It is very important to establish a functioning website, possibly with a blog feature used as a news service. In other words, you will have to have neutral stands on controversial issues like territorial disputes including those with Palestine, Taiwan and Crimea. Do they have to pass a citizenship test, or abide by certain laws? A Heavy Progressive or Graduated Income Tax. Prohibit targeting civilians. Don’t raise taxes— unless you absolutely have to. Buy an existing country. A family, clan, tribe, sect, cult, etc., are not able to constitute a country––there needs to be more to achieve such a status. You will have hoes-a-plenty, drugs, money, a private jet, an entourage, and no responsibility. If you aren't serious about it, you could turn your house into a country! The Top Ten. Chances are that the local authority won't have any interest in keeping a disputed, resource consuming territory that is otherwise economically/politically unproductive. It's a fundamental obligation for every state (small or large) to be able to defend its citizens from enemies. A constitution is a set of fundamental laws of a country that is used in governing the country. 10 Countries With The Strictest Rules For Its Citizens (In 2020) Countries have strict rules for their citizens to practice social distancing, to avoid seeing friends and family, and to stop going out. “For those who will listen,” Freeman writes, “Cicero still has important lessons to teach. Get your national self (or your official emissaries) out there and involved! In fact, most of the English language is actually based off of Latin and of Germanic languages. Sure, it's crazy—but crazy enough that it might just work! Marcus Tullius Cicero was marginalized in the Roman senate. Make your plans. Greed, bribery, and fraud devour a country from the inside, leaving it weak and vulnerable. Here are ten rules and guidelines former presidents need to follow: 10… 15)No taxes for tourists. This means basically that if the local law force can enter the micronation’s land, arrest and lock up anyone on the declared micronation for such matters as tax evasion or failure to comply with laws, then the micronation is not a country. However, nobody will take you seriously, which translates to the simple truth that you will have no legitimacy as a nation. If you act too seriously, existing governments might see you as a secession movement instead of a country for fun. They protect ordinary citizens and provide consequences to those who break them, providing order so that the country may be stable and not anarchic. Believe it or not, English is one. Some nations, such as Palestine, Taiwan, and Northern Cyprus have all the checkboxes checked—but are still not recognized by many countries. You’ll also want to establish an economy. In the United States, the decision to recognize a nation is made by the President. Countries like Australia and the UK have seen gun-related deaths drop significantly after passing strict laws in the wake of gun massacres in the 1990s. Keep your friends close— and your enemies closer. Every country needs revenue in order to function, but Cicero declares that a primary purpose of a government is to assure that individuals keep what belongs to them, not to redistribute wealth. Flatter worlds such as Facebook (aka Social Media) encourages groups of like-minded people around the world to work together for the common good—as defined by the particular group. It also might be a good idea to also create a Wiki article - there are several micronational wikis for you to use; but don't forget that your nation must be more than a website and an article! 13)No firearms allowed in the country even the Police are not allowed to have access to guns. E.g: futhark. As Cicero says, if leaders don’t have a thorough knowledge of what they are talking about, their speeches will be a silly prattle of empty words and their actions will be dangerously misguided. The world may look at your declaration of independence, and promptly go back to watching a rerun of Star Trek. ADVERTISEMENT. What kind of government and constitution do you want to have? What kind of rule is better? Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great. Yousefi-Nooraie R, Shakiba B, Mortaz-Hejri S (2006) Country development and manuscript selection bias: a review of … The best form of government embraces a balance of powers. Karl Marx's "10 Planks" to seize power and destroy freedom: Abolition of Property in Land and Application of all Rents of Land to Public Purpose. Good thing it’s not really happening. Corruption is not merely a moral evil, but a practical menace that leaves citizens at best disheartened, at worst seething with anger and ripe for revolution. 1. Leaders fail when they take their friends and allies for granted. If a group of Christians were killed, the punishment would be CRAZY; however, if a group of Muslims or Jews were killed, the punishment would be far less severe. 10)Five parties that cooperate with one another controlling Arkadia responsibly. 1) Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people. There are universal laws that govern the conduct of human affairs. Refrain from using more than three colors, and keep the design as simple as possible. Micronations are not real countries unless they have been recognized as such under international law. This gives information on how your article should be structured. Staying away from North Korea may help. This has been attempted in the Comoros, Vanuatu, and the Maldives, but ultimately failed. New citizens bring new energy and ideas to a country. We buy amazing businesses. What does it take to escape from that and encourage creativity? Vicens Q, Bourne PE (2007) Ten simple rules for a successful collaboration. To create this article, 194 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Communism, Facism, Republics, Democracies, Authorotarianism and Fuedalism are all examples of the many different types of government. It lasted from 1832 to 1835, when it was annexed by the U.S. Look for regions that are otherwise unproductive for the local government. While an accomplished orator and lawyer, Cicero’s most important achievement was his political career and writings. To start your own country, get creative with how you want to run your new territory. Doing so is a war crime. 6. 7. The best form of government embraces a balance of powers.. Rome grew from a small village to a mighty empire by welcoming new citizens into its ranks as it spread across the Mediterranean. This article has been viewed 1,397,920 times. 1 Comment. Intolerance is the key to war. For example, you might insult a French man if you use the “Okay” gesture with him. This is perhaps the most difficult step of all. He wrote to a friend: “I used to sit on the deck and hold the rudder of the state in my hands; now there’s scarcely room for me in the bilge.”. “I seem to read the history of all ages and nations in every page — Cicero writes that in politics it is irresponsible to take an unwavering stand when circumstances are always evolving. All societies, associations, organizations, groups, etc need rules and regulations because in the absence of rules, there will be disorder and chaos. If you live near or in Europe, try applying for membership to the European Union as well. Don’t be afraid to reach out to those who oppose you. They have to pay for their rent if needed, so... Every country has to pay a free basic income to all of their citizens. Create industries based on the natural resources of your country. As the American Founding Fathers, careful students of Cicero, wrote in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”. At this point, you might be thinking there's no hope, but we've saved the best for last. I also very much enjoyed Anthony Everitt’s Cicero. Respect is the key to peace. Because if you don’t know the subtleties of the rules that the locals have, you might find yourself in an awkward situation. The Republic of Indian Stream, for example, was founded on land between the U.S. and Canada that was poorly defined in the 1783 Treaty of Paris. Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage. A collective yawn. How to Run a Country: An Ancient Guide for Modern Leaders, a book by Philip Freeman, is a short anthology that provides a small sample of Cicero’s ideas that proves the uses and abuses of power have changed little. Getting people to accept and use new inventions is often even harder. Leaders should be of exceptional character and integrity. 14 Simple Rules For Writing a Country Hit The tunesmiths behind Luke Bryan, Keith Urban, Tim McGraw and more tell all It's not easy, but it's also not impossible, and we'll show you how to do it. The biggest hurdle for a micronation seeking to be seen as independent is gaining recognition of its country status; if the country within which it has declared its independent status fails to recognize the micronation as a country, then it’ll have a hard time convincing other countries to see it as independent. On the other hand, he condemns the concentration of such wealth into the hands of the few and asserts that it is the duty of a country to provide fundamental services and security to its citizens. 3. Among these are: 1. Japan, the developed country with the fewest guns and second-lowest murder rate in the world, has had a law on the books prohibiting the possession of firearms since 1958. This is an unsustainable financial debt, never to be repaid. What can you learn from them? Here are his top 10 rules for leaders who want to make things happen. You are free to declare yourself a country, anytime, and anywhere. Of course the Romans, just like modern nations, believed they could justify any war they wanted to wage, but Cicero at least holds up the ideal that wars begun from greed rather than defense or to protect a country’s honor are inexcusable. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Bask in your victory. Subcutaneous RFID? Anyone can proclaim a plot of land they legally "own" or land that has no claim to ownership over it as independent in numerous jurisdictions without law enforcement descending upon you. Most countries have a standing army that would make short work of a little upstart micronation. If you just want to make a micronation for fun, then you don't have to find your own land. Lastly, try to make your flag memorable and different, but not wacky. You will need to decide what you require of your citizens. Many countries have land that has been abandoned or forgotten rather than unclaimed, and such land would be subject to squatter or abandoned land laws under that country’s jurisdiction (for example, see. As outlined under the Montevideo Convention, a real country has: a permanent population, a government, the ability to enter relations with other countries, and is recognized by other states and is free of intervention from any other country. Get Involved. For United States citizens: if you hold any title in any country other than the U.S, excluding certain countries that allow you to have dual citizenship but including a micronation, you will lose your U.S. citizenship. If you are a part of an ethnic group without their own country, you could try to start a country in the traditional area of your heritage. How Would You Rule A Country. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country. You can also try raising money to institute a strong military or police force. and especially the history of our country for forty years past. It also depends on what kind of government you have: authoritarian, communist, democratic, dictatorship, etc. Canadian English, American English). Has your tax burden become more than you can bear? There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Steps 1. ), to have a government in place and to be recognized by other countries. will not benefit your country and it could be potentially illegal. Beware the leader who sets aside constitutional rules claiming the need for expediency or security. A constitution can also be defined as the set of rules and regulations for governing a country. This is an example of systemic discrimination, and we NEED to have every religion be respected, but intolerated. 2. At the time of his writings, his political influence had declined. Create rules. Tired of the crazy politics and government interference or social permissiveness? What does a country need to be independent? % of people told us that this article helped them. It's much better to just make a treaty and take over that land with a fair and just agreement. You can still use the Test to Release for international travel scheme if you have not been in or through any country that is on the travel ban red list in the 10 days before you arrive in England. Make your own language. If your nation runs afoul of borders, existing treaties, human rights, or other legal protocols, you may receive anything from a knock at the door by Rent-a-Cop Officer Friendly informing you that the "Independent Nation of 1234 N. Raynd Avenue" is in a covenant-controlled community that does not recognize your sovereignty, and that you must to take your flag off the roof or be fined, to an all-out invasion by a United Nations coalition ordering you to stand down and please get into the bullet-proof Mercedes SUV, where you will be whisked off to The Hague to stand trial for crimes against humanity. Pride and stubbornness are luxuries you cannot afford. Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Some of them were established in 1958 following the passing of the Former Presidents Act, and some of them are public duties former presidents need to fulfill as they are still public figures holding civic duties. Write what its name is, The capital (s), State or province names, Language (s). Once you address some of these more creative questions, you may want to establish some rules about defining your territory and relating with other states. A welcome into the community of nations, an invitation to a seat at the UN, and requests for ambassadors and embassies. Be prepared for natural disasters with funds and an action plan.,,,,, The capacity to enter into relations with the other states. Your request will hinge on who occupies the White House at that time, and their policies and preferences may swing wildly every four years. Throughout history many people have ruled countries in different ways. 1 Allow Freedom of Religion Worldwide. When going on a trip, experienced tourists learn information about the etiquette rules and the sights of the country they are going to visit. There are universal laws that govern the conduct of human affairs.. Cicero would never have thought of this concept... 2. Conquer an existing country. Also, membership to the UN requires that none of the five powers US, UK, China, Russia and France veto your membership. You can stick to established currencies or create your own. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. See our Privacy Policy.Farnam Street participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising commissions by linking to Amazon. In 1776, our country voted for freedom from bondage to a ruler, ruling country. For more tips, including where to locate your micronation, keep reading! Give yourself a new name in the local language, like “Rooster Who Gets All the Hens,” and even name your new nation after yourself like Cecil Rhodes did. Even the most noble kings will become tyrants if their reign is unchecked, just as democracy will degrade into mob rule if there are no constraints on popular power. You can combine languages. 4. However, the real issue is that in most cases, the country you’re in. True leaders always put the interest of their nation above their own. To be independent, a country needs, among other things, to have a permanent population (which implies a lot of people with varying classes, status, interests, etc., not just a tribe, grouping of families, etc. The balance of the first ten Articles go on to explain that the existence of a state is independent of recognition by other states, and is free to act on its own behalf—and that no state is free to intervene in the affairs of another. Make a dialect of an existing language (e.g. How do I protect my country from disaster? Right now, it’s illegal for them to vote too, but King Abdullah declared that women will be able to vote and run in the 2015 local elections, as well as be appointed to the Consultative Assembly. There are quite a few different communities out there. The following 10 rules offer a basic guideline to start the process. *** In The Gift of […], If life is a game, how do you play it? 14)Mandatory community vote for development in residential areas. What form of identification will they need—a passport? Compromise is the key to getting things done. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. There is one unusual rule about penguins. The lichen rules applies here as well, as some bird species like to hide their eggs and young in the grass – so beware or you might get dive-bombed by an angry Skua. As Cicero says, governing a country is like steering a ship, especially when the storm winds begin to blow. You will find that ruling a small country is akin to being a rock star. Use this to find like-minded people, and give them good reason to populate your new Republic. A just government must be founded on a system of checks and balances. What about a national anthem and language? Finally, coming up with a state seal with a national motto can help clarify your mission. Learn about your country. Americans do these with actions such as the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1868), and various zoning, school & property taxes. We're Syrus Partners. What has made them successful (or what's made them abject failures)? There are many small island nations dotting the Pacific, and it's unlikely they have much of a defense force. Rule 1: Set a small number of well-designed targets. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where it is illegal for any woman to drive a car. 2) Destabilization, (2-5 years time frame) To create conditions where the tipping points for degrading society occur. Find a loophole. Benchmark a Starting Poin t. Benchmarking, a critical success factor, begins with your company’s strategic objectives. Micronationalism is a hobby and serious thing that includes people from all different backgrounds. Being tolerated by the country within which the micronation has formed is a different matter from being viewed as independent. Never neglect your supporters, but even more important, always make sure you know what your enemies are doing. The Americans borrowed zero from the Arabs. — John Adams on Middleton’s Life of Cicero. That can include transit stops. Study existing and well-established micronations. Try not to follow an aggressive policy with other nations unreasonably. When you arrive in England you need to follow the rules for the highest risk country or territory that you have been in or passed through in the previous 10 days. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. In addition to the traditional territory-based nation, there exists a largely untapped, unregulated, and unexplored territory that is virtually limitless—because it exists only virtually. Look at the Nation Page Guide. It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both. Develop diplomatic relations with other nations to protect you. Be sure you maintain neutral relations with the superpowers. The rules of war, also known as international humanitarian law: Protect those who are not fighting, such as civilians, medical personnel or aid workers. Most of the people follow a simple rule of running from one instance to another instance in a countryside location within a stimulated time on a regular basis.