so i found all of the Keller tapes and i went in the NGD to the utility door, and the door says "very hard" to unlock (i have 100 lock pick) but when i try to unlock it, it says this door is activated elsewhere. Keller Family Transcript Locations Dart Gun. Alien Blaster. chevron_left. I'm searching for all the files on the Keller family, i know theres a guide to them but the guide is VERY bland and not so helpful. Miscellaneous: Keller Family Transcripts. Vote. For the hardcore, a third rifle, the Insurrectionist's Rifle, is available. This guide is intended to be the ultimate completionist's guide to Fallout 3. Fallout 3. close. Keller family like quest in fallout 4? Fallout 3 - Keller Family Transcript. You will see several power towers. Games. Fallout 3 [Xbox 360] Keller Family Holotape Locations: Tape 1 Travel to the VAPL-58 Power Station, directly southwest of Arefu, then head north following the electric towers until you reach the pylon shack (it's more like a fenced-in area at the last electric tower), where you will find the tape on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. Location of the tape 4 and the Victory Rifle, unique Sniper Rifle. This is the story of the Keller family's attempt to survive the nuclear holocaust. Travel to Rockbreaker's Last Gas and turn to the west, you will see an abandoned shack at the top of a cliff, this shack is the location of the 4th Keller tape. Keller Family Transcript 1 of 5 - Out in the wasteland just a short walk north of the VAPL-58 Power Station. Fallout 3 Forum; Buy The Game . Report. When she was six years old and the first day Annie Sullivan came to the Keller family. You'll need to track down the location of The Family's hideout in Meresti Trainyard or travel through Northwest Seneca Station. The game takes place in the year 2277, 200 years after the Great War, on the East Coast of what used to be the United States. Fallout 3 Interactive World Map. Keller family transcript #2 in fallout 3 missing???!? Annexed Canadian Enclave branch. The gun is the named Fat Man, and it … Fallout 3 ; Keller Family Transcripts Keller Family Transcripts. Choose download type Free Premium; Multi-threaded downloads: close: This is complicated when the town of Arefu is attacked by The Family. These pesky figurines have a special, or, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Tape: Travel to Rockbreaker's Last Gas and turn to the west, you will see an abandoned shack at the top of a cliff, this shack is the location of the 4th Keller tape. Did we miss anything in this section? Close. Brycen Immanuel. For more information if you're still lost, see the spoilers section at … Recommended Posts. Keller family like quest in fallout 4? Close. Includes a complete walkthrough with videos, and tons of in-game data like collectable locations and maps. Comment:(Jan 28 2009) Thanks imaloony8.0 there is obviously method in your madness The Keller Family Bunker is one of the many locations without a quest in the Capital Wasteland. In the Fallout Wiki, it says "The 1st Keller Family Transcript is to the north of the Power Station." Cheatbook is the resource for the latest Cheats, tips, cheat codes, unlockables, hints and secrets to get the edge to win. Make your way around the cliff from the left side of the mountain (there will be some Super Mutants). Choose from the options below. O.K. It is right before the room that requires the Keller Transcripts. Key Features: • View the locations of all marked places, bobbleheads, and unique items on the map. ... Keller Family Refuge-21736-1-1.7z (Keller Family Refuge) folder 977KB. Loot in the offices: When you reach the irradiated bit, search the long counter for a Duck and Cover! This mod brings to life the quest “Keller Family Refuge” which gives the player access to the unique fat man experimental MIRV and a ton of other loot. Ever hate an enemy so much you want to blow them out of existence, eight mini nukes should do the trick. This is basically the Keller family. This is basically the Keller family. The quest is slightly modified to build a … I have no 2 and directions to find 3 and 4 from the interactive map. save. 1 Vault Boy Bobbleheads 2 Effect 3 List 4 S.P.E.C.I.A.L 5 Skills The Vault Boy Bobbleheads are collectables hidden all across the Capital Wasteland. Updated: Mar 27, 2020 Mar 27, 2020 Where do i go to unlock the door. Is fallout first player? Purpose to do in the game! [NOTE: tape 1 is not required to gain access in the bunker.] 0 comments. share. It must be crafted using the Sovereign Rifle. Discussing Keller Family Holotapes on Fallout 3 XBox 360 message board and forum (page 1). Posted by just now. Vote. 1. Keller Family Refuge Location(s) Anchorage Memorial Grisly Diner Hallowed Moors Cemetery Pylon Shack Sniper Shack: Received by Keller Family Tapes Reward(s) 5 Mini Nuke's Experimental MIRV Nuka-Cola Quantum U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes Share Followers 0. To find out how, you must search for the Keller Family and also accept Crowley's quest, but use the keys yourself. Nov 22, 2017 - Keller Family Part 1: Their Final 5 Messages - Fallout 3 Lore Fat Man: ----- To get the passcode to the experimental MIRV gun, collect all of the Keller family transcripts. The Fallout 3 Bobblehead Guide. I also don't know know if it's important, but I have the 360 version Source(s): keller family audio tapes fallout 3: Thanks. Did it glitch? Their dad, we learn by listening to the tapes, had the door code to a secret bunker, and each transcript contains one digit of it. TRACK | REPORT SEE ANSWERS. There are 20 of them to be exact. Is there something we didn't discover? 3 min read; Fallout 3 Bunker Code. Can anyone tell me where to find keller family transcripts 1 and 5? Last on this list, the most insane weapon in Fallout 3 … Fallout 3 - Locazione del MIRV Sperimentale parte 1 (Trascrizioni della famiglia Keller) 5 years ago. 7 add to the player's S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats while the other 13 add to the player's skills. Fallout 3. Fallout 3 - Keller Family Transcript. Two of the achievements/trophies involve collecting Bobbleheads. Fallout 3 Bobblehead Location Guide Where to Find Every Bobblehead I've now got a page about all Fallout 4 Special Stats and a master list of Fallout 4 Bobblehead Locations with Maps and descriptions to help you find them.. Bobbleheads in Fallout 3 give you a permenant increase to a skill or S.P.E.C.I.A.L. magazine. The player will stumble on holotapes out in the world that will give them clues as to the bunker's location, and each is a part of the code required to enter. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. I ended up getting the first one but when I when to get the 2nd one at the church, it wasn't there. Let us know! where is keller family transcript 4 of 5? I've gone in search of the holotapes of the Keller family. The Keller family transcripts tell of a pre-War family who were all alive and trying to get into the underground bunker at the National Guard depot when the first bombs dropped on October 23, 2077. Updated to.. Full Guide . This means finding all five of the Keller Family Transcripts, data recordings made by different members of a doomed pre-war family. All together the transcripts make the four digit passcode: "5746." Every area in the game covered extensively including all side quests and main quests. By Strygrog, October 20, 2008 in Fallout 3. Overview As you travel through the wasteland, you'll sometimes come across a Keller Family Transcript. 4. The Blood Ties quest is a tricky challenge. Playing next. 5 years ago | 9 views. Buy it on eBay! Press J to jump to the feed. Posted by. videogame_asset My games. 1 comment. keller family transcripts. stat. You need to find Lucy West's brother, Ian, and give him a letter. Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics have an isometric viewpoint, Fallout 3 and 4 are first-person. Location of the tape 1. SAVE 50% ON ALL MEMBERSHIPS (MONTHLY, YEARLY, LIFETIME, LIFETIME PLUS) FOR A LIMITED TIME WITH PROMO CODE ' CH2021 '. Follow. how could that be done in fallout 4 maybe a hidden brewery treasure where the code is only know by that family? So we all liked doing the keller quest in fo3 for the mirv right? I have 1, 2, 3, and 5 I can't find the location in any walkthrough. where are the keller family audio tapes in fallout 3? Massive guide to Fallout 3. Travel to Grisly Diner and head inside, then go to your right and out the back, the 3rd Keller tape is located on a desk at the back. A Guide to help find the Bobbleheads, Vault Tec's creation, all throughout the Capital Wasteland. I looked it up online and started looking for the transcripts. Buy it on Amazon! The Experimental MIRV can be found after completing the quest Keller Family Refugee. Advertisement . Archived. User account menu. Any and all memes related to the only Fallout game, Fallout 3. 2. Find all five tapes and the depot door will open at … I was trying to get into the national guard armory but I realized I needed a code after I got in. By CobaltCourier. Browse more videos. 8:41. Remove this ad - Subscribe to Premium.