So, that’s a lot to unpack. Championship Best Rank Achieved 110,187,385,978,881. For those who haven’t put a lot of investment into First Order TIE Pilot this lineup may be preferable. As for what’s “optimal” however, that’s another question, as with Negotiator it’s really dependant on your shardmates. If you found this guide useful, you might also enjoy some of my other SWGoH Fleet content, such as my Malevolence Guide and my Fleet Meta summary. December 27, 2019 12:51PM. More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. I imagine it’s going to be a popular fleet soon with GL Palp incoming (depending on what the remaining requirements turn out to be of course), and I’ve been admiring it for quite some time now. Previous Next Hunted goes onto Han’s Millennium Falcon to reduce damage from being called to assist, use stuns and Silencer’s massive damage output to burst down Han’s Falcon if you can, and if not, it shouldn’t be too difficult to kill off Bistan’s U-Wing, Rebel Y-Wing and/or Biggs. Check it out! That’s not even mentioning the versatility of a targeted assist call, which can allow you to call Command Shuttle to give Command Shuttle a protection boost, or call Hound’s Tooth to cleanse it of Buff Immunity. If the target enemy is target locked, SF TIE gains 30% turn meter, AoE special ability that inflicts damage over time for 2 turns on all other ships (even ally ships), Reinforcement ability that gives all allies +40% potency (doubled for First Order allies, so +80%), and reduces the tenacity of all active enemies by -20% (doubled against Resistance enemies). If the opponent does not have Hound’s Tooth you’ll want to put Hunted on Anakin’s Eta-2 Starfighter to stop him from dealing so much damage when called to assist, and to prevent him from taking bonus turns when allies fall below full health or are defeated. Of these effects, the most noteworthy are the stun/advantage on basic, which adds a fun layer of strategy to the ship’s use. Every poll I’ve been able to find for Reddit or Discord users about whether people prefer light (white background, black text) or dark (black background, white text) mode has shown that people vastly prefer the dark mode. Keep a close eye on the amount of turn meter that your target has so you’ll know whether Silencer is going to stun or gain advantage. And of course, for TB, you can’t use HT with Negotiator, so Y-Wing obviously takes its place there. Here is a look at some of the post from the EA SWGoH … In this regard, SF TIE is the better choice, as the potency boost means you have the maximum chance of landing stuns with TIE Silencer, and the turn meter boost from TIE Fighter can screw with your turn order if you’re trying to get Finalizer to take a turn before TIE Silencer. Any extra gear levels on Plo are a luxury, but you won’t regret getting him to at least G11, as he is extremely easy to gear and his ship is probably the most versatile plug’n’play ship in the game at the moment. It also stands the best chance against Malevolence fleets to have both Hound’s Tooth and Plo Koon available to you. Hound's Tooth isn't a wall, it's a hurdle, a tall hurdle. Best ship fleet. It’s also wickedly fast, being tied for fifth fastest base speed ship in the game. HK22. What are the key components of the mace time out fleets? Calling TIE Silencer to assist will deal too much damage. Memorise the important abilities of the fleet, specifically what Hunted does, how Silencer can stun, and which of Command Shuttle’s abilities are most useful to you. My knowledge of the fleet so far is mostly stumbling around with it during the Finalizer event itself...this should help with that and help me prioritize in the future. 7 1 a he intersection of 2 familiar with. This is especially handy when combined with Hound’s Tooth, who perpetually taunts while an enemy is breached, and who gains retribution when Xanadu Blood reinforces, which makes Hound’s Tooth incredibly difficult to deal with for certain fleets. Second Turn: Here you’ll want TIE Silencer to go next, as this ship needs to be as powerful as possible for the Finalizer fleet, since it’s the primary damage dealer and the backbone of the entire fleet, and as such will be faster than everything except Finalizer itself. Championship Territories Defeated 713. Without a killer Silencer, the fleet is nothing. Contents. Please enter as much information as you can, and we'll try to find your shardmates and give you their contact information, if possible. The only way my shard has figured out how to beat the JKA/Rex/Y-Wing lineup is to either mirror it and hope for the coin flip or to swap to Malevolence to climb. Credit to u/NinjaGamer1337 on Reddit I personally consider it inefficient and think too many people rely on the ship (eviltrain describing it as a crutch is quite accurate), but using it doesn’t necessarily make you a target either. Third Turn: At this point a number of ships could go next depending on the lineup and the speed of each ship, but generally, Umbaran Starfighter, Ahsoka Tano’s Jedi Starfighter or First Order SF TIE Fighter will go next. It removes all turn meter from target ally and grants all allies +40% turn meter, plus a further 25% of the targeted ally’s lost turn meter. Characters Mods Bus 74's Profile. This fight requires very specific turn control: First Turn: Your first turn should always be Finalizer, which might be tricky if your General Hux or Finalizer itself is low stars and your TIE Silencer is maxed. While I do not claim to have all of the answers in this game, I do my research and have used every toon I … However for anyone who uses Hound’s Tooth elsewhere you will obviously prefer a different set of reinforcements. Posted By: ljcool110 January 4, 2018. As for the DoTs I think you’re right, it does trigger Shuttle’s unique. More than that however, we have Command Shuttle’s unique abilities. The Finalizer fleet is possibly the trickiest fleet to learn in the game currently, because it’s such a glass cannon that can fall apart under many circumstances. Or do you have suggestions ? We also offer an iCalendar feed which you can use with any calendar client like Gmail or Apple Calendar.. Visit for more tools and information. When this happens you’ll want to bring Anakin’s Eta-2 down to below 50% health, but not down to red health, and don’t trigger Unending Loyalty. Silencer is, besides Finalizer itself, the most important ship in a Finalizer fleet. This is good, since Finalizer fleets currently don’t have an effective tank, so drawing fire away from Silencer is desirable. Want to get in touch, share your tips, or discuss the game? How these abilities come into play is fairly straightforward for the most part. He provides for a Malevolence fleet the same thing he provides for every other fleet, the best plug and play ship in the game. Fourth Turn: Next you’ll have to weather turns from Negotiator and Anakin’s Eta-2 if you didn’t manage to stun him. Next Event: 2021-01-31. Fives is notoriously terrible on defense, as he gives the opponent turn meter and is extremely predictable. This one is a little trickier to place, as you either want to put as little investment in it as possible due to the lack of utility it provides, or you want to go all out and make it a monster by giving as many relic levels and 6E mods to the pilot as possible. The possibility of inflicting target lock is nice however, as it can help boost Silencer’s offense again if applied to the next target Silencer will attack. I also really appreciate your Malevolence Guide. Currently there's no single fleet that stands out above the rest, but there are many that are strong enough to cause problems for top players on offense. swgoh best negotiator fleet 2020. by | Jan 24, 2021 | News | 0 comments | Jan 24, 2021 | News | 0 comments Then there’s the minor comparison of target lock. Reward: Finalizer - SWGOH Events displays the next event date with relevant information about the event. I’ll explain in more depth the reasoning for choosing SF TIE over TIE Fighter in the starting lineup in section 7 of this guide. General Hux – Finalizer | B Tier. Check out Maxost's Characters and Stats from Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! 354 posts Member. Two new Capital Ships, the Raddus (Light Side, Resistance) and the Finalizer (Dark Side, First Order) will be joining the holotables. Now it provides extra utility to First Order allies on the frontline of the Finalizer fleet, edging out its regular counterpart. This is used to dispel stealth from Anakin’s Eta-2 and taunt from BTL-B Y-Wing to allow Silencer to get at Anakin’s Eta-2 and finish the deadly ship off. The constant advantage gain will mean Silencer scores frequent critical hits, thus restoring health thanks to Finalizer’s crew ability. The First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter was one of the least utilised ships in all of fleet until the arrival of Finalizer. Also,if I'm not mistaken,the dot placement by fosftp on allies on an aoe,triggering extra offense from silencer,also serves as damage taken when that ship starts a turn,thereby reducing the shuttle's cooldowns.I think so anyway, Thanks for finding that error, somehow I always manage to miss at least one or two despite going over every guide with a fine toothed comb. Gauntlet Starfighter - Team cleanse and survivability boosts, Jedi Consular’s Starfighter - Targeted assist call and healing, TIE Bomber - AoE buff dispel, and burning shuts down Rebel fleets very hard, Geonosian Spy’s Starfighter - Forced taunt on random enemy, Sun Fac’s Geonosian Starfighter - Auto taunting tank, Scimitar - Crit Chance boost, retribution and stealth for certain allies. Good catch. For everyone else, it's just a hurdle. But Empire is definitely next on my radar. Great write up. Hound’s Tooth is there to absorb damage while Silencer burns through your opponent. Basic ability stuns enemies that have above 50% turn meter, and gains advantage if enemies have less than 50% turn meter, Deals double damage with special ability if Silencer has advantage, and gains 20% turn meter and foresight (2 turns) if the special ability defeats an enemy, Gains 10% turn meter and 15% stacking offense whenever damaged, or whenever damaging a target locked enemy, Gains +25% offense and Afterburner when called as a reinforcement or used in the frontline of a Finalizer fleet, Afterburner reduces Silencer’s cooldowns by 1 whenever attacking with advantage. It’s important to watch out for enemies with crit immunity for this reason, as they will prevent Silencer from healing. Finalizer gives First Order ships a whopping +50% max health, which is a lot, especially considering that most ships have more health than protection. You have a brief window where you can target and destroy Eta-2 here, and if you’re unable to, the match becomes extremely difficult. Mods are included in the calculation and shown by the unit portrait. Beware that stars account for a great deal of the speed of Finalizer, so at 6 stars you may need a relic Hux to achieve this result, and you may need to remove mods from Kylo Ren (Unmasked). Unique ability grants +40 speed while the Command Shuttle has protection, and +100% counter chance while it doesn’t (the command shuttle will gain protection up whenever it counters as well, due to its basic ability, making it a potentially tough to deal with ship), Unique also grants the Command Shuttle 15% turn meter and reduces its cooldowns by 1 whenever a First Order ally takes damage. Profile Characters Squads GAC History Ships Mods Zetas Gear Needed Galactic Legends Gear Needed Checklist Settings Player Info. This is especially useful when used on TIE Silencer to stun an enemy or continue to build Silencer’s offense stacks. Besides that, we come to the reasons why we choose Command Shuttle for the frontline. First Order Capital Ship that enables the First Order fleet to have an early game advantage and relentlessly pursue enemies. For reference, here are the health and protection of maxed out First Order ships compared to some of the tankiest ships in the game, without the health boost: And here they are when the health boost is applied: Now it’s worth noting that certain other factors (such as Hound’s Tooth’s Protection Up when damaged and Hyena Bomber’s Defense boost) affect the tankiness of these ships, but in terms of pure stats, the health boost provided by Finalizer, as you can see, is huge. Since the rebel fleet relies so heavily on Han’s Falcon, outside of an unlucky assist train from a max Bistan killing off Silencer (unlikely with the huge health boost that Finalizer provides), you have the advantage in the match from the moment you put Hunted on the Falcon. Here is a look at some of the post from the EA SWGoH … I abuse the shit out of Fives’ bad AI when climbing. However, due to Plo Koon’s versatility a Finalizer fleet may not be the most useful place for him for you, in which case Gauntlet Starfighter can be a passable replacement if you don’t have an Empire fleet to put him in. ... Top posts april 5th 2020 Top posts of april, 2020 Top posts 2020. But Raddus fleets are a great counter for Malevolence, Empire and Rebel fleets set on defense. The Finalizer fleet is possibly the trickiest fleet to learn in the game currently, because it’s such a glass cannon that can fall apart under many circumstances. The stacking offense throughout the battle including the boost at the start of battle under Finalizer. A nice little boost to help Finalizer keep up after the initial first turn speed boost disappears. Stats displayed are for unit at max level with max stars. The double damage special (when Silencer has advantage) and the advantage synergy as a whole. But using any combination of Rex, HT or Y-Wing on the frontline instead can perform effectively. ! But it will take a lot more data to convince me to change my whole blog theme. Millenium Falcon. However, depending on the strength of your ships, you may need to call the Command Shuttle to assist on the first turn against Anakin’s Eta-2, as calling Silencer will likely kill Eta-2 and trigger Unending Loyalty, which will give Eta-2 more health than it should have in order to trigger Negotiator’s Unending Loyalty buff instead of the devastating AoE (look at the 3. vs Negotiator section above for further info). Ahsoka Tano. With two fleets (eventually) coming to GAC I’ve been wanting to figure out how to use an FO team. Capital Ships usually carry hundreds, if not thousands of crewmembers and passengers, and some are large enough to house other Capital Ships within their hangar bays. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Jump to:navigation, search. For everyone else, it's just a minor nuisance. If you're thinking of a next one, I think an Empire guide might be helpful. Daze negates this, but against fleets other than Negotiator this can be quite useful. Joined: Sep 2, 2017 Messages: 149 Likes Received: 6. This bonus is up to 45 extra speed (+15 per First Order ally), and with a fully maxed Finalizer that equates to a total of 221 speed. I have never worked on ships because I do not like them in game. Say no to black backgrounds with white text. Most of the time this happens fast enough that losing Hound’s Tooth doesn’t change stop you from winning. Even with very little synergy with the Finalizer fleet, the ability to cleanse daze and heal Silencer can be incredibly clutch if you’re having a rough battle. In order to be able to defeat a fleet with Hound’s Tooth, you must have Finalizer faster than Silencer. Finalizer Lead Synergy: First Order Synergy: Hunted • Target Lock • First Order. How farmed/geared is your sep fleet? Last Event: 2021-01-31. This ability is more useful the higher gear/relic your General Hux is, and with a maxed ship and one or more hunted enemies, can be handy for taking out nearly dead ships hiding behind stealth or a taunt. Welcome to the latest article in our series about the popular game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes where we take a look at the best mods for individual SWGoH characters. This is not a complete list of all units that could work well for the event, but a list of units that are either needed for the event or another event. I was honestly expecting so much better with these. Silencer in particular is able to recover very quickly when you feed the ship turns and assist calls, due to how often it gains advantage. SWGoH Events Monthly Calendar. For farming ideas check out best ship farming locations. Offense Up. I’m sorry to hear that was difficult for you to read, that certainly wasn’t my intention when choosing the theme for the blog. For all my SWGoH related content check out my SWGoH page. The first and foremost being its AoE assist call, which can call Silencer to assist without a damage penalty. This stun isn’t crucial but it makes the match easier. ! Unlike most other fleets, there aren’t multiple possible ways to build this fleet, you need a specific set of ships at specific levels or higher. You must max the ship out for best results. Players with high relic pilots will find more use since the damage dealt is more significant and can match the usefulness of bringing in a ship like Xanadu Blood who can call an assist from Silencer. Jump to:navigation, search. Surprise Raid and Advanced Jamming Array see the most usage to keep Silencer taking turns and dishing out damage, and to control enemy tanks to keep them out of Silencer’s way where possible. Last updated: Rank 1 Rank 1-10 Rank 1-100. This website has a collection of useful tools and resources for people playing Star Wars™ Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH). The health and healing boosts that Finalizer provides First Order allies are very clutch, and allow TIE Silencer to survive much longer on offense than you’d expect. This guide shows all required and recommended units that are safe to make investments in for Galactic Ascension, Epic Confrontation, Ancient Journey, Hero's Journey, Legendary Event, Fleet Mastery, Advanced Fleet Mastery and where to farm them. First Order TIE Fighter, one of the older ships in the game, was once a strong part of the meta, but now serves as a reinforcement in Finalizer fleets. (5) Ebon Hawk/Cassian’s U-Wing 5 stars, G8. A stronger Command Shuttle can’t hurt either, as it is quite tanky, and the longer it can survive the longer it can dish out turn meter and advantage to Silencer. Dont think he will be squishi in a Finalizer Fleet. Basic ability that inflicts target lock on a critical hit, and has +25% critical chance, Special ability that damages the target enemy, inflicts ability block for 1 turn and calls a target ally to assist (dealing 50% less damage). So even though it’s not a top fleet currently, there’s a good chance that working on the fleet will work out well for you in the long run. This ability is probably the most frequently used ability, constantly utilised to give Silencer turn meter and advantage, The Strike Team special ability is a watered down version of Surprise Raid, but affects all allies. If the assisting ally is First Order they gain advantage for 2 turns. It’s among the two main Capital ships that own the Fleet Arena meta. This is another ship like Ebon Hawk and Cassian’s U-Wing, where his primary use is his reinforcement ability, which should be maxed out. Ebon Hawk and Cassian’s U-Wing are absolutely necessary (one or the other) for Finalizer vs Negotiator matches, as they are the only ships with a full team wide buff dispel ability (aside from TIE Bomber, who’s much more optimal in an Empire fleet). The Finalizer is the most crucial component of the Finalizer fleet. The final pillar of the Finalizer kit is the fact that it activates the reinforcement abilities of all First Order allies in the frontline at the start of battle. … 607 posts SWGOH Dev Team ... Alongside Raddus, Finalizer is useful as a secondary fleet in Territory Wars and Grand Arena. Since Finalizer fleets have no reliable means of cleansing debuffs, Breach coupled with Hound’s Tooth’s perpetual taunt can ruin the match for you, so it’s important to control him here. As a background, I’m lvl 85 with a ship shard from right after the ships came out. With that, so ends my Finalizer guide. The potency and assist call make SF TIE a more desirable frontline pick than regular First Order TIE Fighter (more on that below), simply for the extra utility provided. Probably the most useful ship in all of fleet, Hound’s Tooth has one of its two most efficient homes here in the Finalizer fleet, having been effectively replaced in Negotiator, Malevolence, Empire and Rebel fleets by pilotless tanks. The massive speed boost that Finalizer receives based on how many First Order allies are in the starting lineup allows Finalizer to take the first turn in almost every battle. The only reasons not to use Cassian here are if you’re saving Cassian for a Rebel fleet, or if you need Ebon Hawk’s Buff Immunity to get through a reapplied taunt like Clone Sergeant. If the enemy reinforced with Clone Sarge you’ll want to try and place Buff Immunity (with Ebon Hawk) or just burst his protection down (with Cassian’s Assist Call), so that you can get around his auto-taunt and be able to target Anakin’s Eta-2. There’s a good chance that you simply won’t be able to out-damage the Malevolence fleet however, since the fleet has crit avoidance synergies, relies heavily on debuffs which you can’t clear, and uses the overcharge buff, which you can’t reliably clear without a full team-wide buff removal. Of course, just like Empire, Finalizer and Rebels, you do need high relic pilots to pull off the best that the Raddus fleet has to offer (you also need Hound’s Tooth, making Raddus the only fleet that still needs the ship). Hunted is an irresistible and uncleansable debuff unique to the Finalizer, which prevents bonus turn meter gain and reduces the damage dealt by out of turn attacks. Should a new fleet come along that needs Finalizer fleets to be even faster than they already are, it’s possible that First Order TIE will become more relevant for the frontline of a Finalizer fleet, but as it stands, SF TIE is more versatile, useful and has a bigger health pool, making it the stronger candidate. In the Finalizer fleet TIE Silencer is your primary weapon and tool. Power 78818 Let’s not forget the KRU will have Afterburner + Offense Up + Defense Penetration if finalizer goes first (seems like it will). Last updated: Also gives all allies 15% turn meter. For reference, not counting start of battle turn meter boosts (which are nonexistent in the current meta), the next fastest ship in the game is Gauntlet Starfighter, with 216 speed, thanks to its unique ability that grants a speed boost based on Empire allies. Try to stun Anakin’s Eta-2, which will have an 85% chance to land thanks to all the bonus potency from First Order SF TIE Fighter. I see almost everyone still running it as main tank with the Y-wing as reinforcement. Anyhow, on this first turn you’ll want to place Hunted on Hound’s Tooth, as Hunted prevents bonus turn meter gain, and this stops Hound’s Tooth from gaining turn meter every time you attack another ship, so you can more effectively prevent it from taunting and getting in your way. In the breakdown of the kylo shuttle section,after the abilities breakdown,the first line of the new para is "The two primary uses for Silencer are to distribute advantage and turn meter to TIE Silencer with Surprise Raid ....." shouldn't the first silencer be shuttle instead,or am I missing something? Retribution. Especially with that sweet bonus damage boost from maxing Xanadu’s unique, which can be quite surprising against tanky ships like Hyena Bomber. Finalizer fleets have great potential for the future, since CG has strongly hinted that they plan to release pilotless tank ships for each faction to replace Hound’s Tooth, and First Order is way at the top of the list of likely candidates, next to Resistance. Cassian’s U-Wing and Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter both have better homes in Rebel and Negotiator fleets respectively. The Best Negotiator Fleet (for Offense) follow up! This can allow you to get through Clone Sergeant’s ARC-170, which can block you from getting at Anakin’s Eta-2 depending on turn order and which reinforcements are called first. Shard/Gear Farming Calculator. No: No: No: Confuse: Characters: 1 Stack: Cannot gain buffs. However, once you know what you’re doing, it’s no different than any other lineup. The three pilots for the command shuttle don’t need to be especially powerful, but if you’re facing Negotiator lineups that use BTL-B Y-Wing, you’ll want your Command Shuttle to have at least 135 base speed, as with its speed boost it will have 175 speed and take a turn just before BTL-B, allowing you to ability block the tank and prevent it from taunting before you’re ready. 8. Reinforcements gain Advantage for 2 turns, and First Order reinforcements gain 25% Critical Damage till the end of Battle. However I can see with greater damage output and health FO TIE might be a solid finisher, or be able to take Silencer’s place somewhat if RNG screws you over and Silencer is destroyed. This ability sees the least use in a Finalizer fleet, as the other two special abilities usually have greater usefulness in every situation, The last special ability, Advanced Jamming Array, removes all buffs from target enemy, has a 70% chance to remove 30% turn meter and inflict healing immunity for 2 turns (can’t be evaded), and most importantly: inflicts ability block for 2 turns, which cannot be resisted or evaded. As with the other factors involved, the amount you gain grows as your ability levels get higher. When a First Order ally takes damage, the TIE silencer has a 50% chance to gain Advantage for 2 turns. Until Finalizer is faster than a max Silencer, I don’t advise this matchup (For reference, a 7 star G12 zHux and a 7 star Finalizer OR an R5 zHux with 6E mods and a 5 star Finalizer is faster than an R7 fully maxed TIE Silencer. SWGoH Legendary Character Farming Roadmap Below is a farming roadmap that can be used to see all of the Legendary/Journey/Epic characters, what they require and where they can be farmed. When it first appeared, everyone quickly realized how difficult it was to deal with it and cursed it's name but eventually, tactics and ship lineups were discovered that could deal with it. SWGOH Rank 1 Fleet Meta Report Based on 19236 Fleet Arena Teams. Small bonuses, but when you consider how many times in a battle you’re calling Silencer to assist, the bonus potency is more important than you’d think. Your ideal first reinforcement is to call Ebon Hawk or Cassian’s U-Wing to strip buffs from enemies, meaning removing stealth from Anakin’s Eta-2 and taunt from BTL-B Y-Wing. Championship Offensive Battles Won 1,656. This ship and the correct usage of it are possibly the defining factor for someone who truly understands the First Order fleet faction and someone who has passing familiarity. Do you want to get in touch with the other players on your SWGOH Fleet Arena shard? 228 posts Member. I was able to achieve this with 3x G12 pilots and a few extra G12+ gear pieces, but it could probably be done just as easily with 6E mods instead of gear pieces, and certainly with relic levels. AhnaldT101 Biscuit Weazel Bitcoin BitDynasty Black Mamba Bulldog1205 Clash DoE ColdLogic Gaming CubsFan Han Dark Omega DBofficial125 … Regardless, having one or both of them in your lineup is absolutely essential to the strategy of the fleet. Kylo’s command shuttle is less immediately powerful, but it does make battles against Negotiator fleets a bit easier by removing the immediate impact of reinforcements.