Botanical name: Lonicera Shrubby honeysuckles (Lonicera) are well suited to a woodland garden, with their sometimes scented flowers, attractive autumn fruit and unkempt habit.Plant early-flowering bulbs under shrubby honeysuckles for a late winter pick-me-up. Glossy green to lime-green foliage takes on a golden tone when grown in full sun and will not burn. Lomandra longifolia Lonicera nitida 25 PACK. New and interesting selection, Lonicera nitida 'Scoop' is an evergreen, rounded and compact shrub with very small, dark green leaves.Tiny white flowers in spring once established followed by small purple-black fruit later in the year. First thread! Turn a landscape challenge into a showpiece in your garden design. A great shrub for creating all-season structure and adding a bright note to mixed planting schemes. Sku #8756. The commonly-grown evergreen form, best known for making quick-growing hedges, is always sterile. If you've got a tough spot in your yard that stays dim and shady, be grateful! Lonicera nitida commonly known as dwarf honeysuckle or box leaf honeysuckle, is a great fast growing hedging plant. Evergreen forms are suitable for creating low-growing hedges. It grows quickly and with repeated shearing makes an incredibly dense screen with beautiful texture. Lonicera nitida (box leaf honeysuckle) is an attractive, drought-tolerant, pest-free evergreen shrub. Lonicera nitida 'Scoop' is slow growing and suitable for small gardens it can also be pruned to shape for hedging or topiary. $ 2.50. … Lonicera nitida 'Brilliame' Plant Patent #20,761. Regular clipping is needed throughout the growing season to keep this fast growing evergreen hedge tidy. Its gold foliage is similar to the widely grown cultivar called Baggeson's Gold but it growth habit is more compact and has mounding, somewhat weeping form. LONICERA NITIDA 50mm Pot. It’s also very popular for topiary and bonsai as it responds superbly to regular trimming. This is exactly the place to use the cheery chartreuse and yellow foliage of cascading Edmee Gold™ Honeysuckle (Lonicera nitida 'Briloni'). :p - 2012 - I dug this MANY years ago from my Gran's garden, and was going to air layer off all the branches but never got round to it. It is a great boxwood substitute. Light Needs. Flowers inconspicuous. Box Honeysuckle (Lonicera nitida, sometimes called Wilson’s Honeysuckle) is a broadleaf evergreen shrub that make an excellent hedge. Lonicera nitida can be kept around 3 feet tall up to 8 feet tall. This fast growing plant will rapidly form a good quality hedge with a minimum of training. Commonly known as the Dwarf Honeysuckle, this evergreen is a popular hedging plant for two reasons : it has dense deep green foliage and it grows rapidly (up to 1m in 12 months). Because you often need to buy so many plants to make a hedge, you may be … Lonicera nitida 'Briloni' Edmee Gold™ is a new-ish variety of box honeysuckle. Product details. Lonicera Nitida – Boxleaf Honeysuckle is a dense box-like deep green foliage and compact twiggy growth makes a great dwarf or medium sized hedge. This rare mutant produces white flowers which later become attractive, bright purple berries, covering the entire stems in August and September, and if neatly trained makes a most attractive standard. Reaching 4 feet to 6 feet tall and wide, the leaves are small and glossy. Beautiful as a specimen or low border hedge. Shrubby honeysuckle. A versatile shrub that performs well in full sun, dull shade and anywhere in between. Lonicera nitida.