Tim totally got rid of Ella to eliminate a rival - no problem with that, but him and others try to provide lame justifications instead. Rate. Episode guide, trailer, review, preview, cast list and where to stream it on demand, on catch up and download. He definitely regarded Ella as a friend so it wasn’t as clear cut as just removing a “rival”. By Kimberley Bond. 'The Circle' is originally a British reality television series which launched on September 2018. Report Save. Find out when Live: The Circle Final is on TV. The ensemble cast includes Carter Jenkins, Lawrence Kao, Allegra Masters, Michael Nardelli, Julie Benz, Mercy Malick, Lisa Pelikan, and Cesar Garcia. A recent college graduate and native of Longfield, California, Mae is a quick study who rapidly rises in the ranks at the Circle. 8 months ago. Like with a moderator and all the players talking about their experience on the show and catching up with them, like who are still friends outside the show and if they view social media differently now (especially those that were catfished lol). In the US version hearing Shubbam for instance express himself brilliantly in why social media is the poison of modern society or Joey express a side of him that I did not see was good. Television Series. But there wasn't much interaction aside from some hugs and smiles, then it was onto who won. I hated how rushed it was. As for why Tim got rid of Ella, I’m still not entirely sure about his mindset there. I was really pulling for Georgina . Here’s ever… Contains Personal Information. It's the only one I actually watched instead of fast forwarding to the results. 1. share. Sammie had no chance anyhow. He beat Tim, ‘Sammie’, Woody and Georgina to take home the £70,000 prize after coming top of the final Circle ratings. 'The Circle' is originally a British reality television series which launched on September 2018. The story is pretty simple. level 2. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The USA version premiered on Netflix in January 2020, followed by versions in France & Brazil a few months later. As if the UK version of The Circle wasn’t enough, the show has now branched out internationally with versions in Brazil and the USA! The past Circle finales have been too fluffy and without any substance, so I do prefer skipping that to just get to the results. At the end, the strangers realized that they are playing some sort of sick game. Hmmm, I sure didn't miss those while watching Circle FR, but this is also the first Circle season I've not enjoyed. Tim and Woody very overrated I thought, I don’t understand the intense love for them. Agree wholeheartedly! I think you are misunderstanding. 2)How common is corn on pizza? Rate. 'The Circle' is originally a British reality television series which launched on September 2018. Finale 56m. Wouldn’t have been the same without him. Which is kind of what happened in the French ending. James, 26, has adopted the persona of Sammie, a single mother, and has played an incredible g… WWE give us a puppet and NJPW give us this lol. 11. As opposed to just "were you surprised they were a catfish? 3.2k comments. hide. He played himself . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 6. As the experiment winds down, Sammie and Ed bond over similar suspicions. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In tonight's final, it was Paddy Smyth who won The Circle 2019, winning a £70,000 prize. Continue this thread level 1. Netflix's 'The Circle' places contestants in a social media-fueled competition for $100,000, but can't deliver the high-stakes drama it promised. They were guaranteed the finals ... until James came up with COT for Sammie et al to disrupt the status quo. Rate. Sort by . 7.1 (14) 0. Great, moving on." The whole point of COT was to give one of the members a shot at winning, and seeing as the whole of COT made final 3 ild day it was a pretty good play. This thread is archived. As she gets sucked into the cult of the Circle, she loses her identity and outside relationships and becomes more and more like a robot. A woman lands a dream job at a powerful tech company called the Circle, only to uncover an agenda that will affect the lives of all of humanity. Will we get a wrap party tomorrow do you think? 2. share. The Circle’s Sammie/James is the last remaining catfish of the series. I think Sammie’s final vote was tactical, I think he thought Paddy would probably be ranked low by the rest of the group. When there is no audience feedback to go off then the host isn’t needed to ask questions and you’d be just aswell everyone looking back and talking about what happened. Now they have to find out where they are what is going on. They’re nice guys, I don’t dislike them, they’re just a bit painful. The whole point of COT was to give one of the members a shot at winning, and seeing as the whole of COT made final 3 ild day it was a pretty good play. Group of strangers found themselves in mysterious dark room in circle formation. I know there's some interviews on YT with some of the UK & US casts, but it'd be nice to have an official reunion episode. I hated the reunions, I always fast forwarded through all the crap to when they finally revealed the final rankings! Perfect (1990-2002). I generally enjoy reunion shows with clips and everyone explaining what they were thinking or whatever, so I was a little disappointed. It ran for 21 days, with the finale airing on the 8th of October 2018. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the TheCircleTV community. Television; r/TheCircleTV Rules. #NJBOSJ. NJPW's English YouTube Channel. Rate. 3. 8. I would have loved to see more talking and interviews and stuff. Also it's called sweetcorn here. THE Circle is hailed by some as a mixture Black Mirror, Catfish and Big Brother – and it’s no secret that the Channel 4 show has become just as popular as Love Island. Which I think is fine for a finale because I wasn't a fan of the other format with all the interviews before declaring the winner. Best of the Super Juniors 26 Final: Useful Links. I preferred the French version for announcing the winner, definitely. Mae wasn't taking down the Circle, she was just making the point that transparency should apply to everyone. 7. 2. 8 months ago. Damn dude, you really earned this win. Yes? Rate. 95% Upvoted. The first season of The Circle premiered on Channel 4 on the 18th of September 2018. Cookies help us deliver our Services. THE Circle viewers think catfish Sammie is about to be exposed after a huge slip up ahead of the final. The protagonist of The Circle. Something like (even tho I hate these) the Bravo reunions, where they really get into the weeds of stuff and have players hash stuff out.