This is because higher ethanol concentrations kill the yeast cells; Fermentation provides about 10% alcohol by volume; The concentration of resultant ethanol can be increased by fractional distillation . Plus one chp 12,13,14 notes … Some of the additives such as phosphates cause eutrophication hence excessive build up of algae (algal blooms) which change the water taste and odour, and also reduce oxygen supply hence poor growth of aquatic organisms. stearic acid) to form the sodium salt of the acid removing it from the aqueous mixture. » Freely browse and use OCW materials at your own pace. gave death blow to the vital force theory. This organic chemistry note for IGCSE chemistry will cover the three major homologous series Alkane, Alkene, and Alcohols. Ion exchange process (e.g. Lecture notes files. Thermodynamics . Because of their high lathering tendency, they cause excessive frothing and foaming in water sources especially after heavy rains. Deposition of insoluble magnesium and calcium carbonates and sulphates formed from hard water result into blockage of water pips due to the formation of boiler scales. » Please enable Javascript to enjoy our awesome content. In the fat hydrolysis NaOH neutralizes the acid formed (i.e. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry . It burns with a blue flame , which is almost colourless. 2nd Year Chemistry Notes Download. The reaction is very slow and so catalyzed by the hydrogen ions from the sulphuric acid. So, "Stop Writing, We've Already Taken Your Notes." Alkylide Anions: Making new C-C bonds with Alkynes. Halogenoalkanes are compounds in which one or more hydrogen atoms in an alkane are replaced by halogens; Addition of aqueous KOH or NaOH to a halogenoalkane and heating results to corresponding alcohol; Reaction involves replacement of the halogen atoms with the -OH from the alkali; Reagent in this case is an alkali and condition for reaction is heat; Conversion of an alkene to an alcohol is known as hydration ; High pressures of about 25-30 atmospheres; It is prepared from the fermentation of starches or sugars in the presence of yeast; Fermentation: Is a chemical decomposition brought by bacteria or yeast (anaerobically) usually accompanied by evolution of carbon (IV) oxide and heat. The process of polymer formation is called polymerization. The constituent branch is named accordingly; Alcohols exhibit positional isomerism due to the fact that the position of attachment of the functional group varies within the carbon chain; Are alcohols in which the OH group is attached to a carbon atom to which, Are alcohols in which the hydroxyl group is attached to the carbon atom to which. Class 10 Chemistry Notes are free and will always remain free. When you write your notes, you probably start a new topic on a new page, right? The reduced permanganate decolorizes (turns from purple to colourless);-The H+/KMnO4 is decolourised due to reduction of manganate (VII) ions to Mn2+. - Depends on whether the hardness is temporary or permanen, Advantages and Disadvantages of hard water. Preparation of polyethenyl ethanoate and cellulose ethanoate which are used are used to make artificial fibres such as rayon. The gas collected is tested with acidified potassium manganate (VII) and bromine water. It is good for drinking purposes as calcium contained in it helps to form strong bones and teeth. Must-have organic chemistry notes, summaries, and cheat sheets to help you master organic chemistry ace your next organic chemistry test, MCAT, DAT, or PCAT! Your use of the MIT OpenCourseWare site and materials is subject to our Creative Commons License and other terms of use. This polymer is called polyisoprene with the formula; Low resistance and low tensile strength; thus breaks easily upon stretching; Loses its rubber like properties at temperatures above 60. Home Organic Chemistry II CHEMISTRY NOTES FOR CLASS 11 CHEMISTRY DOWNLOAD IN PDF. Download Organic Chemistry Notes for immediate use. Course Description This is the second semester of sophomore Organic Chemistry. Our Notes are Easy-to-Follow, Handwritten Chemistry Pdf Notes that Combine Your Book and Chemistry Notes into One, Simple, Easy-to-Understand Format. Keeping this in mind, all general organic chemistry concepts have been explained in a concise, informative manner in this article. diethylmalonate (Figure 1 - diethyl malonate) Figure 1 - diethyl malonate Chapter 7. View More from This Institution. Esterification results to esters which are covalent compound; neutralization forms salts which are electrovalent. The resultant gas also decolourises the red brown bromine water. (No internet/data bundles needed. Reply Delete. For the detailed contents of each "Section", use the Main Menu and navigate to the ORGANIC CHEMISTRY NOTES+ tab. ), Conjugated Systems and Molecular Orbital Theory (, Conjugated Systems and Molecular Orbital Theory (cont.) Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties . Lecture Notes, Organic Structure Elucidation (cont.) A dry gas jar is held over the flame and the gas collected tested with limewater. It is soluble in water and is weakly acidic with a P.H of approximately 4.8. This is one of over 2,400 courses on OCW. Starting material for the manufacture of polyvinyl chloride (P.V.C). Thus in excess alkali, all the fat is utilized. Are formed when one of the OH - groups in sulphuric acid is replaced with an alkyl benzene group . Starch is broken into sugars by the action of the enzyme amylase or diastase ; Finally the enzyme zymase , also produced by yeast converts glucose and fructose into ethanol and carbon (IV) oxide. Part 3: Reactions of Organic Compounds---PowerPoint / student notetaker During the process, ethanol distills over fast due to its lower boiling point (78°C). Material for test #1 . Vocabulary 3. Occurs when unsaturated molecules (monomers) join to form a long chain molecule (polymer) without the formation of any other product. You will have the content in your phone/computer to read anytime. This leads to y three types of hybridisation which are sp 3 (in alkanes) – Tetrahedral in shape sp 2 (in alkenes) – Planar structure sp(in alkynes) – … Graphical representation of carboxyl group is as shown below; The ending of the corresponding alkane is replaced by ′ oic acid . Oils can be converted to fats/hardened into fats by hydrogenation. Get them Instantly. Catalysts such as conc. PEECS Plus Two Chemistry P Block Elements Part 01 YouTube. This makes these notes perfect from printing out and adding to your organic chemistry binder. When soft water flows in lead pipes some lead is dissolved hence lead poisoning. Are made from renewable resources such as wool and trees; hence not easily exhaustible. They form a homologous series of the general formula CnH2n+1OH, in which the OH can also be denoted as ROH, where R is an alkyl group. Used as solvents; in the preparation of drugs, perfumes, liquors, vanish and paints. These notes are in PDF format that helps you to view all 7 chapters in one file. We will also introduce a mobile app for viewing all the notes on mobile. Alkanols react with electropositive metals such as sodium, potassium and aluminium to liberate hydrogen gas and form a solution of the metal salt, the. xvi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION The result is a textbook designed for a one-semester advanced organic … Play Group: Activities, Homework and Syllabus, Pre-Primary One - PP1: Activities, Homework and Exams, Pre-Primary One - PP2: Activities, Homework and Exams, CBC Grade 1: Subjects, Syllabus and Exams, CBC Grade 2: Subjects, Homework and Exams, CBC Grade 3: Exam Papers, Syllabus and Subjects, CBC Grade 4: Exam Papers, Syllabus and Subjects, ACIDS, BASES AND INDICATORS - Form 1 Chemistry Notes, AIR AND COMBUSTION - Form 1 Chemistry Notes, INTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRY - Form 1 Chemistry Notes, SIMPLE CLASSIFICATION OF SUBSTANCES - Form 1 Chemistry Notes, WATER AND HYDROGEN - Form 1 Chemistry Notes, METALS: EXTRACTION PROPERTIES AND USES - Form 4 Chemistry notes, Last modified on Friday, 25 September 2020 09:50, ACIDS, BASES AND SALTS - Form 4 Chemistry notes - Next », Install our android app for easier access, Summary on Preparation of Alkanols(Ethanol), Summary: Manufacture of Soapless Detergents, Advantages of Synthetic Polymers and Fibres over Natural polymers, Disadvantages of Synthetic Polymers and Fibres over Natural polymers, Summary on Preparation of Alkanols (Ethanol), Soapless Detergents (Synthetic Detergents), Advantages of synthetic polymers and fibres over natural polymers, Disadvantages of synthetic polymers and fibres over natural polymers, Click here to download the pdf version of "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II - Form 4 Chemistry notes", and read the full contents of this page, Click here to download the full document with all topics. You get all topics/full set papers at a lesser price than if you bought per paper/ per topic. The water soluble sodium heads on the surface of the droplets keep the droplets emulsified (suspended) in the water. Are often very expensive compared to synthetic polymers. polythene, Perspex. Plastics are non-biodegradable hence causes a lot if problems in disposal, Plastics burn more readily than natural material, Some synthetic polymers give off poisonous gases when they burn. Are cleansing agents lacking the carboxylate ions; but also act like soap in the cleaning process. CLICK HERE to get "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I - Form 3 Chemistry Notes" on Whatsapp. When the reaction mixture contains about 12% by volume of ethanol, the activity of yeast ceases. The resultant scum is deposited on fabrics, giving them an unsightly dull appearance. Need homework and test-taking help in Organic Chemistry? Are easily affected by acids, alkalis, air etc. Most are not easily flammable hence good materials for items like clothing. You can only print the pages you want and you’ll never have to worry about aw… To the boiled mixture 3 spatula measures of sodium chloride are added, stirred well and allowed to cool. the first organic compound synthesised in laboratory, by Wohler. Chapter 3. Polymers have different properties different from those of the monomers. Thus in hard water districts it is obviously advantageous to remove hardness before washing. The C in the COOH is always given the first position, while the substituents are given locants (numbers in reference to the first position). Two types of polymers exist; natural and synthetic/artificial polymers. Structure of Atom . Alkanols are prepared from three main methods. Natural polymers occur naturally in living systems. Organic Chemistry – Study of Hydrocarbons & their derivatives. Organic Chemistry 14.2 Functional Group Chemistry 14.2.4 Carboxylic Acids. Organic Chemistry Notes: Part 1: Naming Organic Compounds--- PowerPoint (warning: notation not IB style) / student notetaker. The sodium salt (sodium stearate) of the acid is termed soap if the number of carbon atoms per molecule is more than eight. Click the button below to download the full Chemistry Form 4 Notes pdf document, with all the topics. HTML code is not allowed. A molecule of soap has a polar (hydrophilic) and non-polar (hydrophobic) parts; The non-polar end dissolves in oil and the polar end dissolves in water. Are a variety of compounds produced when oils or fats are reacted with sodium hydroxide. Effects of Soap on Oil Water Mixture (removal of oils and grease during washing), Note: schematic representation of a soap molecule. Named Reactions and Reagents 2. Capable of withstanding wide range of temperatures without changing shape. Send to friends and colleagues. Unknown December 3, 2014 at 4:07 PM. For molecules to join at both ends permitting chain formation; Consider two molecules A and B; each with 2 functional groups: Molecule A; HO - A - OH, with two OH functional groups; Molecule B; HOOC - B - COOH, with two -COOH functional groups. We don't offer credit or certification for using OCW. Refer the revision notes to shine in Chemistry. On heating the alkanol (ethanol) undergoes an elimination reaction. Made for sharing. Procedure-A little solution of acidified potassium dichromate (VI) is added to a little solution of ethanol in a test tube and then warmed gently; Observation:-The solution (dichromate) changes from yellow to green; Explanation- The acidified potassium dichromate (VI) oxidizes the ethanol to ethanal then to ethanoic acid, while the dichromate undergoes reduction (chromate (VI) to Cr3+ changing colour from yellow to green ; Procedure-Acidified potassium permanganate solution is added to ethanol in a test tube end the mixture is warmed gently. The branch of chemistry which deals with these compounds is called organic chemistry. It is good for brewing and the tanning industries; Soap forms insoluble salts with magnesium and calcium ions; scum (calcium or magnesium stearate) thereby wasting soap. No enrollment or registration. The sodium alkylbenzene sulphonate is neutralized using sodium hydroxide to obtain the detergent. » Chapter 2. The mixture is poured into a beaker and smelt; Ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid in the presence of a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid to form ethyl ethanoate and water. Chapter 4 The molecule may be a fatty acid, a salt of a fatty acid (soap), phospholipids, or other similar molecules. Huckel Aromaticity and Frost Circles. Kerala Plus 2 Organic Chemistry Notes are abundant Wed 30 May 2018 15 Nov Page 4/11. Fermentation of starches and sugars (mainly for ethanol). New A-level 2015 The revision guides are split into physical, inorganic and organic chemistry. o 1,3-dicarbonyls, e.g. They are man-made e.g. The solid is filtered off and washed with cold distilled water, to remove impurities like NaCl. The chemistry notes for class 12 include all 16 Chapters Exercise wise Questions, Short Questions, Long Questions, Past Paper Questions, Numericals, and Examples.. You can find notes and exam questions for Additional math, Elementary math, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. They are of two main types; thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers. chemistry notes organic chemistry chaper 10,11,12,13 please rearrange page 3,4 .Thank you for your notes and a lot expecting Shahida C K HSST Chemistry GVHSS Meppayur. Due to the existence of branched alkanoic acids, it is possible to obtain various isomers for a given alkanoic acid; A colourless liquid with a sharp pungent smell. There's no signup, and no start or end dates. A clear solution of sodium ethoxide is left formed in the boiling tube. Usually the monomers must have at least a double or triple bond. Manufacture of insulating materials for electrical connections. Download Chemistry Notes in Pdf Format. Click here to download the pdf version of "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I - Form 3 Chemistry Notes", and read the full contents of this page OR . Chapter 4. Organic Chemistry Topper Notes pdf | This note is taken from the enrolled students.Handwritten Class Notes Chemical sciences CSIR NET quantity NET CSIR IIT JAM Career Endeavour, for CSIR, for IIT JAM, for NET, Chemical sciences ,Physical Sciences & Mathematics. Softens on heating and becomes rigid on cooling. Chapter 6. They lather easily with hard water since the corresponding calcium and magnesium salts are soluble in water due to lack of the carboxylate ions. It is the production of esters (alkyl alkanoates) from the reaction between alcohols and carboxylic acids; 2-3 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid are added to a mixture of equal proportions of ethanol and pure ethanoic acid in an evaporating dish. They are named as if they are derived from alkanes through replacement of one of the hydrogen atoms by the -COOH group. Posted on April 16th, 2019. The following tests can be used to test for alkanoic acids. it has 4 valence electrons. it forms 4 covalent bonds with other atoms Due to tetravalency of carbon it has a tetrahedron shape. Organic Chemistry 2 by University of New Orleans. Make sure to comment down your experience regarding our website. The resultant fraction will have 95% alcohol by volume; and is called rectified spirit ; Absolute ethanol; which is 99.5% by volume can be obtained by re-distillation of rectified ethanol between 78-82, Addition of a small amount of benzene to the rectified spirit and then distilling; (benzene dissolves in the water in the alcohol), Distillation of rectified spirit over a suitable drying agent like calcium oxide and then over calcium; (calcium reacts with steam, calcium oxide takes in condensed water). Hames School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK Animal Biology 2nd edition Biochemistry 2nd edition Bioinformatics Chemistry for Biologists 2nd edition Developmental Biology Ecology 2nd edition Immunology 2nd … Preparation of perfumes and artificial favours used in food manufacture. A Carboxylate end , which is polar and is attracted to water; hence is water-soluble. Simply put, organic chemistry is like building with molecular Legos. hydrogen is removed.-This results into formation of an ethanal; and hydrogen gas is liberated. The solid sample is placed in a test tube with distilled water, then with tap water. This text utilizes this organizational approach. Providing study notes, tips, and practice questions for students preparing for their O level or upper secondary examinations. Sodium reacts with alcohol much as it does with water but the reaction is more gentle . We will discuss their general formula, physical and chemical properties. OR . The H and OH combine to form water; and the remnants form ethene. Posted on January 29th, 2019 Join our whatsapp group for latest updates, Chemistry Paper 3 Form 3 Questions and Answers - End Term 2 Exams 2021, Chemistry Paper 2 Form 3 Questions and Answers - End Term 2 Exams 2021, Chemistry Paper 1 Form 3 Questions and Answers - End Term 2 Exams 2021, Chemistry Form 1 Questions and Answers- End Term 2 Exams 2021, Chemistry Form 2 Questions and Answers - End Term 2 Exams 2021, Are highly soluble in water; hence can be used in acidic or hard water, Are not soluble in water and tend to be wasted when used in hard water, Are made from byproducts of petroleum industry; which helps to conserve edible fats and oils, Are biodegradable and have minimum pollution effects, Polyethene bags; bowls packaging; electrical insulation; plastic pipes etc, Strong and hard (not as flexible as polythene), Making plastic pipes, electrical insulators, floor tiles, crdit cards, Insulation; Packaging materials and food containers, Non - stick surface; withstands high temperatures, Optical components; transparent doors and windows; display signs; dental fillings, Making rain coats, plastic discs, plastic water pipes and electric insulation, Terephthalic acid and Ethan 1,2 diol (ethylene glycol), Safety belts, windscreen and plastic lenses, Hexane - 1,6 - diol dichloride; and hexane - 1,6 - diamine, Used in making safety glass, reflectors, contact lenses; false teeth. Reply. MIT OpenCourseWare is a free & open publication of material from thousands of MIT courses, covering the entire MIT curriculum. askIITians offers tutorials on all significant topics of Chemistry including Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry & Organic Chemistry. We have both General Chemistry Notes and Organic Chemistry Notes. Diagram: role of soap in cleaning.NB: A micelle is formed when a variety of molecules including soaps and detergents are added to water. Option A: Analytical Chemistry Power Point. It makes the water able to wet material more effectively by lowering the surface tension. (, Pericyclic Reactions - Electrocyclic Processes (, Pericyclic Reactions - Cycloadditions, Sigmatropic Rearrangements (, Pericyclic Reactions - Sigmatropic Rearrangements. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure. Material for test #2 . These are a homologous series of organic compounds that all … Are those that become hard on heating and cannot be softened by heating. The flask is then heated (warmed) gently with little shaking for about 1 minute. Ethanol is used as a disinfectant (antiseptic) at special concentrations e.g for cleaning tissues and surgical equipments during operations and in dressing wounds; Manufacture of alkanoic acids e.g ethanoic acid. Effervescence occurs and bubbles of a colourless gas are observed; gas burns with a pop sound. The Shapes of Carbon Compounds: In organic or carbon compounds, s and p orbitals are involved in hybridisation. sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid and aluminium oxide; The contents are mixed thoroughly by swirling the flask. The naming of branched alkanoic acids follow the same general rules like that of alkanes; as long as the carbon atom with the COOH group is given the first position. Plus Two Chemistry Question Bank Chapterwise hsslive in. Explore materials for this course in the pages linked along the left. Are non-inflammable, as they don t catch fire easily. Summary: Draw a summary flow chart to show all the reactions of a named alkanoic acid. The resultant gas turns limewater into a white precipitate, indicating it is carbon (IV) oxide. The mixture is then heated for about 10 minutes, stirring continuously and adding distilled water to make up for evaporation. Part 2: Isomers and etc. The Calcium and magnesium ions in hard water react with soap (sodium stearate) and remove it as an insoluble grey scum of magnesium or calcium stearate .Equations: Soap is wasted in this way until all the calcium (II) and magnesium (II) stearate has been removed. Chapter 5. There are no modules. Download files for later. Study when offline. Lecture Notes: The following material can be downloaded as pdf files. They derivatives of alkanes in which a hydrogen has been replaced by a hydroxyl group (OH); which is the functional group. General Organic Chemistry Topics and Notes… Dehydration is the removal of water molecules from a compound; Excess concentrated sulphuric (VI) acid dehydrates alkanols and forms corresponding alkenes. Click the link below to download all the notes provided in this article (in PDF format). Consequently the oil drops repel each other, hence preventing them from coalescing. States of Matter . Occurs when monomers (similar or different) combine to form a long chain molecule; with the loss of small molecules like ammonia or water. Home CIE IGCSE Chemistry Revision Notes 14. The two main types of soapless detergents are: Most are made from residues from crude oil distillation, The hydrocarbons are treated with concentrated sulphuric acid (instead of alkalis in cases of soap). LEC # TOPICS; L1: Molecular Formula and Index of Hydrogen Deficiency [EA] ()L2: Molecular Formula and Index of Hydrogen Deficiency [MS] (cont.) Chemistry The distillate at below 95°C is first collected (leaving water behind). You get all topics/full set papers at a lesser price than if you bought per paper/ per topic. --- PowerPoint (missing ink annotations) / student notetaker. Our organic chemistry notes are actual, perfectly-neat, handwritten notes that have helped thousands of students obtain the organic chemistry help they need. Replies. Are mainly prepared from non-food raw materials. Ethanol like all other alcohols is oxidized by strong oxidizing agents such as potassium dichromate (VI) and potassium manganate (VII) to form ethanoic acid. -Soapless detergents have two ends; a long hydrocarbon part, the tail and a short ionic part, the head. Acces PDF Kerala Plus 2 Organic Chemistry Notes 2012 23 57 00 GMT 17. Solubility of alkanols decreases with increase in molecular mass ; Both melting and boiling points increases with increase in the relative molecular mass; due to progressive increase in number of van der waals forces; Alkanols have higher melting and boiling points than their corresponding alkanes with the same molecular formula; Alkanols have hydrogen bonding between their molecules, caused by the presence of the OH group; alkanes have van der waals between its molecules; Hydrogen bonds are stronger than weak van der waals; A few drops of ethanol are placed in a watch glass and lit. I approach my notes with the same idea: each topic or a reaction is its own page (or two if that’s a long mechanism). KOH may be used in place of NaOH as the alkali. The reaction overview documents were developed by teaching assistant Jeewoo Lim. Download Chemistry Form 4 Notes PDF to Print or Offline Reading. Recent Blog Entries. Knowledge is your reward. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Year 2 Organic Chemistry Dicarbonyl Chemistry – Dr Wyatt 1,3-dicarbonyls Introduction • 1,3-dicarbonyls have many synthetic uses due to the two carbonyl groups present. Are often unaffected by ac ids, alkalis, water and air. Formation of kettle fur which make electrical appliances inefficient and increases running costs. Evolution of a colourless gas that decolourises the purple acidified potassium manganate (VII). Tiny pieces of sodium one at a time; are added 1cm³ of pure ethanol in a boiling tube. Chapter 1. » We will also think about how those reactions are occurring on a molecular level with reaction mechanisms. Are biodegradable hence not a likely cause of environmental pollution. Their functional group is the carboxylic group (-COOH) which is attached to the alkyl group. Easy notes that contain MCQs and questions of the chapter. This is the most affordable option. Sodium metal darts on the surface of the ethanol and then dissolves/disappears; The beaker becomes warmer indicating an exothermic reaction . Catenation- The self linking property of carbon is known as catenation. Molecular Formula and Index of Hydrogen Deficiency [EA] (, Molecular Formula and Index of Hydrogen Deficiency [MS] (cont. PART 1 The chemistry of ALKANES and OIL for Advanced A Level Organic Chemistry. It is a colourless, volatile liquid soluble in water in all proportions forming a neutral solution; Has a characteristic smell and boils at78.5°C. This is the conversion of oils into fats by use of hydrogen; and forms the basis of margarine manufacture. in the permutit water softener). 14.2.4 Carboxylic Acids Download PDF Ethanoic Acid: Basics.