There are four types of crew member that can join the Adrestia. Where to find the best Special Lieutenants in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Now that there are DLCs around, which DLC should I play and what's the next order? During the Dead Man Rises Quest in the Legacy of the Lost Blade DLC, you’ll have to collect five bear pelts. Common, Rare, Epic and Legendary. Read on. He thinks they have god-like beauty and hits on them at every chance. Once you do that, the game will take you to a blacksmith assistant. Isu on the other hand, makes more sense to do last since it leads directly into the Atlantis dlc (which should definitely be last last). The blacksmith, Kosta, dotes on the player the second he meets them. Still, you’ll want to do these quests in order to partake in some of the best boss battles the game has to offer. When his part of the quest … Odyssey has a huge system of engravings that add buffs and bonuses to gear: +10% warrior damage, +5% damage to Spartans, and so on. AC Odyssey Legacy of the First Blade Blacksmith Code – What to Answer What to Answer Blacksmith – Dead Man Rises Quest in Legacy of the Lost Blade AC Odyssey DLC. Read this Assassin's Creed Odyssey list and guide for all available Side Quests per location - tips and walkthroughs, rewards, requirements, & locations! I am not going to include sidequests or lost tales, with the exception of one Lost Tales which is relevant to Fate of Atlantis. AC Odyssey Blood Fever Quest Guide: Find Out The Best Decision To Make In This Mission AC Odyssey will give its players the chance to make major moral decisions throughout the game story. Do I complete the legacy of the first blade, then continue to shadow from the east? One of the funniest quests in Odyssey involves a caged young man, a violent bandit, and a very horny blacksmith. AC ODYSSEY ROMANCE OPTIONS: Character ... there are two side quests to complete in Lakonia first that must be done in order to unlock the quest you … Check Out Main Quest Walkthrough & Guide Side Quest Walkthrough per Area When is the right time to play Fate of the Atlantis? In retrospect, I don't think it matters in which order you do family and cult, it works just as well either way. My second time through, I thought it made more sense to do family, then cult, and Isu last. Hunting down some of the mythical creatures will unlock Odyssey’s “true ending.” The Gates Of Atlantis quest line is considered a main mission, even though it is not required to beat the game. So, in the abscence of a proper timeline for AC Odyssey, I want to attempt to give my opinion on the best order in which to start and finish the game's 3 main storylines, as well as its 2 main DLC. One such quest is "Blood Fever". I have not played AC Odyssey for a long time after I finished the main story.