You can keep earning these by earning xp after you have reached level 50. This Set is good for a Tank that wants to deal damage while tanking, and the Chilled Status applies Minor Maim to enemies, reducing their damage. However, a combination of Deep Thoughts and healer support should keep you well fed on resources. More often you'll want to pop it once you've gathered up a whole bunch of mobs, rendering them even more useless. You can have a total of 3600 champion points, however, the xp cost of a champion point increases exponentially. At the time of writing the cap is 810 points. Are you here to have fun, not really interested in doing hard content in endgame per se? When you constantly have 3 ice AoEs down (shards, wall of elements, and arctic blast) and can keep those AoEs active, Valkyn Skoria procs A LOT, dealing a good amount of damage on top of what you are dishing out. It has a duration of 5 seconds. Protector is a Warden Tank PVE Build using frost-based skills and effects, to immobilize enemies, protect your group and assist with DPS. Ice staves are alternative weapons to one-hand and shield. This way you have 10% extra magicka recovery on your front bar, and whenever your ultimate is ready you swap to your second bar and cast your ultimate. This is due to it being a full magicka build. Armor of the Seducer LEVEL 50 - CP 160. However, with the Psijic Order (requires Summerset chapter) skill line, you can use Deep Thoughts to get resources back. They are easy to get and help you sustain a great deal. Ooo. ABOUT / CONTACT Imperials are a very good all-round race, also good if you want to swap roles from time to time. That is a lot. This heal does not need to be on the front bar, you can also have it on your second bar. You will have to decide which heavy hitting bad guys to taunt, and let the less dangerous enemies roam, or at least leave them untaunted. The most common and best option here is the Aggressive Horn from the Assault skill line. Which one you use is irrelevant, as a tank they will all do exactly the same, so feel free to pick your favourite or simply the one that is easiest to acquire. For a general overview of traits I recommend checking out the Traits Beginner Guide. There are many weapon types in The Elder Scrolls Online, each with their own advantages, disadvantages and purposes. Lastly the Warden class has three ultimates that can be considered by tanks. Self heals are also included in the Warden toolkit. Advanced Tanking Guide: You can also find an Advanced Tanking Guide on the website, I would recommend reading this after you finished the Beginner Tanking Guide for ESO. It can be used differently, sometimes it's nice to use it immediately, if you're running into an already packed up group. The Ice Furnace set provides the namesake for this build, procing loads of AOE Fire damage any time we do damage with Ice (which is easy enough on a Warden build). Below I will list the ones I find crucial for a tank to have. That is not to say that it is completely absent, but the biggest resource sustain skills for a Templar are Repentance and Restoring Focus. The Glacial Presence passive gives this skill a 200% chance to apply chilled to these mobs. Heavy armor gives you lots of resistances and max health. The Warden can also boost the resistances of itself and allies around it with a very powerful skill called Ice Fortress. You can activate them to gain a permanent buff. Here are some good sets for advanced players: If you want a better look at the advanced sets, make sure to check out the Advanced Tanking Guide for ESO. Not every enemy is an immediate danger to the group. It comes with a step-by-step leveling guide, proven class builds, dungeon walkthroughs, crafting and gold making strategies and more. Make sure that you have one taunt on each of your bars. There are three types of stats we are interested in as tanks. Set bonus (2 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka (3 items) Adds 129 Spell Damage (4 items) Adds 1487 Spell Penetration (5 items) Applying a minor debuff to your enemy summons a non-reflectable Ice Wraith that will charge into your enemy, dealing 21200 Frost Damage over 10 seconds. This passive also works while blocking. 8 Ice And Fire Warden The Ice and Fire Warden makes full use of elemental damage and pet abilities. The only downside is that they are a bit lacking in the resource management department. Especially because you can reapply shimmering shield immediately. These come in two types, physical resistance and spell resistance. Quick Recovery: Increases the healing you receive (also applies to self heals). I have also seen and heard good things with structured entropy to help with Max health. I’d like to start off with saying that for tanking in general, race choice isn’t that big of a deal. I love the skill sets listed here–those ice AoEs really come in handy, as do those magicka-restoring abilities. There are multiple ways to get this stat. Die Mahlstrom-Arena ist eine Solo-PvE-Instanz, d.h. sie kann nicht in einer Gruppe betreten werden. This is why you will often hear people refer to this skill as ‘melee taunt’. Here is a list of the ones that make sense for a tank to use: As a side-note I want to leave the fact that most tanks run what is called an “inactive ultimate” on their front bar. Templars have an interesting toolkit for support and healing, but are currently a bit lacking in the resource sustain department. Doing them in that order, lets you know that they need to be reused once your blue betty disappears. However, if you are interested in doing harder content later in the game, or even want to go for performance or difficult achievements, then be very careful. They slot this ultimate to gain a passive buff, but never actually use this ultimate. This is a very strong combination of skills. Getting the undaunted 2-piece monster sets in the right armour type (heavy, medium, light) and the right trait can be a bit of a pain, so happy hunting! Fortress reduces the cost of one-hand and shield abilities. Probably works well enough, but I tried ice staff on my sap tank and found a few downsides. Now what about the change to the Lady’s 30 CP unlock Shield Expert I notice you have nothing into the Lady tree but it’s changing to allow Ice Staves to benefit from it by 1500 Resistances. It isn’t as fast as the Unrelenting Grip from the Dragonknight, but with practice it can definitely be used effectively. A sturdy a⦠Tanks need a decent amount of health to take the heavy hits from bosses and other enemies. Sometimes you end up blocking less due to taking aggro with heavy attacks. When I switch to ice staff, I lose the 5pc on leech. Arcanist: Increases your magicka recovery. And with skills, it mite be better to use the green balance ultimate on the back bar and northern storm on your main bar. Pick wisely, don’t overwhelm yourself or you will run out of resources pretty quickly. Thanks for making the build this was a good starting point but now it need to be updated. The Warden also has a gap closer skill. This taunt is usually used to engage bosses, and then as soon as the boss is close the tank switches to using Puncture (or morphs). Keep dangerous enemies taunted and absorb most of the damage they do, Find and keep enemies in favorable positions for you and your group, Buff group mates with skills and sets wherever possible, Internal options for resource sustain while blocking (This is the most important element! ), Staff Expert - 45 (More heavy damage and it unlocks retaliation and Riposte for blocking), Spell Shield - 100 (More spell resistance to round up the numbers! And two, to debuff the enemy. This means that the way of restoring resources is also the main part that differentiates classes in the tanking role. but it isnt really needed with all the heals. ABSORB STAMINA ENCHANTMENT. I just like being a bit more beefy with my health. This can be compensated by having a decent healer in your group providing you with extra resources via synergies of Luminous Shards or Energy Orb. Just curious if there's a better option, gear wise, for Ice Staff ⦠I do not have alot of health recovery. There are multiple reasons to use a staff on your second bar. Overtaunting makes an enemy immune to any taunts for the next 15 seconds. It’s starting to suffer a bit on the healing received part, but this has been working for me still. When you have done all these things, check how much health you have. Sitting at 30k health / 26k Magicka / and 30k phy and spell resistance. Between the healing from Lotus blossom, arctic blast, leeching vines and the healer, health is rarely a big issue. Which boon do you use btw? ESO Dragon Knight Build - Skill Setup. Sorry newb question here: Could this be viable for soloing group bosses and still be able to do enough dps to kill it? Warden: The Warden has a couple of ways to sustain stamina. Resistances are hardcapped with a maximum damage reduction of 50%. Some enemies do use it but not manyâFrost Atronachs being the most notable. Amazing set for sustain for your group. Skill description Launch a fiery chain to grasp and pull an enemy to you, dealing 509 Flame Damage.Hitting the target grants you Major Expedition, increasing your Movement Speed by 30% for 4 seconds.If the target cannot be pulled, you restore 100% of the ability's cost as Magicka. Sorcerer: The Sorcerer can use Dark Deal to restore stamina. There are lots of ways to build Tanks in ESO, but it is somewhat dependent on Sets and other factors. Destruction Staff. This toolbox I am talking about contains a few elements. I run with with about 30k magicka and 14-15k stamina when tanking pve with my current set (5pc baharas curse, 5pc leeching plate). Necrotic Potency is the best skill to produce ultimate points, on trash fights you can gain 80 ultimate points in a second if there are enough dead bodies on the ground. Also how does this build fair against strong attacks, like chudan poison spit. These categories are light armor, medium armor and heavy armor. Check out ESO-Hub Now! Only the main stat is used in the name (which is health in this case). This can suddenly add a lot of healing. I’ve actually been running plague doctor instead of Hist Bark as well. With that you can push out a lot of Pestilent Colossus to increase the dps of your group by a huge margin! The Battalion Defender set can easily be replaced with e.g. Warrior-Poet Set pieces, information, bonuses and tips for ESO Alcast provides an in depth look at healing ⦠I think I’ll look at a CP overhaul once the update hits! Of course the taunt is the most important skill in the tanking toolkit. Objective 1: Look for Survivors. Deflect Bolts increases the amount of damage you can block from ranged attacks and projectiles by 15%. This Set is great for Tanks because it provides Max Stamina and Max Health, both of which Tanks need.