I pray that the smell is just musky, which means healthy, and not fishy, which means my bacterial vaginosis, otherwise known as BV, is back. – Read more on pelvic inflammatory disease! First thing’s first: remove all blood stains you can find and throw out any garbage cans that may be housing blood. Dont worry and try not to take smell. Hello Prisca, you should try changing the pads or tampons that you are using and see if the same thing will happen. Any doubt, please ask. The problem might not affect all women the same way and with the same level of intensity, but everyone has to deal with to a certain extent. 2. This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services, personalize ads and analyze traffic. If you have a slightly green discharge with a strong smell, then it is highly likely that you have a disease called trichomoniasis. This is a homeopathic treatment which, according to the reviews, a lot of women find very helpful. Hi I am Eliano I have had my period recently with bad smelly liquids come out of my vagina,rotten smell why is this?? pls i need help, what do I do. Although the products listed above do help, keep in mind that in case of serious vaginal infections, you should consult a doctor to get the appropriate treatment such as antifungals or antibiotics. Lastly, try to avoid vaginal washes or those in excess, because they favor candidiasis. This is a newer product that according to their site, keeps you fresh for 3 days. Hi there Eliano, click the below link and read to find out why this might be happening to you. It is now possible to find feminine washes on the market to get relief from this problem. How Soon Can You Get Pregnant After Having A Baby? Prior to your period, as estrogen and progesterone dance in preparation for pregnancy, it is absolutely normal to notice an often metallic and sometimes ‘fishy’ smell to the vagina.women who notice a routine vaginal odor prior to their period, have very little to worry about – especially if the odor subsides after menstruation. Therefore, a bad smell after period may be caused by a vaginal infection or disease, and most common symptoms of these infections, besides the bad odor, are abundant discharges (in larger amounts than usually), itching in the genital area or even pain. Hi I am Ucee. The cause of odor during menstruation is the growth of bacteria or pathogens when the blood stagnates for too long. A vaginal infection may also cause a distinct strong vaginal odor after your period or you may notice a fishy smell after having intercourse. Within a week interval I had my period again in the same month. Another cause of this smelly vaginal discharge is a forgotten tampon. While there are plenty of options on the market as you can see above, some women want to also try the natural route. Yes, you have your hands full, but you still deserve to look, feel, and smell your best. Choose a period product with the right amount of absorbancy for your flow that day. If you are affected by vaginal odor after period, then you have come to the right place. It is usually at the end of your period, but can also be seen for the first day. Sorry to hear that you are dealing with this. Hi, I’m Roberta. Therefore, you should be careful when using wipes, soaps or shower gels. If there`s an infection, a treatment with antibiotics may resolve the issue easily. The main ingredient is Boric acid which has been confirmed through a clinical study as an effective natural defense against unbalanced vaginal pH. Among all the other problems that are caused, processed foods, cooked food, alcohol, onions and garlic, nicotine, excessive consumption of meat or fats lead to a bad vaginal odor. Stay well, momma! Ibuprofen not only reduces pains and cramps from menstruation, it also reduces the flow by half thereby hastening the end of your period. However the foul smelling discharge is something you’ll want to get look at. Well, you should know that using hygiene products in excess may lead to changing the normal vaginal pH and vaginal bacterial flora, causing a bad odor. ... Other times, you may have a serious condition that needs to be treated for a longer period. If you notice that you have a smelly white discharge after period, then it is possible that it’s caused by a yeast infection or thrush. Use soaps with neutral pH or use only water. The best way to know is to get tested at the earliest possible time because the disease can lead to infertility if treatment is not done in time. It’s a gel that coats the vaginal area to maintain a health vaginal pH. Make sure you change pads or tampons every four to six hours to avoid stagnation. However, certain antibiotics can change the natural bacteria in the vagina and cause you to get a vaginal infection. You might need anti-fungal vaginal creams in case of vaginal thrush, so it’s best to consult your gynecologist or doctor before using any gel or cream internally. You can also soak your menstrual cup for … If you feel that bacteria is the reason for the odor, this could be a good option to try. How To Get Rid Of Vaginal Odor Fast And Naturally – Best Drug-Free Tips: In this part, I would like to give you a more in-depth guide to get rid of vaginal odor. The following are common menstrual blood odors: Metallic. then after that the itching and the smell continues for two days. During your menstrual cycle, your body develops a lining in the uterus in preparation for pregnancy 2. A foul odor after period can sometimes be a normal thing. Vagisil Feminine Wash will help you clean away odor and also keep it from happening in the first place. This cleansing system uses stainless steel which in combination with running water is a recognized method of eliminating the volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) that cause vaginal odor. Because the vagina changes in smell, pH, color and even texture, it can be hard to figure out which smell is the “right one.” Learning how to properly take care of ourselves is an important part of life, but we may still have questions. Another solution for those looking for ways on how to get rid of vaginal odor is apple cider vinegar. i though i was the only one. Some women forget to take out the tampon on the last day of their period and it festers during this time to cause a smelly discharge. This brown blood just means that the blood is old and dried, and has an AWFUL smell. Normal vaginal odor It is good to remember that vaginal discharge is a normal part of a healthy reproductive system and helps keep your vagina free of … why is it so, then what do i do about it? 6 Eat Yogurt Every Day. I guess that was weird and maybe a bit creepy. You can boil it on the stove for 2-10 minutes. I must really sweat between my legs! The smell may also change temporarily after sexual intercourse. This ingredient has amazing antiseptic, antibacterial properties that could be useful in treating vaginal odor.The vaginal environment is rather acidic with the normal pH level is often between from 3.8 – 4.5, so that harmful bacteria could not survive here. In her spare time she likes to play with her kid, bake cakes and watch romantic comedies. But the smell is influenced by other parasites or bacteria through sexual contact. Menstrual-cycle-calculator.com website helps women to calculate their period and understand how their menstrual cycle works. Try switching to a menstrual cup or tampon during your period, but be sure to change them frequently. How to get rid of fishy smell after period. Candida albicans causes this infection and it happens whenever change occurs in vaginal flora. ... HOW TO Smell Amazing On Your Period!!!! +1 844 2782836, How Does Hepatitis C Affect Your Menstrual Cycle, Avoid these 5 Foods That Will Hurt Male Fertility, Brown Vaginal Discharge: Top Causes and Signs Explained, Can you Get Pregnant Just After Your Period Ends, Menstrual Cycle in Your 40s: What to Expect, 22 Baby Names Meaning Traveler or Adventurer with Meaning & …, 5 Best Pregnancy Seat Belts: Review & Buying Tips. Thank you. Although a lot of women report that this product has helped them I have to warn you that it contains sodium laureth sulfate. Change your pad or tampon, or dump your cup, every time you use the toilet, every 4-6 hours, even when your period is light. Honestly, I would recommend a visit to your doctor. This is a natural and safe solution which helps to eliminate feminine odor. It helps to minimize odor and reduces symptoms of infection. Note: Consume more probiotic yogurt, which provides a lot of benefits for vaginal flora! Every woman has a distinct vaginal smell during her period (and a different, distinct smell when she is not on her period), so it is important to determine if a smell is typical or abnormal for you. Hello, Ucee. And how much strange it would be to hear this for a thousand times, keep in mind that the vagina should be washed from front the back to not favor the introduction of bacteria into the vagina. This will not only get rid of the menstrual odour, but the smell of fresh soap will keep your body smelling clean and sweet. First, you should know that most women have experiences with a foul-smelling discharge at the end of their menstrual cycle. If you have a creamy gray/off-white discharge with a fishy smell after period, you could be affected by bacterial vaginosis. It’s organic and the probiotics can help to improve the immune system to positively affect the vagina and reduce and eliminate odor. Keep your house sanitary and clean. Lots of women complain of bad vaginal odor after period, even though they claim they washed well, and this may become a constant factor of discomfort, especially if it`s noticed by the life partner. my name is Prisca i usually have some kind of smell and itching in my vagina, two days after mensuration, then after that i will not experience that again until the next menstruation. A package will come with 4 pre-filled applicators and each one lasts for 3 days. This type of infection is widespread, but this doesn`t mean it shouldn`t be a reason of concern. Every month after my period ends, I inspect the discharge in my underwear. It`s necessary to wash yourself twice a day. ... How to get rid of the smell. How to get rid of fishy smell after period. A foul odor after period … Keep some menstrual cup wipes in your bag or pocket for this purpose, and just make sure to give your cup a good wash the next time you’re at home. Here are the top 45 Tips How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor Fast and Naturally: I. In fact, it’s normal to have a musky (very pleasant) or mild odor around the mid-cycle, and a stronger odor immediately before and following your menses. This decrease in the pH levels works in favor of the healthy bacteria lactobacillus and against the yeast present in the vagina. If you think that the smelly vaginal discharge is a problem, you should discuss the matter with your doctor to start getting treatment as soon as possible for the underlying cause. How to Get Rid of Vinegar Smell in Hair. This will hit your hormone balance hard, so you need to see a doctor or gynecologist to get prescription medication. For lighter days, you may only need 1 to 2 pads or tampons, while on heavier days, you may need 8 to 10. Blood can give the house a sickening rusty smell that churns the stomach. You can be creative when using things to get rid of your odors. Wash Your Hands. The dose is one capsule per day and a box will last you one month (30 days). My flow had a bad and foul smell and after my period, and after my period I something have a brownish or creamy foul discharge from my vagina. But he just said that I smell comforting and like staying in bed during this time. As soon as your period is over, make sure to clean your vagina right away, to get rid of any spotting blood or vaginal discharge. You could be dealing with other complications if the discharge is occurring for one or more weeks after your menstrual period. It is important to know that menstrual cycle will play a part in the way how your vagina smells. These 2 infections are part of a larger category of STDs, and the most serious thing about them is that besides the bad smell, there are no other symptoms. If I choose to ignore any sign that my BV has returned, me and #mycalvins are doomed. Now that you`ve seen which are the most common causes of experiencing a bad vaginal smell, you should also be aware of a few methods of treatment. When you`re menstruating, it`s mandatory to use cotton tampons and avoid scented ones. You need to discontinue sexual activities if you notice pain and a smelly discharge. Decreasing amount of vinegar in hair ointments might effect to reduce the smell. Gray/off-white creamy discharge that smells fishy: If the smelly discharge after period is off-white or gray in color, is creamy and smells fishy, then it could be from bacterial vaginosis. This will also effectively mask the menstrual smell. This makes it easier for your vagina to cleanse itself after your period. Therefore, you should consume all these things in moderation and be very careful with hydration, because only consuming 2L of water per day leads to the removals of toxins from the body. I’ve tried adding vinegar to the wash water and it doesn’t help at all. The good news is that if you think the funky smell is coming from your period cup, there are … Any doubt, please ask. So if you and your partner don’t want to take that much time off, this might not be the treatment for you and you can try another one. However, there are some home remedies that can be used to treat the problem. This is an amoebic infection that is potentially harmless, but some reports say that it can spread into the Fallopian tubes. It’s also recommended that you don’t have any sex during that time. Make sure you always wash your hands well after changing pads and cleaning yourself. This is a treatment that is inserted directly into the vagina and is stated to stimulate the body to regain and maintain the correct balance which can eliminate odor. If it only bloody smell and you have no other symptoms like itching and it is not found all over the month you should not be concerned for this smell.Just after period a bloody smell is quite normal for 2 to 3 days . By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. I took birth control pills after having unprotected sex just some days after my period. Avoid underwear from synthetic materials. It cannot be stressed enough about how important it is to contact a doctor at the earliest possible time to avoid any serious health problems. it was more intense than this. Occasionally, brown and bloody discharge could be a … You should not do excessive vaginal douching or stop doing it completely if you notice an offensive and persisting vaginal odor. Make sure you always wash your hands well after changing pads and cleaning yourself. Antibiotics should not cause you to get an odor during your period. Apple Cider Vinegar or Baking Soda can be added to a warm bath. The discharge is frequent too so I would have to change my liners often, please why is this so? Ibuprofen. Apple cider vinegar is used to clean both the hair and scalp. The baking soda and lavender will completely get rid of that smell and lavender oil is even said to have disinfecting properties, which is pretty neat at a time like this. These are two products that many people have in their house generally and using them to help get rid of odor can be beneficial as well. This will help you avoid any vaginal infections. If no pregnancy occurs, hormones cause you to go through menstruation in order to remove that old lining so a new one can grow for the next cycle 2.Douching is not necessary after your period. Safe enough for daily use.