The total number of acres that can be permitted within a bay system may be limited by the Parks and Wildlife Commission. Can any area of the bay be permitted for cultivated oyster mariculture? No. Will you be able to see these oyster mariculture operations from the shoreline? Because oysters can impact public health, oyster sales are regulated under both Federal and State law. How to get further information? Both Maryland and Virginia have oyster sanctuaries, which are closed to harvest indefinitely. “HRI is currently engaged in several research projects related to oyster aquaculture and conservation of reefs, the nexus of which is a new area of research known as conservation aquaculture,” Fox said. A transport document is required to be in possession when moving any oysters of any size less than 3-inches. Oyster mariculture operations cannot be placed in locations where sensitive habitat, such as seagrass beds or oyster habitat, could be impacted. Why can’t I use antifouling paint on my gear? The long-term accumulation of anti-fouling paint on the bottom of the permitted area could do harm to the abundance of other species and have sub-lethal effects on species that eat bottom dwellers. Additionally, active use criteria must be met and the permittee must comply with all conditions of the cultivated oyster mariculture permit. Yes. All shellfish in Texas waters must be harvested from approved or conditionally approved areas as designated on the maps below. Will I be able to access the permitted area for recreational fishing? Acquisition of gear, equipment, and maintenance Do I need a commercial oyster fisherman’s license to participate? No. Bays are a common public trust resource, and certain State and Federal restrictions apply to ensure all users have safe access to these public waters. At all times, boaters are expected to use caution and common sense when traversing mariculture operations. See the Rules Text for these marking requirements. Am I required to report oysters produced from my permitted area? Why allow oyster mariculture? Diploid seed must originate from Texas broodstock and be from the appropriate local genetic stock, depending on the location of the permitted area. Others working for the permittee are allowed to do so under a Sub-Permittee Authorization Form (PWD 1439A-V3400). Selling Oysters Grown in Mariculture Who can harvest from an oyster mariculture permitted area? I think producing premium half-shell oysters specific to certain areas of the Texas Gulf Coast will make a both a great experience and story for the consumer.”. While overall Texas still had a strong harvest in 2016, providing 3.1 million pounds of oysters to enthusiasts, that’s a far cry from the 1990s and early aughts. Of course the State of Texas monitors Reefs for their protection and Opens and closes them during season. Attn: Commercial Oyster Mariculture What will happen to the oyster mariculture infrastructure if the permit is not renewed or the permittee no longer wishes to participate in the program? Why do I need two licenses/certifications to sell my oysters? Will the public have an opportunity to provide comments about an oyster mariculture site before it’s constructed? Only the holder of the Cultivated Oyster Mariculture (COM) Permit for a specified area and those individuals identified by the permit holder and listed on the Sub-Permittee Authorization Form (PWD 1439A-V3400) are authorized to harvest from an oyster mariculture permitted area. Where can I locate my oyster mariculture operation or area? Can I sublet the remaining time on my COM permit? The timeframe for the permitting process depends on a number of factors, including the number of mariculture permit applications that are submitted during that time, the time it takes for an applicant to complete the natural resource survey and acquire all required clearance items, etc. The lab will produce oyster seed for commercial growers and work on oyster genetics, including developing oyster lines that are well-suited to the unique environmental conditions along the Texas coast. Labor Data assessed in 2002 showed that 14 bay segments in three geographic regions (see “Project Overview” above) were not safe for harvesting shellfish because of elevated bacteria concentrations. Though the infrastructure used in oyster mariculture operations have a low profile, these operations would be visible from the water or shoreline. The organism that causes Red Tide produces a heat-stable toxin that can be accumulated by oysters and can result in Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning if consumed. ), or heavily used by other users (commercial or recreational fishing, sailing, etc.). Can I bring in oysters from the Pacific coast? Texas was the only coastal state in the United States that did not allow oyster farming. Triploid oysters originating from the Louisiana line can only be placed in waters from Aransas Bay northward. The program’s objective will be to improve not only biological traits such as salinity tolerance and disease resistance, but also address how to breed oysters with certain sensory and/or nutritional qualities that will appeal to the consumer. Yes, 2.5-inches is the legal size of cultured oysters produced in a mariculture operation in Texas harvested under a COM permit. How long will it take to get an oyster mariculture permit? Yes. How will oyster mariculture permitted areas be marked to ensure they’re not a hazard to water safety and navigation, particularly at night? Can I harvest my oysters if there is Red Tide in the area? What does the permittee have to do to maintain their permitted area? Some people love 'em. Long-line vs floating cages? Can I sell oysters directly to the public from my permitted operation? Restitution costs also apply and are based on the number of oysters collected. All shellfish in Texas waters must be harvested from approved or conditionally approved harvest areas as designated on the viewer or maps. Additionally, a public meeting will be held in the municipality or town closest to the location of the proposed oyster mariculture operation where questions can be addressed, and comments provided. “These oysters can be retained over their lifespan and produce year after year, providing a reliable supply for the commercial aquaculture industry.”. Contact TPWD for specific information ( The public comment period will be open for at least 30 days. These types of equipment have been used for decades in the United States and globally, and impacts on marine life, including sea turtles and mammals, has not been identified as a problem. Will I be able to access the permitted area for recreational fishing? There are several on-line sources that provide information on oyster mariculture/aquaculture operations. What is the risk to the environment of oyster mariculture? All proposed sites must be approved by TPWD before leases, permits or other authorizations can be obtained. A transport document is required to be in possession when moving any oysters of any size less than 3-inches. Oysters can be harvested only from waters approved by the Texas Department of State Health Services. Major Changes Hit The Texas Oyster Fishery. Why can’t I use antifouling paint on my gear? Oyster dredges may not be more than 14 inches in width. Are there any time restrictions to do routine maintenance work on my permitted area? So as oyster season begins, here’s the lowdown on Galveston Bay oysters. Regardless of the method, impacts of oyster mariculture operations on the marine environment in Texas coastal waters are not anticipated to be significant given the requirements for siting of these operations, securing the equipment and the many years these methods have been used around the world. Promoting responsible stewardship of the Gulf Coast environment and resources through education and outreach. Texas has until 2027 to develop its own line of tetraploid oysters for creation of the type of triploid oysters commonly used in other states. “When you think about it, the opportunities in the Texas commercial oyster aquaculture industry are similar to those of the microbrewery industry,” he said. There are three types of operations that require a TPWD-issued permit. The new rules affect both the recreational and commercial harvest of oysters. It is also generally accepted that shellfish aquaculture is a net benefit for the environment as they offer the same ecosystem services of wild oysters. To ensure both wild-caught and mariculture-produced oyster industries remain viable, oyster stocks are limited to approved Gulf of Mexico suppliers. Can any area of the bay be permitted for cultivated oyster mariculture? Yes, FDA and DSHS seasonal time to refrigeration restrictions apply to all harvested oyster products. Will oyster mariculture infrastructure have an adverse interaction with marine life? View our recipes here-->Oyster Stuffing and More Buying Oysters Online comes easy at Giovanni's but do you know how to shuck them? Additionally, TPWD requires that each corner be clearly marked and identified. Your contact information is used to deliver requested updates or to access your subscriber preferences. Closures of shellfish harvest areas are made by the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and no harvesting will be permitted during red tide events or other DSHS closures. Texas primarily harvests the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, a shellfish having two shells joined at one end by a hinge and kept closed by the adductor muscle (the dark spots on the inside of an empty shell are the scars where the adductor muscle was attached). Can I sell oysters directly to the public from my permitted operation? Can I simply place cultch on the bottom and harvest that? The new industry along the Texas coast allows people to lease public waters to grow and harvest oysters commercially. You may also wish to contact your local Texas Sea Grant agent for assistance. The latest longline and floating cage culture technologies, designs, and techniques can be employed to prevent adverse interactions with marine life. Failure to comply with any of the conditions of the permit may result in the permit being suspended or revoked. Are there any size restrictions on mariculture-harvested oysters? How quickly will I see a return on my investment? To help further develop the industry, funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is being used for an oyster farming evaluation project in Matagorda Bay. “Oyster farmers will need assistance navigating the permitting process as well as launching and growing their businesses, and Mario’s expertise will be immensely helpful in this process and beyond,” she said. The COM permit provides the authorization for the permittee to participate in this fishery. In a saucepan over medium heat, melt the butter and then add the onions and mushrooms, cook until tender. Texas and Louisiana are top producers. It will also contain lists of suppliers and potential buyers and of agencies and academic institutions that can provide further information or assistance. 10 years. It is best not to harvest oysters within three days following a heavy rain (1 inch or greater). The bills became law in September 2019. Can I harvest my oysters if there is Red Tide in the area? The development of these oysters would likely be a major joint research effort between PMAR/HRI and AgriLife Research. Lyle said the recent hiring of Mario Marquez as a Texas Sea Grant aquaculture specialist based in Palacios will be a great help in facilitating the development of the commercial aquaculture industry. oil and gas, navigation channels, etc. When waters are warm, wild oysters spawn, which turns the meat mushy and undesirable. There are many additional ongoing costs associated with oyster mariculture including, but not limited to: What types of gear can I put into the water on my permitted area? It is the Permittee’s responsibility to contact any other State, Local or Federal jurisdictional Measure for legal size oysters by using a shellfish gauge. What oysters can I use? Yes, if you obtain a Wholesale Fish Dealer’s License from TPWD and obtain shellfish certification from the Department of State Health Services, (DSHS). account_circle  As manager of Texas’ only oyster-testing lab, Hochman is aware of the myriad issues associated with eating oysters and how proper growth and harvesting techniques can translate to the new oyster farming industry. How long will it take to get an oyster mariculture permit? Commercial production of triploid oysters, which are known for their sterility and superior performance, is achieved by crossing individuals with different numbers of chromosomes in a manner similar to the way seedless watermelon or bananas are produced. No. The license cannot be transferred or subleased to another party. The labor involved in growing oysters in mariculture creates cupped, single oysters while wild harvested oysters tend to be longer and clumped.