Rhythmic cycles 2 to 7 m (7-23 ft) of thick gray-bed sequences (Trpg), termed Van Houten cycles by Olsen (1985), contain basal thin-bedded to finely laminated shale to siltstone, which grade upward through laminated to microlaminated, locally calcareous mudstone to siltstone and finally into massive silty mudstone. Formation characterized by local vertical and lateral facies changes. Using the geologic time line, specific index fossils are listed. Locally, well-developed burrows of Ophiomorpha nodosa filled with iron oxides weather out of the clay-silt. Very glauconitic in basal few meters; glauconite concentration decreases upward so that in upper part of unit, quartz and glauconite are nearly equal. Rocks of the Passaic Formation have been locally thermally metamorphosed to hornfels where in contact with the Orange Mountain Basalt, diabase dikes, and sheetlike intrusions. At the time of their study, the Magothy was extensively mined for clay and sand and was well exposed. Fossils typically occur in siderite concretions. by the first occurrence (FO) of Scaphites hippocrepis (latest form) from the Narrava and Alava sections in Spain (Küchler and Wagreich, 2002). Wolfe (1976) designated the microflora of the unit as Zone CA4 and assigned it to the lower Campanian. In the southern sheet, the Marshalltown underlies a narrow belt in the uplands and broadens to the southwest. The Woodbridge does not crop out in the Delaware River valley southwest of Trenton. Gray-bed cycles are abundant in lower half of Passaic Formation and less common in upper half. 2) and SCHMID& ERNST(1975, Fig. Carbonaceous units are conspicuously micaceous; the sand is less so. This type of ornament characterises the main Scaphites lineage from the late Aibian onwards. Isolated outliers of the Wenonah are detached from the main belt in the central sheet area. species makes its first appearance in the upper Lower 1997b. Scaphites hippocrepis, Cretaceous Period, 145-65 mya Pecten gibbus, Quaternary Period, 2.5 mya-present day Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The old geologic map of New Jersey (Lewis and Kmmel, 1910-1912, revised 1950) showed the Magothy to consist of only one lithology (Cliffwood beds at Cliffwood Beach, Monmouth County). 393889), Monotis sibirica Bytschkov 1966 (no. The middle and upper zones are also probably Santonian. Index map of the western interior of the United States._____ 2 2. Within about 200 m (655 ft) above and 150 m (490 ft) below the large diabase sheets, red mudstones are typically metamorphosed into indurated, bluish-gray hornfels commonly with clots or crystals of tourmaline or cordierite, whereas argillitic siltstone is metamorphosed into brittle, black, very fine grained hornfels, Sheetlike intrusions are as much as 360 to 400 m (1,180-1,310 ft) thick. The contact is placed at the base of the lowest dark-gray clay in the Magothy. In addition, beds of quartz gravel are present in the Cliffwood near Riverside, Burlington County. This is because they allow geologists and paleontologists to find the fossil age by examining the relationship of a particular fossil with another event of a specific period. Thickness of the unit (including Trsc) near Stockton is about 1,240 m (4,068 ft). Feldspar (5-10 percent) is a minor sand constituent. P. chispaensis, Scaphites (Scaphites) hippocrepis III, Submortoniceras punctatum, S. uddeni, and Texanites (Texanites) sp., concluded that the Merchantville is of late early Campanian age. physical resistance (Wright & Cannon 2001) and it. Fine-grained to aphanitic dikes; medium- to coarsegrained, subophitic discordant stock-like intrusions of dark-greenish-gray to black diabase; and plugs of dark gray, concordant to discordant sheetlike, medium- to coarse-grained, quartz-rich to albite-rich granophyre (map unit Jg). The formation is about 25 m (82 ft) thick or less in the southern sheet. Abundant, rounded, pale-gray siderite concretions (about 8 cm (3 in) in diameter) occur in thin discontinuous beds. 1); L, lenght of shell; W, width of the shell as well as the width of the hook. It is a giant among scaphites, up to 200 mm diameter, partially recoiled, with most of the shell ornamented by crowded straight narrow ribs that increase on outer flank and venter by branching and intercalation. Large wood fragments occur in many clay layers. Typical floodplain mudstones are irregularly thin bedded and extensively burrowed. 109d, MCNA 9637 (=Sa IV-109b/1) and MCNA. Scaphites hippocrepis. The scale of crossbedding varies from small to large. Fine-grained pyrite abundant throughout formation. No G. calcarata were found during our investigations. Conglomeratic sandstone (JTrpsc) is brownish-red pebble conglomerate, medium- to coarse-grained, feldspathic sandstone and micaceous siltstone; unit is planar to low-angle trough cross laminated, burrowed, and contains local pebble layers. The late Cenomanian ammonites Metoicoceras bergquisti and Metengonoceras sp. These beds are mainly sand, as are those at Cliffwood Beach, but they tend to have more crossbedding than the typical Cliffwood strata and no burrows or marine fossils. But in Acanthoscaphites, sexual maturity has been delayed--it is a giant baby, or, technically, a hypermorphic giant… Sandstone, deposited in high-gradient stream channels, is mostly planar bedded with scoured bases containing pebble lags and mudstone rip-up clasts. Kmmel and Knapp (1904) had already recognized that the Magothy, as used here, contained a large number of lithologies. Weller (1907) recorded 57 species from this locality. The basal contact with the underlying Raritan is well exposed in the Sayre and Fisher Pit in Sayreville, Middlesex County, where the contact is marked by a deeply weathered gravel zone. Pollen collected from the Woodbury was assigned to the CA3 Zone by Wolfe (1976). Locally, tree stumps, in upright position, are found near base of unit as are transported individual logs several feet in length. Unit forms a broad belt in the central sheet from Sandy Hook Bay, southwest to area around East Greenwich, Gloucester County, where it pinches out or changes facies. This unit is exposed only in the South Amboy quadrangle where it is as much as 12 m (39 ft) thick. South Amboy Fire Clay Member - Basal member of the Magothy Formation. The basal few centimeters of the Marshalltown contain siderite concentrations, clay balls, and wood fragments reworked from the underlying Englishtown. sp., Nostoceras (Nostoceras) aff. Subsequent pollen studies of the Magothy and the underlying Raritan Formation showed most of the Raritan to be the same age as the Magothy. Sand, quartz, fine- to coarsegrained, gravelly, massive, bioturbated, medium- to dark-gray; weathers light brown, yellow, or reddish brown, locally interbedded with thin to thick beds of dark clay. Small cylindrical burrows are abundant in this unit. The Woodbury maintains a thickness of about 15 m (49 ft) throughout most of its outcrop belt. Are they being encouraged to be inquisitive or passive? Kennedy and Cobban (1994) identified ammonites including Baculites cf. N. colubriformus, Parasolenoceras sp., Placenticeras placenta, P. minor n. Merchantville faunas were analyzed by Sohl (in Owens and others, 1977) who concluded that northern fauna represented deposition on a lower shoreface or in the transition to an inner shelf, whereas the southern fauna was a deeper water assemblage, probably inner shelf. These faunas were discussed in detail by Weller (1904, 1907) and supplemented by Sohl (in Owens and others, 1977). The age of the Cheesequake was determined from pollen (Litwin and others, 1993), which indicates the unit is between the Merchantville Formation microflora (CA2 Zone of Wolfe, 1976, lower Campanian) and the uppermost Magothy microflora (?Pseudoplicapollis cunceata-Semioculopollis verrucosa Zone of Christopher, 1979, upper Santonian). Upward-fining cycles are 1.8 to 4.6 m (6-15 ft) thick. Many Marshalltown exposures occur along Oldmans Creek and its tributaries near Auburn, Gloucester County. Orthopyroxene (En75-80) is locally abundant in the lower part of the sheets. Drawings of male and female Scaphites hippocrepis III_____-_-_-----_ 7 3. Notable species include (along with their common names): . Dikes range in thickness from 3 to 10 m (10-33 ft) and are many kilometers long. Unit is exposed only in pits dug below the overlying Woodbridge Clay Member. This unit was not recognized by Petters (1976) who concluded that the Magothy and Merchantville interfingered in the subsurface and the Merchantville was, in part, Santonian. 2014: 199 : Distribution: Upper Volta (Burkina Faso), Cameroon (fide JOGER 1982), Central African Republic, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Guinea (Conakry), Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin, Mali, Nigeria. Slabs of dark-reddish-brown siderite were common at the base of the bluff at Cliffwood Beach before the outcrop was covered. Cycles in northern Newark basin are thinner and have arkosic sandstone in lower and upper parts. Sedimentary rocks within about 300 m (984 ft) above and 200 m (656 ft) below major diabase sheets are thermally metamorphosed. It grades downward into underlying clay. Predominantly medium- to coarse-grained, light-gray, light-grayish-brown, or yellowish- to pinkish-gray arkosic sandstone and medium- to fine-grained, violet-gray to reddish-brown arkosic sandstone; with lesser, reddish to purplish-brown, silty mudstone, argillaceous siltstone, and shale. Farrington Sand Member - Sand, quartz, fine- to medium-grained, crossbedded, very micaceous, white, interbedded with thin to thick, dark, silt beds. Diabase is dense, hard, and sparsely fractured. Iron oxides fill fractures or form layers in the most weathered beds. Sand interfingers rapidly within a short distance with extensively bioturbated, dark-gray, very micaceous, somewhat woody clay-silt. Lowest part of cycle has some desiccation features and local fossils; middle part has highest organic content and the most fossils; highest part contains mudcracks, burrows, and root casts. Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. These concretions have many fossils that were described in detail by Weller (1904). Siderite in discontinuous beds and in flattened slab concretions as much as 1 m (3 ft) in diameter are common. This assemblage is unusual in that it is the only existing outcrop of the Woodbury where calcareous and aragonitic shells are still intact. 2001). Chemical cycles are similar to detrital cycles, but thinner, averaging 3.2 m (10.5 ft). Wolfe and Pakiser (1971) redefined and considerably expanded the Magothy. Scaphites generally have a chambered, boat-shaped shell. Lake cycles, mostly 2 to 5 m (7-16 ft) thick, have a basal, greenish-gray, argillaceous siltstone; a medial, dark-gray to black, pyritic, carbonaceous, fossiliferous, and, in places, calcareous lake-bottom fissile mudstone or siltstone; and an upper thick-bedded, gray to reddish and purplish-gray argillaceous siltstone with desiccation cracks, intraformational breccias, burrows, and mineralized vugs. Unit resembles the Amboy Stoneware Clay Member, particularly in its lensing character. PaleoDB taxon number: 324058. Unit exposed only in the South Amboy and Keyport quadrangles. At Pueblo, the unnamed transition member of the lower Pierre Shale contains a bentonite seam, which in Kansas lies within chalk of the Smoky Hill, well below the Niobrara-Pierre contact. The basal contact with the underlying Magothy Formation is sharp. 89 (10): 1293–1318. Upper regressive lake margin, playa lake, and mudflat deposits are light- to dark-gray silty mudstone to argillitic siltstone or very fine grained sandstone, mostly thick bedded to massive, with desiccation cracks, intraformational breccias, faint wavy laminations, burrows, euhedral pyrite grains, and dolomite or calcite specks. Approximate outline of the basin is indicated by the Trinidad Sandstone outcrop belt in Colorado and New Mexico. The Amboy Stoneware is disconformable on the underlying sand. Best seen on the micromorph of S. leei in #22 below, and on the macromorph in #27, are dorsal lappets. The formation is best exposed in the Trenton East quadrangle, mainly in the tributaries on the western side of Blacks Creek and south of Bordentown, Burlington County, where the entire thickness of the formation can be seen in gullies (Owens and Minard, 1964b). Typically, thickness is about 9 to 10.5 m (30-34 ft). Christopher subdivided the Magothy into three zones: Complexipollis exigua-Santalacites minor (oldest), Pseudoplicapollis longiannulata-Plicapollis incisa (middle), and Pseudoplicapollis cuneata-Semioculopollis verrucosa (youngest). Famous quotes containing the words list of, list, common, index and/or fossils: “ Do your children view themselves as successes or failures? Siderite occurs in discontinuous beds and as flattened slab concretions as much as 0.6 m (2 ft) in maximum diameter. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The formation is poorly exposed because of its sandy nature and its widespread cover by younger sediments. 2013. The terminal part (adult stage) is much shorter, erect, and bends over the older shell like a hook. Large slabs of pyrite-cemented sand are associated with the woody beds. Unit is best exposed in the central sheet in the South Amboy quadrangle and in the Delaware River valley at the base of the bluffs at Florence. Formation occurs only in northern part of central sheet. were described from the upper part of the Woodbridge (Cobban and Kennedy, 1990). Calcite- or dolomite-filled vugs and flattened cavities, mostly 0.5 to 0.2 mm (0.02-0.08 in) across, occur mostly in the lower half. The Cliffwood and Morgan beds, and, presumably the upper thin-bedded sequence, would include the youngest pollen zone; the Amboy Stoneware Clay Member and perhaps the uppermost part of the Old Bridge Sand Member, the middle pollen zone; and the lower part of the Old Bridge Sand Member and South Amboy Fire Clay Member, the oldest pollen zone. Fossils include late Cenomanian ammonites Metoicoceras bergquisti and Metengonoceras sp. Locally, small burrows are present. This modification probably reflects a change in the efficiency of horizontal swimming, possibly in parallel with physical changes in the environment. Scaphites generally have a chambered, boat-shaped shell. Floodplain beds are thicker and more numerous in the central Newark basin, near the Delaware River. Detrital cycles average 5.2 m (17 ft) thick and consist of basal, argillaceous, very fine grained sandstone to coarse siltstone; medial, dark-gray to black, laminated siltstone, silty mudstone, or silty limestone; and upper, light- to dark-gray, silty to dolomitic or analcime-rich mudstone, argillitic siltstone, or very-fine-grained sandstone. Best exposures occur along Crosswicks Creek in the Allentown quadrangle and along Oldmans Creek. Small siderite concretions are abundant in the Woodbury in the northern part of the outcrop belt. Muscovite and feldspar are minor sand constituents. Red beds occur typically in 3- to 7-m (10- to 23-ft-)-thick, cyclic playa-lake-mudflat sequences and fining-upward fluvial sequences. Thickness of the formation between Sourland Mountain and Sand Brook syncline is about 3,500 m (11,483 ft). At places contains mapped sandy mudstone (JTrpms), sandstone (JTrps), conglomeratic sandstone (JTrpsc) and conglomerate containing clasts of quartzite (JTrpcq), or limestone (JTrpcl). Rock fragments are a minor sand constituent. The outcrop belt is widest in the north and narrows to the southwest. Clasts are subangular dolomitic limestone in matrix of brownish- to purplish-red sandstone to mudstone; matrix weathers light-gray to white near faults. Characteristics: Only two families of rotifers are colonial, Conochilidae and Flosculariidae; both are microphagous, feeding on small particles (1). 5, figs 36-40; text-figs 2, 4, 10, OCCURRENCE: In the Lehrte West Syncline, this 11 (with additional synonymy).