Project 3:  Institutional Dynamics and Equity Implications of Watershed-Level Payments for Ecosystem Services ASINDEC (Regional Small Holder Coffee Research NGO), Funding Source/Sponsor Eric Smith (MF/MBA '18) Speaking at the California Academy of Science . Woodward, R. T., Stronza, A., Shapiro-Garza, E., & Fitzgerald, L. A. Tinker Foundation; National Science Foundation; International Institute for Impact Evaluation (3ie), Students Involved Last Update. Location. ENVIRON795. Collaborating Institution The Nicholas School's Eric Smith (MF/MBA '18) speaking on key directives to … Management Professor at Duke University. Elizabeth Duke offers high-end products for women who are in the market for clothing sizes 12W-28W while providing a level of convenience that isn't offered by any other retailer. HQ Phone (919) 684-2631. Belize; Chile; Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; North America Faculty Advisor: Dr. Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University Client: Duke Superfund Research Center Dr. Charlotte Clark, Bryan Luukinen, Catherine Kastleman . (2014). Our research combines a multi-sited ethnography in twelve of the implementing sites with experimental economic methods and surveys in these same sites. Studies Ecological Economics, Environmental Education, and Environmental Policy and Governance. FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS $75+ Welcome to Elizabeth Duke! Elizabeth Shapiro Contact Information. January 2018 - May 2018, Service Learning Class. Comisión Nacional Forestal; de México Secretaria; de Medio Ambiente; y Recursos Naturales, Funding Source/Sponsor This line of my research is based on a collaboration with environmental economists, landscape ecologists and geospatial researchers at the University of Wisconsin and Amherst College. 2017 Haitian Film Series; 2018 Haitian Film Series; 2019 Haitian Film Series; Innovation and Leadership; Latin American Film and Art ; Peacebuilding and Urban Violence; Publications. ©2021 The focus of the study is to conduct a national level analysis of the role of local institutions, the socioeconomic impacts, and changes in land use & forest management activities in the federal payments for hydrological services program in Mexico. ENVIRON795. Shapiro-Garza's research focuses on market-based environmental initiatives and policies in Latin America, their social and environmental impacts and their intersection with development projects and goals at multiple scales. Adriane Rivera; Tianyu Wang; Jennifer Finley; Danielle King; Jared Jing; Martin Ramírez; Brenda Lara; Joanna Furguiele; Michael Younis; Claire Fox; Saira Haider, Website Direct Phone (919) ***-**** Get Email Address Get Phone Number. Assistant Professor Of The Practice Of Environmental Policy and Management in the Division of Environmental Sciences and Policy, Director. Brazil@Duke; DBI People; DBI Projects; Research funding; 2020 Global Brazil Conference; Environment, Health and Humanities; Haitian Studies. Shapiro‐Garza, E., McElwee, P., Van Hecken, G., & Corbera, E. (2020). A Better Chance, A Better Community. During our trip, we met with leaders of a state-level organic and fair trade certified coffee cooperative, toured an award-winning, community forestry operation, from seedling … If you see a problem with the information, please write to Scholars@Duke and let us know. This line of my research is in collaboration with an environmental economist at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University and focuses on an offshoot of Mexico’s federal PES programs called the Matching Funds (Fondos Concurrentes) initiative. Adjunct Associate Professor , Department of Geography, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. In Rethinking Political Institutions: The Art of the State, eds. How to Deposit. As of January 3, 2021, Shapiro was awaiting a hearing before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Last year, five Duke University faculty members set out to build skills and add new dimensions to their work. Hayes, T., Grillos, T., Bremer, L. L., Murtinho, F., & Shapiro, E. (2019). Collaborating Institution CEJS University of Light. Méndez, V. E., Shapiro, E. N., & Gilbert, G. S. (2009). Roanoke Chowan Community Health Center. January 2018 - January 2018, Service Learning Class. Our approach is to combine ethnography in a sub-sample of 16 sites to understand the nuances of local level interaction with the program with national-level survey data from the household and community levels (N=1,350) and remote sensing analysis of deforestation rates in 115 sites where the program has been implemented compared to 115 sites with similar ecological and social conditions. Project 1:  UC MEXUS ($12,000), Institute for International Studies ($18,000) and the Tinker Foundation ($3,000) for dissertation research; Continuing research supported through concurrent grants from other projects, Project 2:  International Institute for Impact Evaluation ($446,000) & National Science Foundation ($552,000), Project 3:  Tinker Foundation Institutional Grant ($438,850), Project 2:  Rachel Baker (MEM), Francisco Santiago Avila (MEM), Jane Rice (MEM) Selene Castillo (MEM),  Stephanie Roe (MEM), Susan Sanford (MEM), Project 3:  Ruxandra Popovici (Doctoral UPEP); Luz Rodriguez (Doctoral UPEP); David Kaczan (Doctoral UPEP)., ©2021 Nicholas School of the Environment | Duke University | Durham, NC, USA,, Nicholas School Faculty: International Overview of Research. Summary: Elizabeth Shapiro is 51 years old and was born on 01/13/1969. ENVIRON795. We have completed data collection for this project and are currently analyzing our data and are beginning to report our results. Adjunct Faculty in the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Box 90328, 4103 Environment Hall, Durham, NC 27708. North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher. Elizabeth Shapiro, Writer: Movie 43. Improvisation Jody McAuliffe, Theater Studies and Slavic & Eurasian Studies,… I examine how the market-based notions of the international donors who supported the program’s development were hybridized at four distinct sites of articulation: (1) the federal politics of poverty alleviation in Mexico; (2) rural social movements with distinct conceptualizations of ‘conservation’ and ‘development’; (3) the institutional and cultural context of the ecosystem services being commodified; and (4) the socio-natural knowledges and grounded practices of rural Mexico. HRSA is one of 11 operating divisions in the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). (Our About page explains how this works.) ENVIRON795. INTRODUCTION Urban agriculture and community gardens are a valuable resource for promoting health while building community bonds. View the profiles of professionals named "Elizabeth Shapiro" on LinkedIn. This line of my research draws on a ever-growing critical literature on neoliberal environmental governance to trace the complex processes through which this ideal type conceptualization of market-efficient environmental policy was subverted and the practice altered to more closely fit national interests, rural realities and alternative conceptions of the ‘value’ of socionature. Director of the Certificate in Community-Based Environmental Management. Collaborating Institution Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza is associate professor of the practice of environmental policy and management at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment. Find Elizabeth Shapiro's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata La télévision est un ensemble de techniques destinées à émettre et recevoir des séquences audiovisuelles , appelées programme télévisé (émissions , films et séquences publicitaires). January 2018 - January 2018, Service Learning Class. | Terms of Use | 12/7/2020 1:00 AM. Search Menu FSP Twitter Link FSP Facebook Link FSP Youtube Link FSP Instagram Link NSOE; ESP . Contesting the market-based nature of Mexico’s national payments for ecosystem services programs: Four sites of articulation and hybridization, Contesting market-based conservation: Payments for ecosystem services as a surface of engagement for rural social movements in Mexico, Forest conservation and slippage: Evidence from mexico's national payments for ecosystem services program, Payments for ecosystem services in Mexico: Nature, neoliberalism, social movements, and the state, Impacts of payments for ecosystem services on deforestation in Mexico: Preliminary lessons for REDD, Cooperative management and its effects on shade tree diversity, soil properties and ecosystem services of coffee plantations in western El Salvador, Smallholder agricultural expansion in La Amistad Biosphere Reserve: Perceived vs. real impacts of cacao and cattle, ENVIRON 795: Community-Based Environmental Management Practicum, ENVIRON 955: DEL: Community-Based Environmental Management, ENVIRON 755D: Community-Based Environmental Management, ENVIRON 755: Community-Based Environmental Management, ENVIRON 963: DEL: Program Management for Environmental Professionals, ENVIRON 975: DEL: Community Based Environmental Management in Mexico, Service Learning Class. Our products are inspired by the beautiful … Research Objective Project 2:  Local Level Dynamics of the Mexican Payments for Hydrological Services Program ENVIRON795. Elizabeth Shapiro currently lives in Avon Lake, OH; in the past Elizabeth has also lived in Perrysburg OH, Westlake OH and Rocky River OH. The stated intention of the initial international funders and designers of Mexico’s national PES programs was to introduce market efficiency into environmental policy and ‘‘green’’ the market through recognition of the economic value of healthy ecosystems. Improving environmental and social targeting through adaptive management in Mexico's payments for hydrological services program. LOYALTY REWARDS. Some information on this profile has been compiled automatically from Duke databases and external sources. Browse. Oxford University: 1985: B.A. My Cart. Contact Info: Office Location: 102 West Duke Building : Office Phone: +1 919 660 3033 : Email Address: Education: PhD: Oxford University: 1990: B.Phil. Alabama Center for Rural Enterprise (ACRE). DukeSpace Scholarship by Duke Authors ... Shapiro - Garza, Elizabeth; Shapiro-Garza, Elizabeth; King, Danielle; Rivera-Aguirre, Ariadne; Wang, Sapphire; Finley-Lezcano, Jennifer. Shapiro-Garza, E., King, D., Rivera-Aguirre, A., Wang, S., & Finley-Lezcano, J. Yale University Program in Agrarian Studdies Fellow, Tropical Resources Institute Fellow. Durham Farmers' Market. Some information on this profile has been compiled automatically from Duke databases and external sources. Un article de la revue Études littéraires (Adapter le théâtre au cinéma) diffusée par la plateforme Érudit. Rachel Baker; Selene Castillo; Jane Rice; Susan Sandford; Luz Rodriguez; Ruxandra Popovici; David Kaczan; Brenda Lara, Research Location Research Location El Salvador. Research Objective WATCH VIDEO. Elizabeth Shapiro-Garza is an Associate Professor of the Practice of Environmental Policy and Management at the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University and serves as the Director for Community Engagement for the Duke University Superfund Research Center and the Director of the Certificate in Community-Based Environmental Management. Brazil@Duke; DBI People; DBI Projects; Research funding; 2020 Global Brazil Conference; Environment, Health and Humanities; Haitian Studies. Close HOME; THE COLLECTION; ACCESSORIES 0 $ 0.00; My Cart 0; $7 FLAT RATE SHIPPING. Rachel Meghan Markle1,2, dite Meghan Markle, née le 4 août 1981 à Los Angeles (Californie), est une ancienne actrice américaine, devenue membre de la famille royale britannique. Pfaff, A., Rodriguez, L. A., & Shapiro-Garza, E. (2019). We plan to examine the ways in which institutional, political and economic dynamics at multiple scales interact with the formation of institutional arrangements for PES and the distribution of costs and benefits of program implementation. Van Hecken, G., Kolinjivadi, V., Windey, C., McElwee, P., Shapiro-Garza, E., Huybrechs, F., & Bastiaensen, J.