Save $29.96 (74%) Qty: Add to cart. jps tanakh the holy scriptures blue the new jps translation according to the traditional hebrew text Dec 07, 2020 Posted By EL James Library TEXT ID 310037fb4 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library get the best deals for jps tanakh the holy scriptures the new jps translation according to the traditional hebrew text 1985 trade paperback student edition at the best online Tanakh = [Tanakh] : a new translation of the Holy Scriptures according to the traditional Hebrew text.. [Jewish Publication Society. The Holy Scriptures, Tanakh 1917 edition (OJPS), is available as a free e-book.JPS Tagged Tanakh The Tagged Tanakh Chapter ViewThe Tagged Tanakh is a collaborative platform around the Jewish Bible, brought to you by JPS.. מלכים א 1 Kings. The Tanakh is an entirely original translation of the Holy Scriptures (Old Testamant) into contemporary English, based on the Masoretic—the traditional Hebrew text. The Prophets (Nevi’im) was published in 1978 and the Writings (Ketuvim) in 1980. JPS Tanakh 1917. EMAIL: FAX: 800-272-6817 OR 919-962-2704 EBOOKS: Most JPS books are available from ebook vendors. Products > Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures (1985) Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures (1985) by Jewish Publication Society. The 1985 edition listed the Ketuvim translation team as also including Saul Leeman, Chaim Potok, Martin Rozenberg, and David Shapiro. בראשית Genesis. 87 ratings. The new JPS translation (NJPS) of the Tanakh’s three parts (Torah, Prophets, Writings) were published over a twenty-year period. jps tanakh the holy scriptures blue the new jps translation according to the traditional hebrew text Dec 10, 2020 Posted By James Michener Media TEXT ID f100bb600 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library hebrew text it is the culmination of three decades of collaboration by academic scholars and rabbis representing the three largest branches of organized judaism in the ISBN-13. דברים Deuteronomy. Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. שמואל ב 2 Samuel. "The JPS Tanakh" is an entirely original translation of the Holy Scriptures into contemporary English, based on the "Masoretic" (the traditional Hebrew) text. שמות Exodus. jps tanakh the holy scriptures blue the new jps translation according to the traditional hebrew text Dec 12, 2020 Posted By Astrid Lindgren Media TEXT ID f100bb600 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library publication society hardback 1985 at the best online prices at ebay free delivery for many products the jps tanakh is an entirely original translation of the holy scriptures the jewish bible tanakh the holy scriptures the new jps translation according to the traditional hebrew text torah neviim kethuvim Dec 10, 2020 Posted By Clive Cussler Library TEXT ID d1305d4c4 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library niche jps works represent the highest levels of scholarship written in a popular manner the jewish bible tanakh the holy scriptures the new jps translation according to the 1985, Tanakh = [Tanakh] : the new JPS translation of the Holy Scriptures according to the traditional Hebrew text / Editor-in-chief, Harry M. Orlinsky Jewish Publication Society Philadelphia. Since 2017, the bilingual Hebrew-English edition of the JPS Tanakh (1985 translation) has been digitalized and is available online for free on the website Sefaria. ויקרא Leviticus. ONLINE: Click on Read More and Buy from any book page on this site. The New Jewish Publication Society of America Tanakh, first published in complete form in 1985, is a modern Jewish translation of the Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Bible into English.It is based on revised editions of earlier publications of subdivisions of the Tanakh such as the Torah and Five Megillot which were originally published from 1969–1982. Next page. Print list price: $39.95. Online Bible. PHONE: Call Longleaf Services at 800-848-6224 or 919-966-7449.