It’s probably better to just cast mind blank and whatnot later on than to sweat saves that much. I had stability issues with Eldritch Arcana, so I've been more minimal with mods just to get everything working first. I might check it out if CotW is stable. The idea is that you can be meleeing as you level up as a dragon disciple, and then at … My full build is Scaled Fist Monk 4, Sorcerer 8, Dragon Disciple 8. Today's video is all about the Magus subclass: the Eldritch Scion, and what I perceive to be some of their pros and cons. Welcome everyone. Your controller with some damage attached for late-game. Your BAB may suffer, but there's a 6th level spell that temporarily raises your BAB to that of a pure fighter. 14 comments. Also, spell critical is a pretty nice capstone if you're using a high crit weapon (hint: you should use a high crit weapon). With enlarge person and power attack he has over +20 to damage for me now, with sneak attack + a feat for more sneak attack he's throwing 8d6 every attack, and that's before touch spells. Forgot to note, in endless dungeon using dragon style I had 51 AC at level 14 self buffed (no aasimar wings). Adds 20 Horsepower. Switching over to EK will give you full BAB, an additional caster level, more combat feats and access to some fighter-only feats like weapon specialization and greater weapon focus. Greater Invisibility makes the dragon looks super cool in addition to granting concealment and accuracy. Just an fyi theres a mod that adds prestigious spellcaster which makes DD lightyears better. Thank you < > Showing 1-12 of 12 comments . The last point can go into STR to decrease Encumbrance further, as he will be wearing Heavy Armor by the end of the game. Bonus Spells: mage armor (3rd), resist energy (5th), dispel magic (7th), fear (9th), spell resistance (11th), dragonkind I (13th), dragonkind II (15th), dragonkind III (17th), overwhelming presence (19th). Tank/Disruptor. Currently with the bug fixing going on, im trying out as many builds as i can before proceeding with the campaign. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Guide and Walkthrough Published: Jan 2020 Last Updated: 2 months ago Version: 2.38. Accuracy is not a problem so far. The game is similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Has a pet to carry his stuff. Apply Mage Armor to compensate for your lack of armor, and then go punch stuff. Thanks in advance. It has CHA-to-AC, and Dragon Style as a bonus feat. The main feature of Dragon Disciple is the ability to bring both martial and spellcasting to an engagement. Not to mention it makes him into an amazing general for your kingdom, since it scales off strength. All the investment in melee means lower spell DCs and charisma. I've been in the "lul DD bad spells gud" camp for a long time, but I thought a Sorc that could do the same buffs then mix it up with sustained damage might be able to fill the wizard's role while adding more to the party. A good build would be Fighter 1/Sorcerer 4/DD 4/Eldritch Knight 10/Sorcerer 1. Magus let you have light armor and later medium and heavy and still cast spells without spell failure. My full build is Scaled Fist Monk 4, Sorcerer 8, Dragon Disciple 8. Facebook. Save your other spells for tougher encounters. I really enjoy it and think its fun and fairly strong, although I don't get up to the normal cheese everyone else does. Dragon has plenty of spells to buff the whole party. Honestly, I don't know how much going DD is helping compared to just getting more spells and earlier spells. But it requires some game knowledge to build a solid sorcerer. Twitter. I've disabled EXP sharing on my second playthrough, so that I can hopefully get my main character to Level 20 and toss around some 9th level spells (interested in Fiery Body in particular). Kalyna. When you get Dragon Ferocity at Level 5 (prerequisite Dragon Style and Mobility 5), the modifier increases to 2.0x on the first attack and 1.5x on all subsequent attacks. Would a Sorcerer or Bard be better than an Edritch Scion? I'm looking for a melee build that has good persuasion and mixes in a little magic, but not a full caster. I went 2 levels of Eldritch Scion, 1 Scaled Fist Monk, 2 Paladin and the rest Dragon Disciple so far. If you're looking for a martial character, there are better alternatives to Dragon Disciple. Red/Gold for Fire or White/Silver for Cold). Is 10 EK better? Everything else goes to Sorcerer and Dragon Disciple (note that Dragon Disciple has a Draconic Bloodline and Knowledge Arcana 5 prerequisite). There's one class in particular that benefits heavily from STR and CHA: the Scaled Fist Monk. 4 levels monk, 1 sorc, 8 dragon disciple, then the rest sorcerer for build order. I like the extended spellcasting and dont see a need to push into 9th level spells with the build. Those who must face eldritch knights in combat fear them greatly, for their versatility on the battlefield is tremendous; against heavily armed and armored opponents they may level crippling spells, while opposing spellcasters meet their ends on an eldritch knight's blad… Necromancy offers a healthy mix of damage and control. I also didn’t really bother until I had dragonkind III. Any type of summoner build in this game will envy the Abyssal bloodline Sorcerer, any type of Enchantment spellcaster will wish their spell DCs were as high as a Fey, Arcane, or Infernal bloodline Sorcerer (even better if you wanna play a Tiefling), and any type of elemental blaster will wish they had a elemental dragon bloodline (e.g. Prerequisites: Ability to spontaneously cast … To unlock Dragon Disciple at level 5 we need 5 points in Knowledge (Arcana), so t… Still using a weapon at this point instead of punching/clawing things and it's going fine. Scions of innately magical bloodlines, the chosen of deities, the spawn of monsters, pawns of fate and destiny, or simply flukes of fickle magic, sorcerers look within themselves for arcane prowess and draw forth might few mortals can imagine. You will have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. I saw a post that someone tried 1 monk/2 pally/17 sorc for a dragon build but I’m not sure that’s worth it. /*# sourceMappingURL=*/It adds the bloodrager, which is literally the best dragon polymorpher in the game with the draconic bloodline. Not sure if the Dragonkind I'm using is the Ability or the Spell? You can combine your high strength with Weapon Specialization, Power Attack and Arcane Strike for very good damage. Google+. Class Skill: Perception. Leveled 1-15 as sorc, then respeced from pure caster feats to more dragon-y feats before hitting 1 monk and 4 dd. Sort by. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Prestige Classes are a sort of advanced class that requires the character reach level 5 before taking prestige class levels and each have their own prerequisites. At the mansion of the Swordlord Jamandi Aldori, adventurers have gathered, lured by the promise of dominion should one of them conquer the nearby Stolen Lands and oust its current overlord - the Stag Lord. Thanks again for the great advice. As some of the most ancient, powerful, and capricious creatures in existence, dragons occasionally enter into trysts with unsuspecting mortals or sire offspring with exceptional individuals. As a result, the blood of dragons runs through the veins of many ra… Dragon Disciple is a class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Pathfinder: Kingmaker – Harrim Build This Harrim is better than the useless midget that could neither channel nor tank. I think it's actually an Ability though, which means it doesn't cost a high level spell slot which means it is AMAZING. I'm having a bad case of restarting over and over again and just want to find a fun build that is good. Regarding getting Dragonkind early, going DD does progress your Draconic Bloodline powers - like you were advancing the Sorceror class. I'm stuck between a Dragon Disciple build, Tactical Leader Inquisitor, and a … I'm fine with the monk dip, it's a lot of AC, feats and the extra punches are probably nice before being a dragon.