The best thralls in the game can take what feels like hours to break and enslave on the wheel of pain. Lissa o' the Longbow, an Archer (thrall) Arnos of Cimmeria, an Archer (thrall) Conan Exiles > Guides > VenomsLust's Guides This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. I was looking to use them as both Base defense and to help me kill stuff out in the wild. Thralls can come in very handy as they can also guard your character and act as companions that help you around. I have a bandit Leader thrall right now but I'm looking to get a better one, any suggestions? hide. Best heavy you can craft. Online. It's a matter of damage output rather than resistance to me so... Berserk wins. They are less vulnerable to dying than fighter thralls as they have the full range. Volcano thralls are a bit better than the bandit leaders. This page was last edited on 26 May 2020, at 23:36. Thrall General Information. 1 year ago. Testerles Conan Exiles Mods. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. It just so happens that a member of our community u/scotty990 recently did some tests on damage and posted his results to the subreddit here. For this guide, we will be showing you How to Get Thralls in the Conan Exiles’ Isle of Siptah expansion. I find that two handed swords work great on thralls! Hyrkanian 6. 1 year ago. I don't know if people have datamined strength numbers for thralls, though. Mod-ID: 931088249 [] Feedback and suggestions are welcome. Also fighters do more damage with a bow than archers do. Read More… OUT NOW – October 28th 2020 UPDATE 2.1 – CRAFTING REVAMP AND CHARACTER RE-CUSTOMIZATION Update 2.1 introduces the… Conan Exiles’ Isle of Siptah has brought us wonderful new content to get into. Named bearers from sepamaru are the best. 1. So do my Seppermeru named archers. Join . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the ConanExiles community. Much better for mass defense or as a replacement for a Berserker if you can't find one or they are too out of the way. ... A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. This thread is archived . You can find T6 to T8 AoC thralls in the encampments listed above. This mod trims the female characters up a bit and adds an oily sheen to their skin. level 2. Points of Interest, NPCs, Thralls, Resources, etc Thralls act like guards that protect your locations such as crafting stations or a certain building. This is one of the locations that we recommend to build your base in Conan Exiles . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Taskmasters in the Torturer's Worktable increase the durability of all items crafted in the bench and the concussion damage of Iron Truncheons and … The situation is the same with pets. Turanian 16. Kambujan 7. Hi what are the best thralls for each crafting bench or the most sought after/ 13 comments. It is inside the tower itself that you will see in that area. Nordheimer 11. I have a named Volcano fighter and the Bandit Leader has more health. OctoberGamer May 19, 2019, 6:23am #1. My T4 Bearer has 9900 HP and does great damage. So always always give your thralls heavy armor for best protection. Weaker on dmg output, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the ConanExiles community. This is my Conan Exiles routine to level up thralls the quickest way I know. AngryBull did test them. He and his wife bond best over tabletop role-playing. I've been told it does more damage, health points are not an issue anyway since I play PvE and pretty much any thrall can trash any boss if you equip him with heavy armor and keep healing him with arrows. 1. share. Someone told me that but idk if they know what there talking about. Has anyone tested the Followers of Sobek Fighters and Archers T4? All bug reports must be done on Discord. I just go for the Cimmerian Berserk. They seem to have very high HP pools, similar to the Relic Hunter Treasure Seekers. After breaking their will, you can use them as your servants to do your bidding. Cookies help us deliver our Services. share. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. For Conan Exiles on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "My best f***ing thrall with my best f***ing weapon". UPDATES OUT NOW – January 6th 2021 Update 2.2 – Stamina and shield block rework Update 2.2 brings a reworked stamina system, more interesting shield block mechanics, modding improvements plus a host of general fixes. weight is also not a factor for thralls. my 1st priority are beri and njoir battleborn both from asgart. You can tame them and train them, but the thing is, first you have to find them. For increased speed and decreased fuel consumption the Cook can also be placed at the Firebowl Cauldron and the Improved Firebowl Cauldron, but do not get reduced material costs or bonus recipes like Alchemistsdo. For some reason. It may be hard to acquire your thralls during a purge. It is only visible to you. 1. share. Since weapons and armor on thralls don’t decrease the durability, I give my thrall the best legendary weapon I have. Thralls in Conan Exiles are another important tool for survival in Conan Exiles. A subreddit dedicated to the discussion of Conan Exiles, the open-world survival game set in the Conan the Barbarian universe! work on Armorer Benches and reduce the resources needed for armor. Best thralls are dalincia and spinas (purge fighters from cimmerian beast tamers are stupid good but very rng to get.) Conan Exiles. volcano thralls or bezerker from mounds of the dead. Wait so a lvl one thrall does as much damage as a named? Zamorian 19. damage is calculated from the weapon you give them so any fighter will do the same damage with the same weapon so get the fighters with the most health and put them in the best heavy armor you or your thralls can make with the best weapons your thralls can make. Or perhaps is there a special/unique thrall that is stronger than T4 volcano thralls? The named thralls often don't increase hp when leveling but the T3 has always increased. Named bearers seem to be the best and they also have all those extra slots. Conan Exiles Mods Best mods. Turanian 16. save. In the image that we leave you below you can see in more detail what is your specific location. Shaved and Oiled (females) [Mod] Posted almost 4 years ago ; 7,242 downloads; Your female characters have to slay to make their way in this unforgiving world, but they don't have to look plain doing it. I knew it, I forgot where I heard that cimmerian berserkers do more damage than any thrall in the game, but people always said they were the same as relic hunters. Members. It also delves deep into crafting, weapons, armor, thralls and… Thats the best you can do for thralls. thralls are immune to tempature and they dont get armor stat bonuses either so go for damage reduction that they do get. Once enslaved, thralls act as items which can be picked up into the player inventory and set down wherever the player chooses. Players can find thralls all over the world in Conan Exiles. Press J to jump to the feed. I tend to like ones with a bit more health but also good damage. volcano thralls or bezerker from mounds of the dead. It is best to remove the gruel after every level and put it back on to make sure it gets the growth bonus but that’s up to you. Where should there be someone? Best Conan Exile Mods for admins: Running a Conan Exiles server can be a pain, so to start with we’ve taken a look at the best mods to help make that experience a little easier, giving you more time to play. Zingaran I have my lady with heavy pauldron armor and a crom blade.. literally just watch her single handedly take out all unnamed city bosses one after the other, some guy i was playing with was saying the thralls from the unnamed city are the best but i haven't done any testing, someone with better knowledge may be able to tell me if he was correct or not :), Oh yeah my friend has a treasure Hunter I was wondering how good they were too. I'm already aware that the volcano thralls are the strongest 'faction', but is there a difference between any of the volcano's named thralls? Often the level buff drops out even when you take the food from inv and replace it. Vendhyan 17. Darfari 4. Armorer. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew the best t4 Fighter thralls in the current game? The best thralls in the game are purge thralls with 9000 hp. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 1 year ago. Thralls do not dodge and do not have stamina issues, neither do they get any skill buffs from armor like players do.