Ansicht der Rückseite. Scaphites hippocrepis AGE. Belle Fouche, South Dakota FORMATION. Scaphites hippocrepis Perisphinctes tiziani Troptes subbu/latus Leptodus americanus Dictyoclostus americanus Cactocrinus multibrachiatus Mucrospirifer mucronatus Cystiphyllum niagarense Bathyurus extans Paradoxides pinus Keyed to the relative time scale are index fossils, the forms of life that existed during limited periods of geologic time. cuneatus zones of the upper Campanian. 1); L, lenght of shell; W, width of the shell as well as the width of the hook - "Scaphites hippocrepis (DEKAY) IV, a new chronological subspecies from the Lower – Upper Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) boundary interval of northern Spain" FIGURE 1. Dezember 2017, 22:40. SUB CATEGORY. Spix and Wagler type specimens of reptiles and amphibians in the Natural History Museum in Munich (Germany) and Leiden (The Netherlands). Das Stück stammt aus der conica/gracilis-Zone, unteres Obercampan, Oberkreide. They were a widespread genus that thrived during the Late Cretaceous period; they have a possible fossil record during the Paleocene (as recent as c.61 Ma) in the Southern United States and Turkmenistan. Scaphites hippocrepis II-III (sensu Cobban, 1969) and Baculites vaalsensis. Over the past five years, the U.S. Geological Survey Columbia Environmental Research Center in collaboration with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission have engaged in a comprehensive program of research to improve the understanding of the Datum . The Scaphites is of the type III variety of Cobban (1969) and is indicative of the lower, but not the lowest, Campanian. Scaphites (Greek skafh, "a boat or anything dug or scooped out") is a genus of extinct cephalopod belonging to the family of heteromorph ammonites (suborder Ancyloceratina). 5. LOCATION. Unteres Obercampan, conica/gracilis-Zone. 1946 . Spiralteil klein mit deutlichen Gabelund Schaltrippen und ohne Kno-ten. Scaphites is a genus of heteromorph ammonites belonging to the Scaphitidae family. Re: Fossil des Monats Januar 2021. Zusätzliche Daten von PBDB, Lizenz: CC BY. Macrofossils occur as internal and external molds and include the ammonites Menabites (Delawarella) delawarensis and Scaphites (Scaphites) hippocrepis III. Note: Mobergo-ceras Schmid and Ernst, 1975 was considered to be a junior synonym of Nos-toceras by Kennedy and Christensen (1997). Hippocrepis translation in English-French dictionary. Ammonite Fossils. Scaphites geinitzi. Scaphites ?hippocrepis Fundort: Legden/Coesfeld im Dezember 2020 Finder: Bernd Waterstrat Sammlung: Daniel Grübner Präparator: Oliver Frank. Cretaceous . Thomas Billert . 3. Sammlung, Präparation und Fotos: Privat. 2) and SCHMID & ERNST (1975, Fig. We redescribe Hoploscaphites nodosus and H. brevis from the Baculites compressus–B. and four subspecies ofHoploscaphites constrictus (SOWERBY 1818). Zugriffe . 4. März 2015 . Scaphites hippocrepis and S. leei, Early Campanian (Late Cretaceous) Scaphitids. This late form, following the nomenclature applied 1994). OlliF. oztrail Mitglied Beiträge: 557 Registriert: Samstag 30. Scaphites hippocrepis (DEKAY), Macroconch. Gruß, der Kalle. Scaphites (Scaphites) hippocrepis Trachyscaphites pulcherrimus Trachyscaphites spiniger spiniger [possibly also Hoploscaphites ikorfatensis] Species discussed in this paper are marked with an asterisk. Aufgrund des Materials aus der Grube Germanie IV konnte von SCHMID und ERNST ein ausgeprägter Geschlechts … Scaphites equalis and S. hippocrepis. Shipping & Return Policy info. Hier ist die geblähte Wohnkammer des Weibchens gut zu erkennen. Scaphites hippocrepis (DEKAY) (Siehe Abb.lSl Scaphites gibbus SCHLÜTER (Siehe Abb.161 und Scaphites spiniger SCHLÜTER (Siehe Abb.17) Sie können schon vereinzelt im oberen Unter-Campan vorkom-men, erreichen aber ihre größte Häufigkeit in der stobaei/ basiplana-Subzone. Scaphites gibbus (S); accompanying faunas: Endocostea baltica-associations, Gonioteuthis quadrata gracilis and in the upper part Belemnitella mucronata senior 10. Scaphites hippocrepis I Scaphites leei Ill The fauna of the Roxton Limestone Member, with S. hippocrepis Ill and Baculites haresi, correlates with the Western Interior zone Of S. hippocrepis Ill. Fig. Kandidat FdM Februar 2015 . Fundzustand . Fossil Data, Mineralienatlas Lexikon, Scaphites. 83.5 85.8. 1), but the species was not included in the lists of fossils in his summary paper (Lee, 1917). Read more about our Authenticity Guarantee. Scaphites . South Dakota Ammonites. Below is a drawing of the dimorphs of S. hippocrepis. Phanerozoic (Phanerozoikum) Mesozoic (Mesozoikum) Cretaceous (Kreide) Upper/Late Cretaceous (Obere Kreide) Maastrichtian (Maastricht) Campanian (Campan) Santonian (Santon) Coniacian (Coniac) 65.5 70.6. The Roman numerals denote subspecies which are further divided into macroconchs and microconchs (see Cobban 1969). Scaphites hippocrepis type III (S); accompanying faunas: Endocostea baltica-associations (without Sphenoceramus) and Gonioteuthis quadrata quadrata 9. A description is given of the scaphitids from the Campanian and Maastrichtian of the province of Limburg, the Netherlands:Scaphites hippocrepis (DEKAY 1827),Acanthoscaphites tridens (KNER 1848),Hoploscaphites pungens (VAN BlNCKHORST 1861),Hoploscaphites sp. Trachyscaphites spiniger porchi is known from the B. mclearni zone. A row of ventrolateral tubercles, an inner row of tubercles on the body chamber and a constricted collar at the aperture. 70.6 83.5. Nach oben. Fa u n a: Menuites sp., Scaphites hippocrepis (deKAY 1828) WMfN 4009/6b, Coesfeld Lag e: TK 25 4009 Cgoesfeld, r 2581300, h 5754375 47 . 1.4" CATEGORY. They were a widespread genus that thrived during the Cretaceous period.. Scaphites generally have a chambered, boat-shaped shell. Autor . Größe: 6,8 cm. Best seen on the micromorph of S. leei in #22 below, and on the macromorph in #27, are dorsal lappets. ITEM #117208 GUARANTEE We guarantee the authenticity of all of our specimens. Scaphites hippocrepis. Scaphites hippocrepis (DEKAY, 1827) — Untercampan — Wegen der außerordentlich großen morphologischen Unterschiede zwi-schen den Männchen und den Weibchen von S. hipoccrepis sollen die Be-schreibungen getrennt erfolgen: Weibchen: Relativ kleiner Scaphit mit großer, bauchig aufgeblähter Wohn-kammer. Spixiana Suppl 9:319-415 PreꞒ Ꞓ O. S. D. C. P. T. J. K. Pg. Scaphites. krēpis = Schuh], der Hufeisenklee. C., by the exercise of a cultivated and independent judgment, did much to separate fable from fact, and to give definite form to the geographical knowledge of the period: II. Spanish provinces of Cantabria (WIESE & al. Kommentare zu diesem Bild . Scaphites levis Reeside, 1927 = Scaphites hippocrepis I (DeKay, 1828) Reason for equivalency: moved to different genus (source: Landman and Waage, 1993). Lebenszeitraum in Million Jahren (Ma) Startalter: 89.3 Ma - Endalter: 66 Ma. 2, 3. Scaphites cuvieri Morton, 1876 = Scaphites hippocrepis III (DeKay, 1828) Reason for equivalency: junior synonym (source: Cobban, 1969). Scaphitid ammonites (scaphites) are common in the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale and Bearpaw Shale of the Western Interior of North America. Index map of the western interior of the United States._____ 2 2. The two younger species, Scaphites leei I11 Reeside and Scaphites hippocrepis I (Dekay), also occur in stratigraphic sequence and are Campanian in age. Du hast keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um die Dateianhänge dieses Beitrags anzusehen. Characteristic features of Scaphites hippocrepis (DEKAY) III; terminology after Cobban (1969, Fig. In the Western Interior, the S. hippocrepis II Zone has been dated at 81 Ma (McArthur et al., 1994). The material is discussed and some stratigraphical … Cookies help us deliver our services. AZ, still in the uppermost Lower Campanian. Scaphites hippocrepis i; YPM IP 034704 (HYPOTYPE); North America; USA; Montana; Carbon County; Elk Basin; top surface of uppermost unit of Elk Basin, N-S butte top ridge, E side of basinal cove of anticline, .5-.7 mi due N of Elk Basin village (abandoned), Elk Basin; Jason F. Hicks; 1992. Pierre Shale SIZE. Scaphites hippocrepis (DEKAY), der Macroconch, also weiblich, ist 6.8cm hoch, im ganzen leicht verdrückt, die Wohnkammer ist ebenfalls minimal verschoben. Temporal range: Early Cretaceous-Paleocene, 105–61 Ma. Scaphites hippocrepis I (DeKay, 1828) Gefunden habe ich ihn am vergangenen Wochenende in der Coesfelder Gegend und gestern fertig gepräppelt. W. J. Kennedy, 2015 - Late Turonian ammonites from Haute-Normandie, France - Acta Geologica Polonica (65), 507-524 (journal article, English) The species was identified as Scaphites hippocrepis (DeKay) var. The Scaphites is of the type III variety of Cobban (1969) and is indicative of the lower, but not the lowest, Campanian. Montag, 23. The Wolfe City Sand fauna has Baculites mclearni, which is restricted to its zone in the Interior. Auf dem … By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. tenuis by Reeside (1927, p. 23 and table Motilität: … Scaphites definition is - a genus (the type of the family Scaphitidae) comprising Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopods that have all the whorls coiled in an involute spiral except the last which is straight for a distance and then bent back toward the coiled part. Scaphites leei and S. hippocrepis. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Drawings of male and female Scaphites hippocrepis III_____-_-_-----_ 7 3. A late form of Scaphites hippocrepis enters in the uppermost part of the hippocrepis III/Menabites spp. Macrofossils occur as internal and external molds and include the ammonites Menabites (Delawarella) delawarensis and Scaphites (Scaphites) hippocrepis III. 1996) and Burgos (WIEDMANN 1962, GISCHLER & al. Scaphites hippocrepis was collected by Lee in 1913 at U.S. Geological Survey Mesozoic locality 8352, 2.5 mi (4 km) southeast of Clifton House (Fig. Table 1. 85.8 89.3. Floating Frame Display Cases (6 Sizes) $3 to … Hippocrepis w [von *hippo- , griech.