Heroic difficulties (was 50%). Fixed an issue where the Tithelord could sometimes become stuck during the first phase of the quest "The Tithelord. Resolved an issue where Ray of Frost (Talent) would sometimes not grant 2 charges of Fingers of Frost after the channeled icy beam has completed. Fixed an issue where Kyrian players who disconnected, summoned, or otherwise left the vehicle during the quest "Fight and Flight" would not be placed near Xandria and may be unable to interact with her. Resolved an issue that prevented Stroke of Elegance from reducing the cooldown of Celestial Brew. "Snacks for Stonehead" should now correctly be available to all players in the Ember Ward. Memory of a Relentless Inquisitor (Legendary Effect) can now be crafted by all three specializations. Fixed an issue that prevented Frostbite Wand (Torghast Anima Power) from healing targets under the effect of Cyclone. Fixed an issue where some players could not interact with Gatamatos during the Bastion World Quest "Training Regimen. The Signaling Beacon required for completing the Maw quest “Rule 3: Trust is Earned” should no longer be affected by combat in its vicinity. Fixed an issue where the Bastion treasure at the Grace of the Remembered could experience issues for players who left quickly after interacting with the Drink Tray.