Some of the common dog breeds in Spain or breeds that originated from Spain include: If you have a Chihuahua, be sure to check out: Chihuahua Names: Male, Female, Cute, & Mexican. 11. Matadors, or bullfighters, are quite famous in … And if not, you might be looking for the perfect name for your Spanish or Latin dog breed. With meaning Whatever the … Try to practice in pronouncing the dog names in Spanish and you will find a perfect Spanish Chihuahua name. Calling your Chihuahua multiple names will confuse them, so only use a single name. - Enrique Miller you are so rude. Chihuahuas come from Mexico, which speaks Spanish today. Z A very fun name screams Mexico whenever and wherever you hear it. Ab K This list is packed with ideas for every kind of Chihuahua — coming right up! Product prices are the same whether you buy through our links or not. Without meaning D Our Female Chihuahua Names Suggestions and Lists. Chihuahua Names In Spanish. Selecting the best name from our chihuahua names list for your chihuahua dog is easier. Find the best name for your dog! These dogs were likely descended from the Techichi, which is an extinct breed of dog from South America. In Spanish, the word Chiquita means little girl. Which would be pequeño or pequeña, depending on the gender if the dog. If you have a male chihuahua name that isn’t … pyreness matiff the breed. 12. Adriana: This Mexican name would be a great name for a puppy. You know, Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world originated from Mexico. Mexican Dog Names Inspired by Spanish Words. Mr, Do you want a dog name with meaning? Get free access to 38.000 dog names, learn how to find the perfect name for your puppy and take a look at our puppy preparation training. Burrito: Flour tortilla with meat, beans, and cheese, Elsa: Vow to God (also a Disney's Frozen name! Of course, Spain is not the only Spanish-speaking country, so we must also add some Mexican dog names into the mix, or whatever Spanish-speaking country you have in mind. Would suit a chihuahua. Which would be pequeño or pequeña, depending on the gender if the dog. When it comes to Spanish or Mexican dog names for these breeds, we have your back! Are you looking for the best Chihuahua names? When you are going to search in totally different nationalities for dog names you will get inspired. Naming a dog should be a special time and not be rushed as this dog will be your companion for many years to come. The most common – and most likely – theory is that Chihuahuas are descended from the Techichi, a companion dog favored by the Toltec civilization in Mexico. There is a big chance you will find more dog names that are closely related to Spanish Chihuahua names. However, one study found that most modern Chihuahuas are not that closely related to this “original Chihuahua”. If you are looking for some amazing Chihuahua names for your little friend, take a look at this … B These Mexican and Spanish Chihuahua names draw from celebrities who fell in love with the breed and their Chihuahuas. The Chihuahua is a nervous and intelligent dog that searches for games and attention constantly. Have a look through our list of alphabetized popular dog names to find good pet names for the smallest member of your family. The Spanish dog names are closely related to Mexican dog names.It may be a good idea to use the dog name generator and change your preferences and get inspired by Mexican dog names. The Chihuahua is a special dog breed, it is the smallest dog breed in the world, so it deserves a special name that reflects that. Added to the Chihuahua names list when my in-laws named their Chi Lucy. V The Spanish language flows smoothly and sounds pleasant to the ears due, in part, to it being a romance language. You may also rate the puppy names that you like or dislike the most. Yes, in a few days Added to the Chihuahua names list when my in-laws named their Chi Lucy. All these features could work as the proper starting point for your quest to badass Chihuahua names. Celaya: Location names like this one would also be great dog names. Many owners make the mistake of calling their Chihuahua by two or more different names. Originating from Mexico, they are named after the state of Chihuahua. i love these names! Valencian Podenco. Please fill in your e-mail address to get free access to our dog name generator and find the perfect dog name in 7 proven steps. Pitbull Dog Names: Hey guys, are you looking for pitbull names for your new puppy?Do you want the most popular Pitbull names for male and female dog?If yes, then this article is for you. You can sort these Spanish names by gender and you can view their full meanings by clicking on the name. For example, Rico means yummy/delicious or in some cases rich not strong. Angel: This name is just perfect for a sweet, dainty little companion that has an angelic face and a loyal personality. Great Mexican names for a Chihuahua would be the Spanish words for small and tiny, for example. Choose from more than 30,000 dog names! I did the female chihuahua name post a week or so ago so now it’s time for the boys.. Be sure to check out our page on chihuahua puppies to see all our articles on chihuahua puppies. F Spanish Dog Names. Well, they can be. Case in point, I had a cat once that dug in the litter box and not only covered up his stuff, but his sister's as well. Chihuahua City Chihuahua City, the capital of the state, was originally named San Felipe el Real de Chihuahua. They are cute, fast, courageous, alert dedicated and famous for their lovely characteristics. N A female dog name Grandee... A Spanish noble. W July 25, 2018 June 30, 2018 by FurrMommy. Like you can even make a good website. with all due respect, the meanings of all the names aren't accurate, Best spanish name for a dog? Please make a choice Many people view the Chihuahua as a bite-sized ball of energy, sass and attitude, but, some are very shy and timid – it all depends on the dog!. Male Chihuahua names can vary from something fun, or even funny, to something with a masculine touch. If you find difficulties with finding a Chihuahua dog name in Spanish you could broaden your horizon. Spanish Chihuahua Names. 7. This list does not include only dog breeds that are the most popular in Spain, but also those that originated there or are commonly associated with the area. I love writing articles that bring a little creativity to everyday life. ), Taco: Fried tortilla with meat, cheese, beans and various other toppings. Badass Chihuahua Names. Great Mexican names for a Chihuahua would be the Spanish words for small and tiny, for example. Well this post should help. Pet-Bandanas is a reader supported site. Y Product prices are the same whether you buy through our links or not. Thanks to Taco Bell, one of the dog breeds that is most often pinged as a Spanish dog breed is the chihuahua. Toro: In Spanish, this fun name actually means bull. Try out some of the Spanish words listed and see if one is the perfect fit as you search for Mexican dog names! Ar Please make a choice 8. Add it to your list of Spanish dog names. Gordita: This is a popular food dish, but it also means “little fatty” in Spanish. Don't go making up nicknames or variations either. Our Favorite Chihuahua Names Leon... One time independent state of Spain. There is a big chance you will find more dog names that are closely related to Spanish Chihuahua names. R A very fun name screams Mexico whenever and wherever you hear it. i named my dog tequila, and her two pups whiskey and vodka. We have collected all the names as per the breed. Cute Male Chihuahua Names Your Little Guy Will Love These. If you're looking for a unique name for your new dog, check out this list of 300 Spanish names; from Alexia and Bonita to José and Pedro, our names cover female and male dogs, fun names, Spanish city names, and even names inspired by Spanish food and Spanish … Here’s some tips to help with a name: Before you know it, el perro will have a name! If you find difficulties with finding a Chihuahua dog name in Spanish you could broaden your horizon. Well this post should help. It’s all a matter of personal taste. :), I'v found better websites this one was the worst.:(. Whether you're looking for a dog name that really suits a chihuahua or other Mexican breed, a name that's compatible with your heritage, or you simply love the sound of Spanish language names, there are quite a few Hispanic puppy names to choose among. But, fret not. Mexican Chihuahua names. Famous Name: Born in New York City on December 2, 1968, Lucy Liu is an American actress, model, artist, film producer (occasional), and director. Pet-Bandanas is a reader supported site. A unisex dog name, Do you want your dog name to have a specific first letter? Maybe you've just brought one of these cute, little pups home, or maybe you're adopting soon. Among the most well-known include the Chihuahua, Dogo Argentino, and Ibizan hound, though that’s only the beginning. In this new video from AnimalWised, discover a great variety of names for Chihuahuas! Chihuahua Names In Spanish. Evita (Madonna’s Chi) Rosita (Madonna’s Chi) Yo Quiero (means “I love you” from the Taco Bell campaign) Techichi (ancient dog breed relative to the Chihuahua) Toltec (culture that kept Techichi dogs) O A comprehensive list of Female Chihuahua names is composed in an easy manner to facilitate dog lovers Mexican Chihuahua names. Mamu... Basque for ghost. The Chihuahua is actually the smallest dog breed in the world. It’d be a good name for any small breed dog, because the termination –ito (Burrito) is a diminutive in Spanish, and therefore, it makes a lot of sense. All over the globe, dogs are common companions for families, and if you have a breed originally from or commonly associated with Spain, then you are probably here looking for some Spanish dog names. These are the most unique and best names for female chihuahua dog names and male chihuahua dog names. Chihuahuas are tiny dogs you can carry around in your hands, and so names that mean small or delicate would make good names for a Chihuahua. The idea of having a Spanish name is significantly relevant to this breed, as Spanish is the native language of Mexico, and Mexico is the country of origin for the Chihuahua. What type of dog name are you looking for? 9. You might also be looking for the perfect name for your Latin dog breed. . Tigre: In Spanish, this word means tiger. Would you rush the naming of your own child? Please make a choice G Doesn't matter, Do you want a dog name of a specific nationality? I did the female chihuahua name post a week or so ago so now it’s time for the boys.. Be sure to check out our page on chihuahua puppies to see all our articles on chihuahua puppies. It may be a good idea to use the dog name generator and change your preferences and get inspired by Mexican dog names. S Hadrian... Roman emperor born in Spain. The correct way to pronounce this word is Chee-wa-wa as the locals say it. A male dog name Now there are 102 names on the list! Q A Mexican-inspired name could be perfect for your Chi baby girl. Are chihuahua names different than other dog names? You should definitely know the meaning behind a foreign name or word before assigning it to the dog because, well, you could just be giving them a bad name! M Although these pets can weigh as little as 3-5 lbs. These are the most unique and best names for female chihuahua dog names and male chihuahua dog names. 10. Do you have a new male chihuahua but don’t know what to name him? This is why it's a breed that tends to bark excessively and can present complicated behaviors if it's not properly socialized. Ann1Az2 from Orange, Texas on January 10, 2015: I like your suggestion of letting the dog decide - I have always kept a pet for as much as a couple of weeks before coming up with a name - they always seem to come through with their character. Kaletar... Basque for city dweller. Spanish Greyhound; Spanish Pointer; Chihuahua; Mexican Hairless; Havanese If you have a Chihuahua, be sure to check out: Chihuahua Names: Male, Female, Cute, & Mexican. Spanish male and female dog names are for all breeds and mix dogs, you should choose a best suited name for your puppy when naming him/her according to the gender, choose Spanish female or male dog names, all names are with their specific meanings. It refers to a northern state in Mexico which is also the nation’s commercial capital. Ak He naturally became know as Digger! Ac Yes, in a few weeks P Whatever the … C For a bit of a geographical reminder, Spain is located in Europe, not in South America as many mistakenly believe since it is a Spanish-speaking country. When you are going to search in totally different nationalities for dog names you will get inspired. Today, it is affectionately called Lady of … The Chihuahua hails from Mexico. July 25, 2018 June 30, 2018 by FurrMommy. No, I don't know. If you find difficulties with finding a Chihuahua dog name in Spanish you could broaden your horizon. We have collected all the names as per the breed. Themselves named for a Mexican state and a national symbol of Mexico, Chihuahua names might also be Mexican names — such as Bruno and Oscar — with either Spanish or Nahuatl origins. Other dog names. Chihuahua owners know they are a small dog with a lot of personality, so finding the right Chihuahua dog names can be a real task. Furbabies are your babies too! This makes it a great source for potential names for your new canine. Once you know its personality, you're ready to find an adequate and unique name for your chihuahua. Rosa: This is the Spanish version of the name rose. Giving your dog a Spanish dog name is a good way to honor your country or the dog's country of origin. In case you didn't know it, Chihuahua is a Spanish word. Most of these Spanish names are not translated correctly. Chihuahua Names Inspired By Mexican Heritage. Chihuahuas come from Mexico, which speaks Spanish today. Naming your dog can be a fun way to reflect your identity, and Spanish dog names are a great way to show off your amor for your heritage. Please make a choice African Antillian Arab Armenian Belgian Bosnian Brazillian Bulgarian Chinese Croatian Cuban Czech Danish Dutch Egyptian English Ethiopian Finnish French Frisian German Germanic Ghanian Greek Greenland Hawaiian Hebrew Hindu Hungarian Icelandic Indian Indonesia Irish Italian Jamaican Japanese Korean Latin Lithuanian Malay Maroccan Mexican Mongolian Nigerian Norwegian Papiamento Peruvian Polish Portugese Romanian Russian Scottish Slavic Slovak Slovenian South African Spanish Surinamese Swahili Swedish Swiss Syrian Thai Tibetan Tunesian Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese Yugoslavian, Do you already know when your puppy arrives at your home? With this in mind, you can use this heritage for Chihuahua names. If you're looking for a unique name for your new dog, check out this list of 300 Spanish names; from Alexia and Bonita to José and Pedro, our names cover female and male dogs, fun names, Spanish city names, and even names inspired by Spanish food and Spanish … Chihuahua Names: Male, Female, Cute, & Mexican. With this in mind, you can use this heritage for Chihuahua names. Famous Name: Born in New York City on December 2, 1968, Lucy Liu is an American actress, model, artist, film producer (occasional), and director. Abelardo. As with any country, most any breed is accessible and can be found anywhere! Thank you for being a part of our community. These Mexican and Spanish Chihuahua names draw from celebrities who fell in love with the breed and their Chihuahuas. . This list does not include only dog breeds that are the most popular in Spain, but also those that originated there or are commonly associated with the area. My name is Tatiana, but my friends and family call me Tutta. Maybe you can search for, Free access to 38,000 dog names in our dog name generator, See why a perfect dog name must fulfill 8 important conditions, Free step-by-step guide to find the perfect name for your dog. Many Spanish dog names have a meaning that may fit your dog. Did you know that a perfect dog name must fulfill 8 important conditions? Among the most well-known include the Chihuahua and the Xolo, or Mexican Hairless Dog, recently popularized in the movie Coco. U These are the most popular Spanish dog names for your little senor or senorita! Thank you for being a part of our community. for Paula, white headed dog with black eye.....Mapache, Spanish for Racoon, pronounced Mah Pah Che like Apache with an M, the e at the end is not ee is eh like Grande, I need a dog name in Spanish for a white headed dog with black eye, I need a dog name that is spanish and english. Evita (Madonna’s Chi) Rosita (Madonna’s Chi) Yo Quiero (means “I love you” from the Taco Bell campaign) Techichi (ancient dog breed relative to the Chihuahua) Toltec (culture that kept Techichi dogs) I It’d be a good name for any small breed dog, because the termination –ito (Burrito) is a diminutive in Spanish, and therefore, it makes a lot of sense. Most Chihuahua dogs look really cute because their small size and you are about to give your Chihuahua a Spanish name. It may be a good idea to use the dog name generator and change your preferences and get inspired by Mexican dog names. Small and adorable, the Chihuahua is a popular pet for dog lovers everywhere.. Do you have a new male chihuahua but don’t know what to name him? When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. The Chihuahua hails from Mexico. Yes, in a few months Ap As If you are looking for some amazing Chihuahua names for your little friend, take a look at this … These dogs were likely descended from the Techichi, which is an extinct breed of dog from South America. The most common – and most likely – theory is that Chihuahuas are descended from the Techichi, a companion dog favored by the Toltec civilization in Mexico. Not only are we about to give you a great list of male and female names, but we'll also give you the meanings! Even if you still did not found a Chihuahua dog name in Spanish you like, you can use our dog generator and try to find dog names in different nationalities you may like. L The language of the moment is Spanish, but what dog breeds are associated with this language? In this Kizkur... Basque for curly. Spanish Chihuahua Names. Some examples of Spanish names for your Chihuahua including their meaning. Along with Bruno and Oscar, other Chihuahua names in the Top … Maybe you've just brought one of these cute, little pups home, or maybe you're adopting soon. And also check out what you need for your chihuahua puppy.. The Chihuahua hails from Mexico, so giving him a name true to his roots would be a fantastic idea! Many people view the Chihuahua as a bite-sized ball of energy, sass and attitude, but, some are very shy and timid – it all depends on the dog!. Chihuahua names are important — generally, there is so much in a name! A Hilary Duff also has a Chihuahua named Chiquita. T When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. The Spanish dog names are closely related to. Remember, just because it sounds cool to you, it doesn’t mean it is cool. Maria: Maria is one of the most common names in Mexico. Bambi: This female moniker is ideal for the adorable big eye female Chihuahua that is full of energy. Browse Thousands of Female Chihuahua Names Home » Dog Names » . Enjoy selecting the one which you like the most and start calling your puppy. Enjoy selecting the one which you like the most and start calling your puppy. Feel free to browse all of our Spanish puppy dog names and add the ones you want to save for later to your own favorites list. If you use our dog name generator and fill in the gender and at nationality ‘Spanish’ a list of Spanish names for your Chihuahua will pop up. H Renowned Spanish painter. So I thought I might help ya’ll out and make a list. E Az In the local dialect, Chihuahua refers to a place where two rivers meet. Are you looking for the best Chihuahua names? However, one study found that most modern Chihuahuas are not that closely related to this “original Chihuahua”. Lobo... Wolf. Even if you still did not found a Chihuahua dog name in Spanish you like, you can use our dog generator and try to find dog names in different nationalities you may like. If you have a male chihuahua name that isn’t … I know I may be missing some so if you know of a great female chihuahua names that aren’t already on the list, please leave a comment below with the name … J It has its roots probably in Mexico according to archeological finds in Mexico. Now there are 102 names on the list! for the toy variety, they have a massive personality that makes up for their small stature. Please make a choice Selecting the best name from our chihuahua names list for your chihuahua dog is easier. (Speaking of Coco—that’s a great Mexican dog name, and it’s number 16 of Rover’s most popular dog names.) Once you think of a name for your Chihuahua, stick with it and only call them using the name you've chosen. The Chihuahua is a special dog breed, it is the smallest dog breed in the world, so it deserves a special name that reflects that. X The Spanish dog names are closely related to Mexican dog names. These lists are by no means exhaustive, but you will find plenty of name choices for your pet in this genre whether your puppy is male or female. Regardless of geographical location, you still need some Spanish dog names, or even some Mexican dog names. In this article, we are going to share amazing, strong, badass, and unique pitbull names for boy and girl dog.Here we are giving you the very best pitbull dog names around. The Valencian podenco, as its name suggests, is originally from the region of … Maybe you can search for Scandinavian dog names or even Malaysian dog names. There are many Spanish dog names that will fit your Chihuahua. Originating from Mexico, they are named after the state of Chihuahua. Small and adorable, the Chihuahua is a popular pet for dog lovers everywhere.. Loco... Down in Acapulco. And also check out what you need for your chihuahua puppy.. Chihuahua Names Inspired By Mexican Heritage.