Vet SpindleClutch I was a difficult one to solo only due to the Whisperer fight...the other bosses in this dungeon are all easy. Archived. An Unavoidable attack on each group member that does about 1,000 HP damage but could occasionally crit, leading to instant death. My father touched my butthole, that’s why I made this dungeon. Mike Finnagan, Dungeon Lead for ESO, revealed on 23rd June 2016 that there was a standing joke relating to this dungeon among the Dungeon Team. The rockslides after each Ground Pound AOE will be fatal and could cost you the fight. The Group Dungeons achievements of the Elder Scrolls Online character Solo Dungeon Test in the ESO-Database. Strategy: The tank should kite the boss when he becomes a red circle to minimize damage. Set bonus (1 item) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina, Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka (2 items) When you block an attack from an enemy that is between 8 and 22 meters from you, you spin strands of spider silk to pull the enemy to you. 5 items: Reduces the cost of your Undaunted abilities by 10%. ESO Veteran Spindleclutch dungeon guide with detailed walkthroughs and videos. Set bonus (1 item) Adds 129 Stamina Recovery (2 items) When you take damage, you have a 6% chance to generate 13 Ultimate and increase your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 3731 for 5 seconds. 3.1 Add Phase; 3.2 Wraith Phase; 4 Achievements; Praxin Douare is encountered again as a Wraith in Spindleclutch II, where he serves as the second boss. . They both want nothing but to sink their fangs in you, so what's the difference, really?" Being hit by the falling rocks will kill you instantly. (each with health of 6,621). Healers will have their hands full throughout most of the battles, but tanks also need to be on-point to ensure a smooth run through Spindleclutch. Around 311.251 out of 370.729 strings are translated (currently 83.96% including all of the DLCs and chapters Morrowind, Summerset, Elsweyr and Greymoor). It is located in the region of Glenumbra, in the province of High Rock. The normal mode of the dungeon is designed for level 12-15 groups. Normal Spindleclutch can be a moderately difficult experience for players not used to Elder Scrolls Online dungeons. ESO Veteran Spindleclutch dungeon guide with detailed walkthroughs and videos. Tank's health can spike if a heavy attack is not blocked, Random members of group will be charged for heavy physical damage, Pulls with a group of Fight's Guild trash mobs. A total of 4 waves which each wave becoming progressively harder. Strategy: The key to defeating Blood Spawn is speed and proper coordination. I never got to experience ESO without One Tamriel, so it's been very hard for me to keep the game in any kind of intentional order. Charge up attacks that can hurt if not blocked, 10-30% heal for the remaining boss when one dies. Run to the tank if adds are becoming a problem for you. Question Hello guys, I have a level 19 dragonknight character (first time playing, no alt) and i just soloed SpindleClutch 1 dungeon, the one with the spiders, the final boss was a monster called Whisperer. #4. ... Praxin Douare, the Flesh Atronach Trio, Urvan Veleth, and Vorenor Winterbourne in Spindleclutch II. "The vampire master of the coven is said to savor the blood of innocents. Before dungeon scaling was introduced in Update 5, Normal Spindleclutch was designed for levels 12-15, and Veteran Spindleclutch was designed for Veteran Ranks 1-5. The Whisperer has a few high damage abilities which makes it difficult: Main Attack: 12-14k damage attack; Daedric Explosion: Large … Gear Setup 2. Spindleclutch - Heroic dungeon mapThe Elder Scrolls Online (TESO) Maps. For the Healers, this fight is about predicting the Ground Pound AOE and dropping healing circles ahead of time to lessen the damage caused by the traumatasing AOE. The first couple of trash packs before the first […] Watch for targets of Madness and melee knock-backs, which will require quick healing. While Spindleclutch is one of the earlier dungeons in The Elder Scrolls Online, it is one of the first real challenges players will face.Many of the bosses in Spindleclutch require specific strategies to make it out alive. Can I Solo? You can predict the attack when Blood Spawn runs back to the middle of the room, if he is dispositioned, and stops attacking for a few seconds. 0 1 10. comments. Pulls all players to her with webs, then begins casting a powerful AoE attack. Bosses. It is located in the northeastern part of Glenumbra. You will fight Evokers (caster DPS), Infantry (melee DPS/tanks), and Corrupted Healers (healers). In this version, Guardian Sud-Hareem needs help finding his son, who he believes has been captured by vampires within Spindleclutch. The Speed Challenges achievements of the Elder Scrolls Online character Solo Dungeon Test in the ESO-Database. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. This is the unofficial Spanish translation of The Elder Scrolls Online. The most popular maps ESO Veteran Spindleclutch 2 Guide (Hard Mode) This ESO Veteran Dungeon guide is a full walk-through of Veteran Spindleclutch 1 (Hard Mode)! Posted by 5 years ago. Just started playing a week ago and was wondering if it was solo-able? He is later raised as a deranged ghost by a coven of Vampires who took over the cave following the Whisperer's death. This can 1 shot players with low health - dodge roll out. 3 3. Veteran Spindleclutch Pledge: Prove you are truly Undaunted by clearing Veteran Spindleclutch. You can learn about its location from Mindil the Untested in Vulkhel Guard, Mighty Mordra in Daggerfall, or Roaring Ramavel in Davon's Watch. Strategy: Tanks should block the charge up attacks. Last Edited: 14 Dec 2017 10:29 am. Focus on the adds whenever they are spawned to reduce stress on the healer. The Ayleid ruins of Dwynnarth that grin down from the bluffs above Hag Fen were plundered and emptied out generations ago. It got to the point that we went to Bethesda and asked if we could make shirts for our team so, everyone on the team at the time has a shirt with a stylized Spindleclutch (like an 80s Hair Metal band concert shirt) logo and the teams birthdate and places on the back made to look like tour dates". The circle will also instantly kill any other group members that come into the circle. Where Magical Paths Meet (Lorebook – "Dungeon Lore"). We would love to hear from you . Healers will have their hands full throughout most of the battles, but tanks also need to be on-point to ensure a smooth run through Spindleclutch. I queued by accident for vet WGT. It is located in the northeastern part of Glenumbra. Official Spindleclutch 2 Guide for ESO – Veteran Hardmode 2021-01-14T14:22:44+00:00 By Nara Elling | Categories: DungeonArenaTrial , Dungeons | Welcome to the ESO Spindleclutch 2 Dungeon Guide for both Normal and Veteran mode. Office . If you only are concerned with a specific boss, you can click one of the time-stamps below to skip to that boss fight, or just sit through the full video to learn everything there is about the dungeon! Bloodspawn. Taunt the boss often but additionally beware of the heavily damaging charges that can cause knockbacks if not blocked. Welcome to my Ultimate Magicka Dragonknight Solo PVE Build for The Elder Scrolls Online. Spindleclutch is a 4-person dungeon in Elder Scrolls Online. This effect can occur once every 2 seconds. It became this kind of running gag with the dungeon team. Type Monster Set. Twitch - (Time Stamps Below! (Red circle will grow outward from the whiperer, indicating the damage area.) Spindleclutch II walkthrough for Elder Scrolls Online. all markers OFF. Randomly incapacitates a group member with madness and dealing damage. Strategy B: If the stress of strategy A is too much for your tank or healer and is causing wipes, you can also follow the DPS order of Caster DPS -> Healers -> Melee. 2 items: Adds 25-1096 Maximum Stamina Trash Mobs At this point the trash mobs change from groups of spiders to groups of fighter's guild members. If you only are concerned with a specific boss, you can click one of the time-stamps below to skip to that boss fight, or just sit through the full video to learn everything there is about the dungeon! Defeat Vorenor Winterbourne in Veteran Spindleclutch II without killing any of the innocent victims held captive in his lair. The first 2 waves will be easy to handle but the 3rd wave requires you to use AOE and crowd control tactics. Magicka / Stamina Drain that makes using abilities even more difficult. Spindleclutch II properties, combinations and recipes for ESO. is a series of Dungeon Solos in The Elder Scrolls Online One Tamriel with live commentary by Jonlaw98. I do not own this build, I made it out from the build video link futher down. share. 81% Upvoted. This effect … Based on the stats and skills you have described I don't think you're ready to solo a Vet Group Dungeon. Emma_Overload I tried it in 1.5 with my VR14 Sorc, and killed all the mobs and all the bosses except the LAST one. Anyone who gets in the way of Rabbu's charge will need significant healing. 7 Blood Fiend ads. Spindleclutch II. (440) 567-6888 . Note: this boss can be repeatedly stunned. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds. Can I solo Spindleclutch? 2 x. all markers ON. Erste Schritte – Teil 2 10 Tipps für neue Spieler für „The Elder Scrolls Online“ Die Grundlagen. Tbf I had more good ones then bad. 4 items: Adds 3-129 Magicka Recovery Accept This effect can occur once every 2 seconds. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Other group members should stay away from the circle or they too can die instantly if it touches them. 3.1 Add Phase; 3.2 Wraith Phase; 4 Achievements; Praxin Douare is encountered again as a Wraith in Spindleclutch II, where he serves as the second boss. Only this time it's crawling with vampires instead of spiders. Spindleclutch I is a cave and group dungeon in The Elder Scrolls Online. report. Swarm Mother LEVEL 50 - CP 160. Crystal Fragments: Deals a lot of damage and also gives us access to the Exploitation passive to increase our Spell Crit. [toc] Veteran Spindleclutch Boss Map A Note about the dungeon Veteran Spindeclutch is considered to be one of the easier VR5 dungeons and is friendly to vampires and werewolves due to the lack of fire/poison attacks.