Sal Frisella: Not only is it not that way, sometimes because you live that progressive mentality like that, sometimes it’s harder. We’re two of those guys. He shares how all it takes is for someone to hear just one powerful story that can change their perspective and their lives forever. It’s the same, and the fire, the energy in your eyes and in your smile, it’s still there. That’s me. So, for me to tap out of that, I think, is, one, it’s weak. Sal has been with 1st Phorm for more than a decade and has done everything from packing boxes, sweeping floors, cleaning bathrooms and every other thing that needs to be done in order to help their team win. Supplement Superstores: Our Story Written by: Andy Frisella, CEO How it all began The history of Supplement Superstores dates back to our humble beginnings in 1999 in Springfield, MO. Charley the Bulldog's Fantastic Fruit Stand. And I appreciate you taking the time to share that BURN, because I think what this does, it helps people realize how important it is to tap into that for them. I absolutely love looking into the eyeballs of somebody who’s struggling physically and letting them know, “I can help you.” It’s not about selling supplements; it’s about teaching them and giving them an education on how they can change their life. I know the journey you’re going to go through. You’ve been speaking about legacy for a long-ass time. Net Worth: – His Networth is estimated to be over 15 Million (variable). I wear cowboy boots and drive a pickup truck. He sacrificed a lot of time with us when we were kids, and in front of his grandson, and I know how important that is to me, because for me personally, I made that leap of faith to get into what I love to do, which is help people. Sal Frisella, President of 1st Phorm opens up about how he taps into his internal BURN that drives his success. So, what caused you to be sitting here today after 10 years? When you wake up and you’re like, “Man, I want no part of this,” because I think people think just because we lead, we coach, we do these things, we wake up every day and it’s like, “Let’s go get ‘em.” It’s just not that way. They wait and put off the things they truly want to be in their heart for “Tomorrow” the mystical place where 99% of all dreams, human achievement & potential greatness goes to die.” – Andy Frisella, 14. Even though my relationship, I’ve always felt with you, it’s one of those guys every time I see you, we pick up where we left off. It’s scary. Ben Newman: Well, I can’t thank you enough for you continuing to be you. thing that needs to be done in order to help their team win. Watch Queue Queue. Rated 5.0 out of 5. Sal Frisella: Of course. You gotta give me the work, but I’ll give you this. Now, I want to fast forward to our first Summer Smash ever. Upon seeing the truck, Andy wasn’t the only Frisella that was stoked about the truck. People So, I could complain about this temporary pain that I’m choosing to put myself through, or I could swallow it and keep fucking moving. I can help you be a better dad, be a better mother, be a better brother, a leader, a father, whatever it needs to be. Andy Frisella Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Early Life, Career, Bio, Facts September 13, 2020 Andy Frisella is a famous influencer and entrepreneur. That’s my BURN. From $7 per day $100 million annually, he definitely as come a long way. But when I die, my kids will be there, hopefully, and I want that line to be really long, and I want those stories to be really fucking big. He is one of the most real men out there in the industry and he likes to be very direct about everything he does. Sal’s a big old dude. Two, I like being in that place, man. So, I think of those types of moments, and I think of your career decisions.