Mission. The mission for nursing services is to deliver quality nursing care based on the individualized needs of the patient and their families. We are passionate about what we do. Write a sentence that will support your vision statement. The faculty of the Department of Nursing believes humans are unique, holistic, and multidimensional beings who are valued in their uniqueness and are deserving of respect and dignity. Mission . Our Vision is to heal humankind, one patient at a time, by improving health, alleviating suffering, and delivering acts of kindness. Avon:To be the company that best understands and satisfies the product, s… Learners and teachers have role responsibilities, which foster informed participation, open communication, critical thinking, and community building. IKEA:To create a better everyday life for the many people 3. Mission. We share ideas and contribute to an environment that fosters creativity and innovation. Your nursing vision differs slightly from your mission; the vision is more of an illustration of what you’d like to accomplish through your nursing service. As nurses we participate in each aspect of the mission with patient care holding the principal position in our daily efforts. Organizationally, we are committed to shared governance for nursing practice. Nursing is a health care service mandated by society; the practice of nursing stems from the beliefs and ideals of the nursing service department. We believe that health is the dynamic state of interactions among mind, body, and spirit. Built on these trends and validated assumptions, a future vision for nursing education was developed that serves to meet the needs of a dynamic and global society and a diverse patient population. I will greet … Our MISSION is: To offer innovative, transformative and research-based education to develop independent, highly skilled, caring and committed nursing graduates who think critically and who will use their knowledge and skills, in a variety of contexts, to bring about change and provide or facilitate high-quality comprehensive health care services to individuals, families and communities. Disney:To make people happy 2. Mission The College of Nursing educates and inspires students to become compassionate healers who demonstrate integrity, innovation, caring and excellence. Vision. Guided by our mission, vision and values, we are committed to excellence. The faculty of the Department of Nursing believes humans are unique, holistic, and multidimensional beings who are valued in their uniqueness and are deserving of respect and dignity. We support the mission of San Juan Regional Medical Center to personalize healthcare and create enthusiasm and vitality in healing. Mission Provide science-based, technologically precise, compassionately delivered patient care. With three hospitals to choose from – Duke University Hospital, Duke Raleigh Hospital and Duke Regional Hospital – and many ambulatory surgery centers throughout North Carolina, you’ll find it all right here. We are building an organizational structure and processes that develop a strong and qualified pipeline of employees, both faculty and staff. The Mission, Vision and Philosophy of the Nursing Department/Patient Care Services is aligned and consistent with the mission, vision, and values of Mount Sinai South Nassau. The undergraduate and graduate programs will promote the many ways of knowing that contribute to the Art of Nursing. View this video to learn more about what it means to be a Duke Nurse: Duke Nurses are transforming the future of patient care. The West Texas A&M University Department of Nursing envisions a health care system in which all persons receive quality care in an atmosphere of respect for human dignity. Through this model, we deliver care to achieve excellent outcomes that are consistent with the nursing values and expectations grounded in caring practices: Duke Nurses role model high ethical standards through interpersonal and interprofessional relationships that fulfill commitments and cultivate an environment of inclusion and diversity. The environment is not a separate entity, but an integral component of the human experience. The Vision for Nursing Education Task Force extensively reviewed and thoughtfully considered the many issues explicated through the environmental scan. Human beings have a right to self-determination and to make informed choices. HOSPITAL – MISSION, VISION AND VALUE EXAMPLES MISSION The mission of Doylestown Hospital is to provide a responsive healing environment for patients and their families, and to improve the quality of life for all members of our community. British Broadcasting Company (BBC):To be the most creative organization in the world 4. We will be leaders in: Providing quality and compassionate nursing care; Creating positive work environments that foster and support professional growth and development; Partnering with other disciplines and patients/families in the provision of … Our core value is “Caring for Our Patients, Their Loved Ones, and Each Other.” We achieve this through: We derive our beliefs and values from our Professional Practice Model – a description of the beliefs and values used to consistently demonstrate professional practice within an organization. For example, a nurse educator might write a vision statement such as: "To inspire and teach other nursing professionals the skills they will need to succeed in today's health care environment." DPH’s workforce is guided by the following core values in carrying out our public health work: People – We value our employees as professional colleagues. Our Guiding Core Values Mission & Vision Vision The College of Nursing’s vision is to develop leaders in nursing and health care whose actions, discoveries, and voices strengthen and advance the health of individuals and communities worldwide. NURSING VISION. Building on our core values of leadership, reforming, social justice, and wellness and resilience, we work to achieve our vision: Norse Nurses: Bold reformers for the greater good of health and healthcare As a state supported higher degree program in nursing, the college is committed to preparing nurse clinicians, scholars, and educators to meet the health needs of the people of Iowa. We enhance public safety and promote successful community reintegration through education, treatment and active participation in rehabilitative and restorative justice programs. We believe that the teaching and learning of nursing is both an individual and community enterprise. Promoting excellence in every department. Duke Nurses innovate practice and disseminate knowledge to address the needs of today and tomorrow. We believe that the environment is the biological, physiological, personal, spiritual, social, cultural, and political context in which persons experience health. This mission statement was created by the Nursing Department faculty with the intention of leveraging our values to achieve our vision. Mission The University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, founded in 1939, is one of the oldest programs in baccalaureate and doctoral education in nursing in the United States. Nurses use the many ways of knowing to enable persons to bring body, mind, and spirit into harmonious relationship. Mission and Vision Values Health Equity In 2001, through the visionary leadership of the faculty of the School of Nursing & Health Studies, Georgetown’s Board of Directors approved the creation of a Center on Health Equity: Research, Implementation, and Teaching that would focus on research initiatives, implementation through professional practice and community engagement, and educating […] 2. Reconvene the original team, plus any additional cultural torchbearers, every six months to assess whether the defined Purpose, Vision, Mission, Values, and Measures still accurately reflect the company overall. Whether you’re an experienced OR RN or have always wondered what it would be like to work in the OR, there has never been a better time to explore OR nursing jobs at Duke University Health System. Duke Nurses collaborate through skilled communication to enhance interprofessional teams to achieve common goals, share resources and achieve patient-family centered care across all roles and settings. Our Values ensure Integrity, Compassion, Respect, Teamwork, Excellence and Discovery in the work we do daily. The mission of the CSUSB DON is to promote and support: development of students in preparation for professional practice, scholarship, leadership, and lifelong learning. Saint Vincent Hospital is a medical institution dedicated to providing quality patient care with The vision and mission statements are important tools of strategic planning, and thus they help to shape the strategy that will be used by an organization to achieve the desired future. We believe that nursing is a practice discipline requiring the scholarly use of scientific, ethical, aesthetic, and personal ways of knowing (the Art of Nursing). Your vision encompasses your aspirations, your goals and the lofty ideals that demonstrate not only who you are as a nurse, … The Department of Nursing's physical office is closed due to COVID-19. Vision. Degree, Counseling & Mental Health Services (HB2895), Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. We are leaders, innovators, and educators. To improve the quality of life and health of those we serve through excellence in surgical care, education and research. Our Mission. We endeavor to ensure that all aspects of your well-being are catered for (Mental, Physical and Spiritual) in a professional and safe environment. UCLA Health Department of Nursing Mission Scholarly nursing practice will be integral to such system. Mission, Vision & Values. Mission and Vision Statement. Philosophy. Mission may change based on the shape and condition of the market, overall. Nursing Mission, Vision, Philosophy & Values. Duke University Health System Nursing is committed to quality care of our patients, their family members, and the community through excellence in leadership, practice, innovation, and education. They also have a right to competent advocacy when their abilities for self-determination and choice are impaired. Health is uniquely experienced by each person and exists in any of many conditions. Duke Nurses create a dynamic environment through compassionate, expert, and specialized care to achieve optimal outcomes. The University of Maine School of Nursing. Fostering an environment of loving compassionate care. Our Nursing Home will strive to accomplish our Vision by committing to: Knowing the needs and preferences of each resident. Write your vision statement as a general declaration of who you are and your purpose. Human beings have a right to self-determination and to make informed choices. The mission of the Lincoln University’s, Department of Nursing is to produce graduates who have superior knowledge and skills, who are able to work collaboratively with inter-professional teams to meet current and future healthcare needs for our local, national, and global communities.. The mission of the College of Nursing is to prepare nurse leaders and to be forerunners in the discovery, dissemination and application of nursing knowledge. The mission of the Texas A&M College of Nursing is to educate professional nurses of today and leaders of tomorrow through the provision of excellent educational programs in nursing. Here are some examples of vision statements: 1. Vision. We believe caring, commitment, honesty, integrity, dependability, respect, responsibility, accountability, and initiative are values, which are central to nursing scholarship. The National League for Nursing promotes excellence in nursing education to build a strong and diverse nursing workforce to advance the health of our nation and the global community. Core Values Respect. © West Texas A&M University | All Rights Reserved, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) Values Extraordinary Love, Compassion, Courage, Integrity in every situation! In the first area, nursing theory, the task for the nurse manager is to decide whether and how to incorporate theory. Vision The highest quality of patient care provided through the advancement of nursing practice. Mission. Nursing Mission, to provide quality, compassionate nursing care based upon mutual respect for … “Knowing and working with a lot of people that are very engaged inspires you to be great too.”, Duke Heart: Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Surgery, Providing quality and compassionate nursing care, Creating positive work environments that foster and support professional growth and development, Partnering with other disciplines and patients/families in the provision of healthcare, Establishing the standards for nursing practice, Developing and implementing innovative, professional, evidence-based nursing care. The mission of The University of Maine School of Nursing is to prepare caring, innovative, professional nurses who are leaders in addressing the evolving health care needs of all people and in advancing the profession of nursing. Nursing is an art and science that identifies, mobilizes, and develops strengths of the client through acquired skill, professionalism, knowledge, and competence supported by evidence-based practice. The mission of the Georgia Department of Public Health is: To prevent disease, injury and disability; promote health and well being; and prepare for and respond to disasters. Our mission is to be a student-centered, learning community dedicated to developing professional and academic leaders in nursing, and to serve our constituents through educational programs that engage students, provide high quality nursing services, demonstrate evidence-based nursing practice, and produce nursing scholarship. Exceptional nurses delivering extraordinary care. We honor our profession, patients and each other by being pioneers at the forefront of health care. Mission Statement. Mission and Vision Organizational Chart DOH Family Key Officials Directory DOH Budget DOH Location Map UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE POLICIES AND LAWS RAs, EOs, AOs, IRRs, MCs, DCs Republic Act 2010-2012 House Bills Notice of Public Hearing Nursing care is delivered in a complex environment that supports the trifold mission of patient care, education and research. Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals Vision. Taking the time to know and minister to the family as well as to the resident. To provide such compassionate and innovative surgical care, this is where patients demand to receive their care, faculty desire to … As an integral part of its parent institution, the Department of Nursing is committed to serving as the principal academic center for baccalaureate and graduate nursing education for a multi-state region. Sheelin Nursing Home and its staff are committed to ensuring that the best possible care is given to you or your loved one. 3. Vision The College of Nursing strives for outstanding educational outcomes exemplified by graduates who will be recognized for excellence, leadership, and compassionate care. Ideally, Purpose and Vision should be evergreen. A vision statementis a statement of an organization’s overarching aspirations of what it hopes to achieve or to become.