The middle pickup shouldn't be wired to any tone pot. The values of all of them are on the hotter side, with resonant peaks in the mid 3kHz range, closer to Texas Specials than 57/62's. He also set up my guitar. The DiMarzio Area 61 electric guitar pickup captures the classic sound of an early '60s Strat pickup while giving you hum-free performance. It’s a single coil pickup that features an Alnico 2 magnet, staggered pole pieces and four conductor wiring. I wanted to try another set of Kinman's but the price was cost-prohibitive. The DiMarzio Area Strat Pickup set contains 3 well-designed pickups: the Area '58 (neck), the Area '67 (middle), and the Area '61 (bridge). The N3 lacked bite compared to the area T. Not scientific I know, but it seemed to be a running theme for me. I had purchased a Dimarzio Area Set 58/67/61 pickups about 6 months ago for my MIM Strat. The Area 58 and 67 have lower inductances and higher resonant peaks, while the Area 61 has a higher inductance and a lower peak. Reverb is a marketplace bringing together a wide-spanning community to buy, sell, and discuss all things music gear. Messages: 7,599. Vindibona1 Most Honored Senior Member. After playing the guitar at a few gigs and several open jams I can safely say I like the Area 61 pickups. The Area ’61 is a noiseless single coil that’s meant to replicate the very old school single coil tones of yesteryear. I had a repair tech "Joe" at Corner Music in Nashville do the work. The neck pickup to the middle tone pot. I was wondering what the difference between the two pickups would be in the middle position of a HSH configuration. By the time I moved on to a set of Duncan Alnico Pro2's and Pearly Gates they came out with the VHotPAF. It's got an Area '58 pickup in the neck, Area '67 in the middle position, and an Area '61 at the bridge. The DiMarzio Area Model Prewired Pickguard is for electric guitars with standard 11-hole pickguards. Joined: Dec 1, 2013 Location: Peoples Republic of Cook County. Sweetwater single-coilists recommend the Area 61 for any of your Strat-style guitar's three pickup positions, and for or just about any guitar that accepts single-coils. A few months ago I bought a set of Dimarzio Area 61 pickups for my Strat clone. Tele: Dimarzio Area T and Area T neck - I found some excellent sound clips and thought the regular bridge area T sounded better than all the demos I found of the N3. I took a chance on the Dimarzios because of the price and some soundclips I had heard. Area '58 The Area '58 offers excellent treble response and dynamics with little magnetic pull … Area setup: A hum-cancelling, vintage-style setup with an Area 58 in the neck, Area 67 in the middle and an Area 61 in the bridge. The DiMarzio Area ‘61 is a new evolution of the Virtual Vintage series. The Dimarzio problem I went through was that I loved the Air Classics and Virtual PAF, but could never find a good overwound version of either such that I could have a matching set. Easy to install, they'll bring a collection of authentic tones to your Strat-style guitar while reducing noise. Dimarzio Area Pickups- A Review Discussion in 'Stratocaster Discussion Forum' started by Vindibona1, Apr 24, 2014. Strat: Area 61 Bridge, Area 67 Middle, Area 67 Neck. Vintage setup: True Velvet bridge, middle and neck pickups (with hum-cancelling in the 2 and 4 positions thanks to a reverse polarity middle pickup). DiMarzio Area 61 pickup in the bridge position wired solely to the bottom tone pot and two Area 58 pickups for the middle and neck pickups.