Le rapport final du médecin légiste devrait être rendu public d’ici deux semaines. Une surdose médicamenteuse, avançait-on alors, puisqu’ « aucune drogue illégale » n’avait été retrouvée dans sa chambre d’hôtel du Beverly Hilton. « Elle avait une maladie cardiaque qui a été amplifiée par la consommation de cocaïne. Friends claim that Bobbi Kristina died three years after Houston, because she could … à 04h46, Le 12/02/2012 That same day, she made her last public performance when she joined Kelly Price on stage in Hollywood, California and sang "Jesus Loves Me". Though she largely operated within the confines of R&B, pop and soul, her powerful mezzo-soprano voice was enough to move even the most grumpy heavy metal fan, and she put her formidable pipes to good use on her copious hits like "How Will I Know? In 2015, almost exactly three years after the singer's death, her daughter was found floating face down in a bathtub in her home in Roswell, Georgia. With a bold, confident, unique voice and a body of work boasting some of the most upbeat and romantic recordings ever heard, Whitney Houston has long solidified her place as one of the 20th century’s most beloved performers. From childhood trauma to struggles with addiction and a toxic relationship with Bobby Brown, her private life was far from rosy, though she did her level best to keep things together and maintain a positive public image. Whitney Houston's death was one of the most bizarre and mysterious in Hollywood history and many believe it was no accident. VIDEO « Je ne peux pas le faire » : le ténor Roberto Alagna arrête brusquement sa prestation dans C à Vous, VIDEO Malaise dans N'oubliez pas les paroles : le guitariste Jean-Luc interrompt subitement une musique. Whitney Houston was pronounced dead Saturday in Beverly Hills, California at 48 years old. Bobbi Kristina : en couple avec le fils adoptif de Whitney Houston ? Bobby Brown Junior, the 28-year-old son of singer Bobby Brown and step-son of Whitney Houston , has been found died at his home in Los Angeles. Five years after her divorce from Bobby Brown, the Grammy-winning superstar was linked to … Whitney Houston : Après un mois de mystère concernant la mort de Whitney Houston, l’enquête a enfin révélé les causes de la mort de la star. Unfortunately, her life came to an end on February 11, 2012, when the 48-year-old singer died just one night before the Grammy Awards. Whitney Houston a succombé à une crise cardiaque alors qu’elle prenait un bain. à 19h45, Joan Rivers : les causes de sa mort enfin révélées, Le 27/04/2017 Whitney Houston passed away at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on February 11, 2012. La noyade, l’overdose de drogues ? A new Lifetime documentary reveals that Whitney Houston saved her daughter, Bobbi Kristina, from drowning in a bathtub before her own death. Whitney Houston - 2020 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductee!  | par La Rédaction. Whitney Houston died on February 11, 2012. Bobbi Kristina was in a coma for nearly six months. (Photo by Dave Hogan/Getty Images) *We all remember the exact moment nine years ago when we first heard th Whitney Houston (1963 - 2012) in concert, circa 1986. le 18 mars 2012 Whitney Houston‘s official cause of death was due to accidental drowning, the Los Angeles County coroner’s office confirmed Thursday. On this, the ninth anniversary of Whitney Houston‘s untimely death, Feb. 11, 2021, many reflect on the uber-talented artist’s’ life and death. à 11h55, Mort de Whitney Houston : les premiers éléments de l'enquête, Le 13/02/2012 Officially, she had drowned, though the coroner's report also mentioned that the cocaine in her system and a heart disease had … Elle s’est affaissée dans la baignoire et s’est noyée. Whitney Houston's death in her Beverly Hills hotel room ranks as one of the most tragic celebrity deaths around. As Biography tells us, the legendary vocalist was reportedly on the verge of a career comeback when she was found face down in the bathtub of her room. Le 11 février dernier, Whitney Houston était retrouvée dans sa baignoire. As Biography tells us, the legendary vocalist was reportedly on the verge of a career comeback when she was found face down in the bathtub of her room. Born and brought up in a family where music played a big role in their lives, Houston’s abilities as a musician were incomparable. Ne manquez pas les dernières actualités de la planète people ! Outre la cocaïne, de nombreuses substances ont été retrouvées dans son organisme : de la marijuana et des médicaments (Xanax, Flexiril et Benadryl), mais ceux-ci n’ont pas joué un rôle dans la mort de la diva, assure-t-on à Los Angeles. She also learned to sing from her mother, Cissy, who was a back-up singer to Elvis Presley with her band, The Sweet Inspirations. She tragically died from lobar pneumonia on July 26, 2015. Brigitte Macron fait des confidences peu rassurantes, Brigitte Macron interviewée sur TF1 : ce détail qui a intrigué les internautes, Jean-Marie Bigard inquiet pour Laurent Ruquier : « J'espère que cette vérité ne va pas te coûter ta place », Reconfinement imminent ? Le 08/04/2010 Getty . à 11h36, PHOTOS Rihanna : ses tenues choquent son pasteur, le 12 mars 2012 à 16h03. Maison à vendre : qui paie les travaux dans l'émission de Stéphane Plaza ? Nous pensons que la crise cardiaque a été compliquée par la consommation de cocaïne », a expliqué Carig Harvey, le porte-parole du bureau du médecin légiste, à l’AFP. 1) and the best-selling soundtrack of all time (The Bodyguard). Whitney's cause of death was accidental drowning (caused by heart disease and cocaine use). Sociological … à 16h07, Le 20/11/2007 Whitney Houston, American singer-songwriter and considered to be the ‘Queen of Pop’, had a voice unlike any other. En 1987, elle sort son second album : Whitney, qui génère quatre no 1 au Billboard Hot 100 : I Wanna Dance With Som… The singer, … à 14h02, Le 04/04/2008 à 11h18, VIDEO : Bobbi Kristina et Nick Gordon s’embrassent, le 13 mars 2012 As Kevin Dolak and Sheila Marikar of ABC News reported at the time, the report also revealed the vast number of prescription drug bottles, drug paraphenalia and alcohol in the room, as well as other personal information, such as the fact that the singer wore dentures and a wig, and had breast implants. à 16h56, VIDEO Whitney Houston : Bodyguard revient au cinéma, le 17 mars 2012 Cause of Whitney Houston's death could take weeks: AP) LOS ANGELES — Whitney Houston's life of glorious song and unnerving self-destruction apparently ended in a bathtub at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Grammy weekend, but it could be weeks before investigators know exactly why she died. Whitney Houston holds the Guinness World Record as the most awarded female artist of all time, with more than 400 career awards. Le samedi 11 février 2012 dans l'après-midi, Whitney Houston est retrouvée inanimée par ses gardes du corps dans la baignoire de sa suite du Beverly Hills Hilton Hôtel à Beverly Hills en Californie où elle séjournait. à 19h25, Whitney Houston : sa fille « parle à son esprit », le 15 mars 2012 Whitney Houston a succombé à une crise cardiaque alors qu’elle prenait un bain. C'est dire si, depuis plus de vingt ans, Whitney Houston était une référence musicale. Whitney Houston n'avait pas sorti d'album studio depuis huit ans quand elle dévoile l'album "My Love Is Your Love", qui devait à l'origine faire office de best of avec quelques inédits. This list details a majority of Whitney’s awards. à 19h26, Le 05/04/2012 VIDEO Les Reines du shopping : une candidate a un accident de culotte en plein essayage ! Explore photos, news, music, awards, tour history, videos, timeline, movies and TV, and more. à 13h56, « Robyn et Whitney étaient inséparables », Whitney Houston : de nouvelles révélations sur sa relation amoureuse avec son assistante, Le 19/02/2012 She was found unconscious in a bathtub at a hotel in Beverly Hills. à 13h53, Le fils de Whitney Houston confirme sa relation avec Bobbi Kristina, le 12 mars 2012 La raison de cette noyade ? Six semaines après sa mort, le bureau du médecin légiste de Los Angeles a rendu son rapport. Les tentatives de réanimation n’ont rien donné, la star américaine était morte, probablement noyée, avançait TMZ au lendemain de la tragédie. Perhaps most chillingly, this didn't mark the end of the Houston family's bathtub-related strife. Une histoire d’amour entre ses deux enfants ? Her achievements include 23 Top 10 pop hits (11 of them No. Houston reportedly appeared "disheveled" and "erratic" in the days immediately prior to her death. Âgée de 48 ans, la chanteuse devait figurer le soir même parmi les invités du gala du producteur Clive Davis, soirée qui précédait la 54e cérémonie des Grammy Awards du dimanche 12 février 2012. In January 2015, Whitney's daughter was found unconscious in a filled bathtub in her home. Whitney Houston's death cast a shadow over the music industry's most prestigious event - last night's Grammys. Six semaines après sa mort, le bureau du médecin légiste de Los Angeles a rendu son rapport. Vers un reconfinement ? à 16h38, Whitney Houston violée par sa cousine : la maman de la chanteuse brise enfin le silence, Le 14/08/2019 à 13h31, Ray J : ses premiers mots depuis la mort de Whitney Houston, Le 12/07/2018 ", "Saving All My Love For You", and the Dolly Parton cover "I Will Always Love You". She was rushed to a hospital and put in a medically-induced coma, but died six months later. Here's what we know about the tragic death of Whitney Houston. The death of Whitney Houston took place the day before the Grammy Awards and shocked the world. à 10h00. Whitney Houston efface des tablettes la version chantée par Dolly Parton et savoure son statut de star internationale. Behind the scenes, Houston lived a life that wasn't quite as golden as her voice. Though Houston's death was officially deemed accidental drowning, the coroner's report has been challenged by at least one forensic pathologist, due to the fact that the water in the bathtub had been much too hot for Houston to bathe without discomfort, and the fact that she had bruising and a laceration on her face. à 10h48 Whitney Houston's stepson has tragically died aged just 28, five years after the death of his half-sister Bobbi Kristina and eight years after his step-mother's untimely death in 2012. Et même si peu de personnes y ont cru, la piste du meurtre est désormais officiellement rejetée. Stars lined up to pay tribute to the … Whitney Houston Attention, elle revient ! Un site du groupe Prisma Média (G+J Network) - CPPAP : 0225 W 90269, Whitney Houston : les causes de sa mort enfin révélées, Whitney Houston était retrouvée dans sa baignoire. Vous avez ajouté votre première star à mon Voici, Retrouvez toute son actu, ajoutez d'autres stars et soyez alerté à chaque nouvelle actu de vos stars ajoutées, 23/03/2012 Reportedly, Houston was also suffering from mild emphysema and slowly losing her voice. Consequently, her marriage broke down due to constant abuse from the husband. Whitney Houston was one of the most legendary singers of her generation. Was the pop diva murdered? Richard Berry accusé d'inceste : Josiane Balasko brise le silence sur Instagram, Johnny Hallyday : cette terrible nouvelle qui unit pour la première fois Laeticia et David. Un mois et demi après la mort de Whitney Houston, on connaît désormais les raisons du décès de la diva américaine. Whitney Houston Death. Before the death of Whitney Houston, cocaine and marijuana are some of the hard drugs, which dominated her life. à 12h43, Le 14/02/2008 Reaction from the entertainment world to the loss of the legendary singer has been swift. Whitney Houston was an American singer and actress whose first four albums, released between 1985 and 1992, amassed global sales in excess of 86 million copies. Elle débute en tant que mannequin mais fut révélée en 1985, par la sortie de son premier opus intitulé Whitney Houston, vendu à 25 millions d'exemplaires dans le monde, certifié treize fois disque de platine et qui remporte trois no 1 au Billboard Hot 100 : Saving all my love for you, How Will I Know, et Greatest Love of All. On February 9, 2012, Houston visited singers Brandy and Monica, together with Clive Davis, at their rehearsals for Davis' pre-Grammy Awards party at The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills. à 13h02, Mort de Whitney Houston : la piste de l’overdose médicamenteuse, Le 17/10/2014 But do you know what happened in the final months before her tragic death? Whitney Houston's death in her Beverly Hills hotel room ranks as one of the most tragic celebrity deaths around. Whitney passed away on February 11, 2012 at the age of 48 in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California, United States. Le 29/04/2008 Un maire, filmé, commet une énorme gaffe en pensant parler en privé. Whitney Houston was missing 11 teeth at the time of her 2012 death, as well as having "sparse" eyebrows, a wig sewn into her natural hair, and an artery that was 60 percent blocked. Bravo ! Intuitively, Pareles and Nagourney highlight drug abuse as the main social factor, which contributed to the suffering of Whitney especially during her musical career lifetime. Officially, she had drowned, though the coroner's report also mentioned that the cocaine in her system and a heart disease had contributed to the tragedy. The singer was born on August 9, 1963, in New Jersey, and cut her teeth singing in her local Baptist church choir. In the months before her death, Whitney Houston’s personal life was making headlines. à 14h07, Whitney Houston : le rapport d’autopsie est enfin publié, Le 12/02/2012 La combinaison des deux a engendré sa noyade. à 19h13. Whitney Houston died on February 11, 2012, aged just 48-years-old. On l'appelait The voice. Emiliano Sala : les causes officielles de sa mort enfin révélées ?