Greenie—and those he was working with—would be crazy not to pursue her, once they found out what she did. جاری رکھنا Jari Rakhna ملوث ہونا Mulawwis Hona لگےہونا Lagay Hona: Engage Prosecute Pursue: (verb) carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in. Cynthia used Martha's smile to pursue the reason for their questioning. If you want to pursue a degree, you need to complete an application and enroll. Regardless of her ultra fast rise to stardom and equally fast fall, Barrymore continued to pursue acting. Renan still used his literary gifts to pursue a scientific ideal. Nero 324773 I want to spend rest of the life pursuing my ideals. pursue in American English. He then returned to Khartum, and in 1879 went again into Darfur to pursue the slave traders, while his subordinate, Gessi Pasha, fought them with great success in the Bahr-el-Ghazal district and killed Suleiman, their leader and a son of Zobeir. he asked. Celebrities are constantly pursued by the media, and find it almost impossible to go out in public. The Spartans were successful but did not pursue their advantage, and soon afterwards the Athenians, seizing their opportunity, sallied forth again, and, after a victory under Myronides at Oenophyta, obtained the submission of all Boeotia, save Thebes, and of Phocis and Locris. Whatever the culprit, your vet will then know how to pursue treatment to stop the itching. Finding a Job: If you've already decided what type of career you want to pursue, the next step is making sure you are able to land the job of your dreams. was compelled by financial necessities, created in part by the heavy war-indemnity exacted by Rome, to pursue an unambitious policy, and was assassinated by his minister Heliodorus. You can study the particular area of Biology that interests you in college, which will give you quite a bit of time to decide exactly what avenue you wish to pursue before making a decision about graduate school. Nelson's destruction of the French fleet at the battle of the Nile disconcerted Bonaparte's plans; he hoped to pursue his designs through Syria, and laid siege to Acre, which, however, successfully held out. Some teachers pursue teaching abroad opportunities during their summer breaks. pursue (v): to try to achieve something; to follow or chase someone or something Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Filter. 590. If they believe you have the means to repay your debt as agreed, they will pursue you legally to ensure that you do make payment as originally agreed. It aims to resolve conflicts by peaceful means and to pursue preventative diplomacy. Since the adoption of an aquatic mode of life by Desis and Argyroneta involves no increased facilities in getting food, and merely substitutes for ordinary terrestrial enemies fishes and crustaceans in the former case, and fishes, amphibians, and insectivorous water-insects in the latter, the supposition is justified that the change in environment is due to the unremitting persecution of Pompilidae and Ichneumonidae, which would not venture to pursue their prey beneath the water's surface. While working in Las Vegas, Walker was encouraged to return to California and pursue a career in acting. In some cases, the charge off will also signal that the company has sold the debt to another creditor or collection agency who will likely pursue you for the debt. But the only true America is that country where you are at liberty to pursue such a mode of life as may enable you to do without these, and where the state does not endeavor to compel you to sustain the slavery and war and other superfluous expenses which directly or indirectly result from the use of such things. A Hasidic proverb notes that while we pursue happiness, we flee from contentment. A good antidote to endless chaos may seem counterintuitive, but here it is: pursue your non-parenting dreams. I want to pursue her more but I'm so scared. Associate Professor Takeda is planning to take a sabbatical year in the UK in 2007-2008 to pursue this research. Pursue definition, to follow in order to overtake, capture, kill, etc. Our trainees, mostly from school, have gone on to pursue careers in the trades at the local building college. Cynthia turned to her husband with a look that said 'don't pursue it,' then announced, If we're going to get in some ice skating, we'd better get cracking. I believe that we need to pursue a new model of dementia care and one which can promote both positivity and participation. I was awarded a grant from Commissions East to pursue training in silver jewelry making. pursue agreements. The ship continued to pursue a northern course. While it is understandable that someone with a concern about appearance would pursue such treatment, BDD is a complicated psychological problem, and not one that can be simply fixed by altering one's appearance. How to use pursue in a sentence. It was more particularly in the definitive constitution of the temporal and political power of the papacy, in the extension of what may be called Roman imperialism, that chance favoured his efforts and enabled him to pursue his conquests farthest. The gang recognized Snoop's hip hop talent and urged him to pursue music. 12. By limiting your search, at least initially, to countries where you won't have to pursue additional study to be eligible for hire, you'll have a better job of finding a job that you'll enjoy and are eligible to perform. Pursue a hobby. The group later disbanded so Urban could pursue his solo career. They cannot pursue a career by filling a permanent full time vacancy. pursue futures. Pursue sentence examples. The sentence contains an infinitive ("to complete"). English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "pursue" His wife is pursuing a psychology degree at universityAn innocent bystander was killed by a car being pursued by the police in downtown Boston today. When you pursue a female you show her that you are interested in her and want to get to know her. The taste of success led him to pursue stand-up and acting in the U.S., when he made the move to Los Angeles at age 16. Sentence examples for pursue contracts from inspiring English sources. Too fond of the right to pursue the expedient. 3. The definition of Pursue is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. An ample inherited fortune permitted him to pursue his studies undistracted by the necessity for earning a livelihood, and to maximize the results of his time and labour by the employment of amanuenses and secretaries. If you find you have a knack for chemistry and would like to pursue it in college and beyond, you will have several doors opened for you regarding future careers. You may even have a list of the "Top 10" children's books that inspired you to pursue your dream of making a living from your way with words. Other questions on the subject: English. That is why we pursue a radical agenda for opening up trade in the WTO talks and resist protectionism. Nevertheless, she was determined to pursue her ambition to be a professional musician, and became the first solo percussionist. Oklahoma Indian Legal Services will pursue that quest in courts there. Thanks to online interior design learning programs, you can pursue a Bachelor's degree in interior design from the comfort of your own home, as well as a number of other interior design related certificates, accreditations, and diplomas. I plan to pursue a career in sports marketing or public relations which will allow me to combine both my passions. The first step is to decide what type of degree you would like to pursue. for neglecting the Russians to pursue the Saxons; but at the beginning of the 18th century his decision was natural enough. And, if he found out she was meant to be his mate, he'd pursue her with the same wild determination he pursued Others. Some, of course, intend to pursue an academic career and recognize that a research degree is therefore indispensable. click for more sentences … For full-figured women who understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, having women's plus size exercise capris can give them the comfortable workout clothes they need to pursue a fitness regimen. Employers aren't shocked when employees leave to pursue different career opportunities. Scouts are also required to pursue community service projects geared toward building citizenship and patriotism. They were originally used to pursue foxes, badgers, otters and vermin. 31. pursue is defined as to follow or chase The changes could open the way for highly opinionated, " single-issue " presenters to pursue their personal agendas on air. During my pursuit of a college degree, I attended two universities. However, if you are looking to pursue a career or push yourself to the limits, then larger dance studios should remain on your list. I've thrown out four names for you to pursue, but the action genre is vast. jewelleryon my artwork part time 2003 awarded a grant from Commissions East to pursue training in silver jewelry making. Another word for pursue. Moreover Ahith'ophel said to Ab'salom, " Let me choose twelve thousand men, and I will set out and pursue David tonight. Find more ways to say pursued, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Whitney Port, one of the most likeable characters on The Hills moved from the warm and sunny west coast to pursue a job with famed fashion icon Diane Von Furstenburg in New York. LoveToKnow (LTK): Can you briefly describe what made you decide to pursue a career as a freelance writer? I plan to pursue a career in international finance. Despite this, artists are frequently too dreamy or bashful to pursue fair wages for their troubles. He has gone to them with word of his breaking allegiance to pursue his title without their mediation or interference. use "pursue-a-career " in a sentence She hopes to pursue a career in broadcasting as an announcer. Solar power is just one of many different things that people can pursue to this end. In 1903 Count Billow declared in the Reichstag that the government was endeavouring to pursue a middle course between the extravagant aspirations of the Pan-Germans and the parochial policy of the Social Democrats, which forgets that in a struggle for life and death Germanys means of communication might be cut off. Three people pursue with integrity their different and irreconcilable ideas of the good life, leading to unavoidable disaster. Perhaps you have just moved to the city, or have decided that freelance writing is something you wish to pursue. If you completed part of a college degree or completed an associate's or bachelor's degree and would now like to pursue a master's degree, there are additional considerations in making your back to school choice. Homeschool provides the flexibility they need to pursue their careers and dreams. Related to Pursue. The edge we pursue is an intersection of man and nature on nature's terms. There's no reason for them to pursue this except to—never mind. As Frieda got older, he began to pursue his interest in hair and how different types of hair could react differently to the many variations of hair styling and hair cleaning products. to pursue a vision. the action of going after something or someone Examples of Pursuit in a sentence The police officer is in pursuit of the escaped prisoner. From there, you can pursue the pair of Halcyon goggles of your choice, taking advantage of the best deals you can find, and take your prescription along with your goggles to the optical shop or lab. But, contrary to the course I thought he would pursue, Hillyar brought with him the Cherub sloop of war. A gerund is inside the infinitive phrase ("cooking") Knowing that time was short, he worked diligently to complete the project.. One hobby that some retired engineers may pursue is collecting things, whether it be baseball hats, coffee mugs, t-shirts, or gifts with their favorite team logo. double-edged sword, allowed the King to further pursue Jane Seymour whom he later married. pursue companies. If you don't have a career or a job, actively pursue one. Then armed with Enology and Viticulture degrees from UC-Davis, Meyer left the brotherhood to pursue a new calling, to create his vision of Cabernet Sauvignon at Silver Oak with Duncan. The present dearth of referral practices North of the border makes this the ideal time to aggressively pursue this initiative. Pursue in Sentences. 2 4 Its mission statement is to demand transparency after a crime is committed and … Those who wished to pursue this theory were free to apply to funding agencies for resources to conduct such experiments. In fact, during the Bachelor: After the Final Rose broadcast, Mesnick broke up with Rycroft and opted to pursue a relationship with Molly Malaney, the runner-up. The lawyer just wanted to pursue the truth, which he believed would show his client was innocent. She showed me how very foolish it would be for me to pursue a four years' course of study at Radcliffe, simply to be like other girls, when I might better be cultivating whatever ability I had for writing. Allow them plenty of time to pursue their own special interests. Child pursue your education. After living in California for a year, Robert decided to drop out of high school to pursue his acting career full time. The die was cast, which decreed that from 1579 onwards the northern and southern Netherlands were to pursue separate destinies. Thanks to their history and stature, their rich reputations allow faculty and students to pursue cutting-edge research while endowments from successful alumni ensure state-of-the-art facilities and resources. The collector is going to do everything in his or her power to pursue payment. A few concrete, real-world examples of tasks you might want to pursue would not have gone amiss. The word 'unfulfilled' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.Example sentence: Now that all of her children are in school, she has decided to pursue her unfulfilled career goals. 1 of 4. Or should he pursue Tilly westwards and crush the league at its own hearth and home ? Once you have decided to pursue an education in video game design, you need to select a school. While requirements for admission to graduate business programs vary, most people pursue their MBA (Master of Science in Business Administration) after three to five years of practical work experience. Graduates may pursue careers in the public or private sector. She did not pursue the question. idyllic surroundings with time to pursue a very personal approach to his craft. The newcomers did not pursue them. Pursue in a sentence 31. She started out acting and singing in local productions as a child, and soon moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career. Long distance to Dante, Indexus, Jurt, and Mandor: Tarot 's focus attempts to follow the link, pursue it. They do not represent the opinions of Follow the drama as the artists pursue their dreams and experience life's inevitable challenges along the way.