White roses often represent purity, innocence, and youthfulness. Green: Green, being the color of vegetation, symbolizes life, restoration, and new beginnings (Psalm 1.3). His closest definition of a color is usually "lightish" or "darkish." Gold. Read more about the color black. The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. Additionally, red … Almost every time I see a rainbow I don’t think of Noah first; I think of God’s promise that “the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh” (Gen 9:15).Interestingly, the rainbow can appear before, during, and after a flooding rain but never again on the global scale. A peasant chooses without hesitation a flaring magenta or yellow or green zun-nar (girdle), rather than one of somber hues. 10. Amber: Like yellow, amber is a color of fire which represents God’s glory, judgment, and endurance. The Greek equivalent is chloros; compare English "chlorine." Blue is the color of the sky and a reminder of the heavenly realm. Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Color; Colors, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. (a) in the equipment of the tabernacle (Exodus 25; Numbers 4:8); (b) in rites in cleansing lepers (Leviticus 14); in ceremony of purification (Numbers 19:6); to royal or gorgeous apparel (2 Samuel 1:24; Proverbs 31:21; Lamentations 4:5; "purple"; Do they have a special meaning? The references to Joseph's coat of many colors (Genesis 37:3,13,12) and "garments of divers colors" (2 Samuel 13:18,19) probably do not mean the color of the garment at all, but the form, as suggested in the American Revised Version, margin, "a long garment with sleeves." . This is one of the three distinctive color words mentioned in the Old Testament (see GREEN; WHITE), and is found in most of the references to red. This oxide is still taken from the ground in Syria and Palestine and used for decorative outlining. A soapmaker once told the writer that in order to make his wares attractive to the Arabs he colored them a brilliant crimson or yellow. Often seen at formal and prestigious events, this mysterious marvel arouses and seduces our senses with its elegance and sexiness. Salem Media Group. White roses are sometimes referred to as bridal roses… In The Bible says that the life is in the blood so red is sometimes used as a symbol for life. The red color as it is known is mostly a symbol of love and passion. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. In addition to the obvious, the Bible uses gold to represent many things. You will be redirected once the validation is complete. Color meanings may represent either your personal connections with certain colors or the universal meanings of those colors. Just like with numbers, colors in the Bible point us to Jesus by symbolizing His Person and His works. Below we explore colors and metals influenced by the Hebrew scriptures as well as universal color symbolism. 2 Kings 16:4; 17:10; 19:26; 2 Chronicles 28:4; Job 15:32; Psalms 37:35; 52:8; Song of Solomon 1:16; Isaiah 57:5; Jeremiah 2:20; 3:6; 11:16; 17:2,8; Ezekiel 6:13; Hosea 14:8. (see DYE). The natural colors noticed in the Bible are white, black, red, yellow and green. Two reasons may be given for the indefiniteness of many of the Biblical references to color. The Hebrew word translated as this color is tekeleth (Strong's Concordance #H8504), which is a reference to the animal from which the dye is obtained. Meanings: Red has a number of different contextual associations and in branding can deliver a highly visible punch. Purple was typical of gorgeous apparel (Proverbs 31:22; Jeremiah 10:9; Song of Solomon 7:5; Ezekiel 27:7,16; Luke 16:19; Acts 16:14; Revelation 17:4; 18:12,16). This process is automatic. Biblical Meaning Of Black. Silver: Used to describe the word of God, divinity, purity, salvation, and truth (e.g., Jer. Symbolic Meanings of Green in the Bible Green, a secondary color, is made by mixing Yellow (trials, for one) with Blue (Word of God, living water, etc). Last week we covered "The Meaning of Numbers in the Bible." The same word is translated "yellow" in Psalms 68:13. All rights reserved. In the remaining verses the Hebrew equivalents do not denote color, but the condition of being full of sap, fresh or unripe (compare similar uses in English) (Genesis 30:37 (the King James Version); Judges 16:7,8; Psalms 23:2; Song of Solomon 2:13; Job 8:16; Ezekiel 17:24; 20:47; Luke 23:31). In some instances the exact color is mentioned in the Scriptures and with others it is implied and seen through spiritual eyes. This inability of the peoples of Bible lands to define colors is an inheritance from past ages, a consideration which helps us to appreciate the vagueness of many of the Biblical references. Black is applied to hair (Leviticus 13:31; Song of Solomon 5:11; Matthew 5:36); to marble or pavement (Esther 1:6); to mourning (Job 30:28,30; Jeremiah 14:2); to passion (Jeremiah 8:21 the King James Version; Lamentations 5:10); to horses (Zechariah 6:2,6; Revelation 6:5); to the heavens (1 Kings 18:45; Job 3:5; Proverbs 7:9 the King James Version; Jeremiah 4:28; Micah 3:6); to the sun (Revelation 6:12); to the skin (racial) (Song of Solomon 1:5,6); to flocks (Genesis 30:32,33,15,40); to brooks because of ice (Job 6:16). Eight different words have been translated "black." A second word tola`ath, is also found. The Hebrew word meaning "sunburnt" or "swarthy" is translated "black" in the Revised Version (British and American) (Genesis 30:32). Meanings of Colors in the Bible! BLUE, PURPLE, RED at times may symbolize royalty, authority, and wealth since the natural dyes for the colors blue, purple, and scarlet were rare and expensive in ancient and Biblical times and only available to royalty or the wealthy. A Chaldaic word for purple has thrice been translated "scarlet" in the King James Version (Daniel 5:7,16,29). Colors have Prophetic meaning, when we see or use a specific color we are in essence praying for the things this color portrays to be manifested in our lives or presence. The principal word for denoting whiteness in the Hebrew was labhan, a distinctive color word. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. In the New Testament the Greek prophasis, has the meaning of pretense or show (Acts 27:30; compare Revelation 17:4 the King James Version). Another Hebrew word is translated "hoar" or "hoary," describing "frost" in 1915. Many of the colors you can see in heaven and their symbolism are the same. This name was applied to the sulfide of antimony (Arabic kochl) used for painting the eyes. Fire is said to be red hot so red may represent the fire of God that purges and purifies. 1 Kings 2:6,9; Isaiah 46:4; Leviticus 19:32; Job 41:32; Proverbs 16:31. Blue (tekheleth, a color from the cerulean mussel): This word was applied only to fabrics dyed with a special blue dye obtained from a shellfish. 1 Samuel 16:12; 17:42; Song of Solomon 5:10; Lamentations 4:7); to the eyes (Genesis 49:12; Proverbs 23:29); to sores (Leviticus 13); to wine (Psalms 75:8 m; Proverbs 23:31; Isaiah 27:2 the King James Version); to water (2 Kings 3:22); to pavement (Esther 1:6); to pottage (Genesis 25:30); to apparel (Isaiah 63:2); to the sky (Matthew 16:2,3); to sins (Isaiah 1:18); to a shield (Nahum 2:3). Red is the color of the first or base chakra Black is an incredibly strong and intimidating color that exudes authority and makes us feel secure and protected. This does not indicate a want of appreciation of color but a failure to analyze and define color effects. The latter word refers to the source of the dye, namely, a shell-fish found on the shores of the Mediterranean. The harmonious color effects which have come to us from the Orient have been, in the past, more the result of accident (see DYE) than of deliberate purpose, as witness the clashing of colors where modern artificial dyes have been introduced. Gold/Yellow in the Bible. Lebanon was probably named because of its snow-tipped peaks (Jeremiah 18:14). The Meaning of Blue in the Bible The color blue represents Heaven. Orange: Like amber and yellow, orange is a color of fire which represents the power and presence of God. An understanding of the symbolic meaning of colors can greatly help one interpret the imagery used in prophecy. Its meaning is the same. In the seven colors, beginning with red and ending with purple, God was displaying a natural miracle … Red is the color of fire, and power. Biblical Color Meaning in the Bible "When God appeared unto Noah after the flood, and placed a rainbow in the sky, He did much more than show him a phenomenon. Meanings of Colors in the Bible! Of particular note is the use of gold to pave the streets of heaven as follows: “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure …