In a perfecly skilled and coordinated team Ironbreaker might not be the most optimal choice, but most of the time you can be a huge help anyways and I hardly ever did not have fun playing him. The Trait is good since you will push alot. Use it to draw attention from your teammates (or even free them), or to get a boost in a sticky situation, but never just turtle up by holding block and doing nothing else. Works well when working as a team. Getting a free absorb more often is great. Trait is completely up to personal preference, but I usually get the most mileage out of this one. Dash through 5 units give you 25% crit chance, and with the low cooldown of your career skill, you can almost keep that … 5. The update doesn’t add any new content, but it does include tons of Quality of Life changes. Because, even though some people haven’t realized this yet, it can activate when you get hit by a disabler or grabbed by a Chaos Spawn. Tunnel Fighter (Gromril Armour CD reduction) is the “new player friendly” choice. Otherwise, of course, DONT USE IT! Wazzok! Focus on general stuff. The perks are because of Cataclysm-breakpoints (no idea what is good on Legend), Conservative Shooter because you have no crit and if your aim is good you still effectively have a lot of ammo as well. I do love it when someone asks for an IB build and literally every post has a different build. A quick video to showcase the hunter proc: https://www < > . The Ironbreaker is as close to a “tank” as you can get in this game. Crossbow, Grudgeraker, or Drakefire Weapons can be good choices as well though. 20 - Tunnel Fighter Reason: Actually, this entire row can be a viable choice, but I like this one best because everybody in Legend and up should be able to hold monster aggro without dying anyways, and the extra range can be used to free teammates from disablers where you can’t otherwise. Reviving an ally reduces their damage taken by 50% for 10 seconds. 2. You never want to block to get something so this one is just better. +1 Stamina The biggest reason A&S is awesome however, is because of the combo of Push - Heavy, which pushes followed by a shield bash. Here's a rather short guide on the Athletics Perks Tree. Like dodging, positioning, decisionmaking. So I’ve recently finished all the Challenges with finishing all Helmgart levels on all difficulties with all careers from Recruit to Champion and now I’m looking to take on Legend. Stamina is not a bad choice however, and I’m sure there are other options as well. A very conservative stagger based build. Come take a look at what's changed in Vermintide 2. Its whatever here, pick the one you want. cataclysmのBWはほぼ全員それ。 -- 2020-05-24 (日) 04:27:21 モンクとcw以外なら だった -- 2020-05-24 (日) 04:28:18 まあバグだよな 威力なら剣だけどやっぱりモーション的にナイフのほうが好きだな俺は -- 2020-05-25 (月) 23:40:45 I feel I don’t need extra Stamina with a shield + Ironbreaker’s bonus Stamina, so I take Attack Speed instead (cause the weapon is pretty slow). Reason: You’ll use power attacks a lot with this weapon, so it’s pretty much nearly always active. The Ironbreaker version of Bardin can be quite difficult to play. I just feel like Shield of Valaya gives more bang for buck. Also it pretty much makes you invincible when combined with the ult. Not going to write a full guide, but here’s a few tips and things i use on my IB. Have a mindset to guard and support your team, rather than a berserker-charge-and-shoot-every-mob-you-see mindset. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Reason: Crushing Counter Blow is not very useful on this build as it is either absorbed by a push / bash, or only applies to a single light axe attack… Extra Power is always good though, especially since it also helps your pushes or your ranged attack as well! That is because it is inherently of a supportive nature. Melee weapon: Axe and Shield (Off Balance, Stamina + Block Cost Reduction) Ranged weapon: Handgun (Conservative Shooter (? Ironbreaker L5 Talents Shield of Valaya Increases effective block and push angle by 50%. CP2077 Quickhacking Perks Guide | Tierlist, what’s good? Talents 5 - Grudge-Born 10 - Crushing Counter Blow 15 - Bulwark 20 - Tunnel Fighter 25 Dawi Defiance 30 - Drengbarazi Oath Sevensreturn January 15, 2020, 8:05pm #2 Is it ready for legend? So, that’s it, basically. Level 15 Talent: Enhanced Power. CP2077 Engineering Perks Guide | Tierlist, what’s good? Impenetrable taunt now forces bosses to attack Bardin. Drengbarazi Oath is quite good as well. Indefatigable Grants an extra Stamina shield. But obviously, shields are superior to everything else in this game. Ironbreaker’s Resolve (Gromril provides stamina regen) is probably the best if you’re really damn good. ), other decent weapons on Ironbreaker are Dual Hammers or 2H Hammer. Rock-Breaker It’s also a decent pick to try and move up to more difficult content, as his defensive powers make mistakes a little more forgiving. Extra Power is negligable and Extra Power also works vs. I use the Pickaxe and mine chaos warriors skulls with it, if you max out damage vs armored and chaos you can easily kill groups of CW just by carefully dodging their attacks and then using heavies to smash their heads in, same goes for SV. If you’re good at avoiding / blocking the boss mechanics this should be an autopick. Thermal Equalizer. Using Bark Skin is a must, since with it, you take barely any damage when you’re in very bad situations and receive multiple hits in a short time. Hammer and shield is the clearly superior IB weapon. You’ll find all sorts of information here regarding the Ironbreaker Career (for Bardin) in Vermintide 2. Either of the THP talents is alright. Chaos Warriors and Monsters, and on your pushes and ranged attacks! Level 10 Talent: Blood of Grimnir (+Power when near mates). Honestly, I give all my bots enhanced power. Now, since it knocks everything back (the stagger is really powerful), if you are good at not being hit often this is the only “get out of jail free” skill in the game! +10% Power vs Berserkers Can save you from Gutter runners and Packrats. Increases stamina regen by 50% when Gromril Armour is active. Reason: BCR is way better than extra stamina, and like I said I feel I have plenty anyways. Another advice: Heart of Gromril (+taunt duration) I don’t know how relevant this is… The base duration seems fine enough already and I never thought to myself “I wanted a longer taunt”. Here are all of the classes & careers, ranked worst to best. Armour: Push attack for that nice Hammer in the head action and then some charged attacks. It’s great on bosses. So im just gonna say how I play the IB. I’ll write it out below for you and explain the choices I made and why.